
Sunday 15 October 2017

2000 AD - September 1979.

Once more reality has let me down. Not only can my internet searches supply me with no information about the contents of the galaxy's greatest comic in September 1979 but I can't unearth anything at all interesting that happened in the real world that month either.

Obviously, when I say, "interesting," I mean interesting to me. For instance, lots of people were killing each other that month because there are lots of people killing each other every month and I suppose that's sort of interesting if you like that kind of thing but, in terms of subjects I'd actually want to discuss on a comics blog, there was nothing.

So, let's take a look at the covers and see if there's anything on them that leaps out at me that's in need of discussion.

No there isn't. I mean, seriously, it's dreadful. Where are the cover blurbs that'd give me something to talk about? It's like they gave no thought to the needs of bloggers when they made these comics.

Reality. No wonder they say it's an educational place to visit but you wouldn't want to live there.

Anyway, all I have to say is that my favourite cover of the batch is the one that features the individual who's going on about Khaos. I don't have a clue who he is - other than that he's in the ABC Warriors' strip - but he looks a lively sort who enjoys his work, and that, at least, I can admire.

2000 AD Prog 128, Judge Dredd

2000 AD Prog 129, Tharg

2000 AD Prog 130, ABC Warriors

2000 AD Prog 131, Judge Dredd

2000 AD Prog 132, Khaos


  1. Come on, Steve - thats Deadlock on that last cover. How can you not have a clue about that?
    This was the real classic era of the ABC Warriors, back when there were seven of them taming a planet, before all the Nemesis crossover nonsense.
    "Spread the Word!" and all that, with brilliant artists like Mike McMahon and Brendan McCarthy.

    I wouldn't want to put money on it or anything, but I think that issue might also have featured the first appearance of Otto Sump in Dredd.


  2. PS I was half expecting a one-off return of Supergirl Sunday for your take on the Maid of Might turning out to be from Sheffield, Steve.


  3. I can only apologise, Sean. I must confess I have no memory at all of Deadlock.

    But what a strange coincidence that that EU Supergirl article uses the word, "Deadlock," on at least two occasions. Truly the comic books Fates are at work tonight.

  4. Thats Khaos for you, Steve.


  5. I remember getting Prog 128 in Wigan. Funny how we remember these things.

    Apocalypse War is one of the best, Ezquerra on form here. There was a recent (well, June) Mega City Book Club podcast on it which went into the details. Well worth a listen.

    Other things I have got in Wigan: my first computer a Commodore 64, Doc Martens and also goalie gloves (the proper sort). Also loads of Marvel back issues in Wigan market - not as good as the market in Preston though.

  6. The first computer I ever owned was a Commodore Vic-20, which was like the Commodore 64's puny little brother.

  7. Vic-20? Kids these days don't know they're born. My mate occasionally let me play on his ZX-81.
