
Tuesday 7 November 2017

The Marvel Lucky Bag - November 1977.

Grab your Time Hats, pilgrims - because it's time once more for me to take a vaguely random look at what some of the less high-profile Marvel titles were up to forty years ago.

Will I have included this month's issue of Dynomutt in my selection?

Will this month's Yogi Bear mag make the cut?

There's only one way to find out.

Avengers King-Size Annual #7, Thanos and Captain Marvel

Ooh look! Judging by the number of people involved and the identity of the villain and the fact it's an annual, this looks like it's a big important issue.

And I have no doubt it is.

Does this mean it's the one where Thanos gets turned into a statue?

Also, I detect Adam Warlock in the background. Does that means this is the one where he begins his brief flirtation with being dead?

And just what role does Captain Marvel get up to in this tale?

Those questions aside, it has a predominantly purple cover, which isn't something you can say every day in the magical world of comics.

Captain Marvel #53, Black Bolt

Speaking of Captain Marvel, this is the one where he teams up with Black Bolt who I seem to remember gets beaten up at one point by a gang of ruffians possibly belonging to some Kree villain or other.

But so noble is he that, even then, he refuses to make a sound, for fear of the harm he might do to them.

I have to admit that if I had the power to destroy people just by speaking, you'd never be able to get me to shut up. Frankly, within a week, there'd be no one but me left on the planet.

Somehow, I can't help feeling I'm not cut out to be a super-hero.

Marvel Comics, The Deep #1

Here's a mystery. I took one look at this cover and wondered if Joe Kubert had any involvement in it, which seemed a bit unlikely, seeing as it's a Marvel production.

Anyway, the usually reliable Grand Comics Database furnishes no answers. It merely lists the penciller as, "?"

It also lists the inker as Tom Palmer but the inks don't look very Tom Palmeresque to me.

So, if you know who produced this cover, feel free to say so.

That aside, I was totally unaware that Marvel had done an adaptation of the watery movie that was in no way an attempt to cash in on the success of Jaws.

Come to think of it, I've never seen the movie either.

However, it's hard to believe it could be up to the standards of Jaws 3-D.

The Defenders #53, Red Guardian

If I remember right, the Defenders spend some time in Namor's undersea realm before it's hit by an earthquake.

When they go to investigate, they uncover a plot by an overambitious Russian, which leads to both he and the Red Guardian getting turned into some sort of hyper-beings.

I can't recall what happens after that but I have no doubt that chins get punched and bad guys get thwarted.

Invaders #22, Asbestos Lady

I admit it. I'm only featuring this issue because it features Asbestos Lady.

Why do I get the feeling she probably didn't have a long career?

Marvel Comics, The Pit and the Pendulum, Marvel Classics Comics #28

Ever ready to raid the vaults of Horror, Marvel Classics Comics gives us its take on Edgar Allan Poe's The Pit and the Pendulum.

I've seen the Vincent Price version of the tale but can recall little of it. I have no doubt it featured plenty of monologues.

Marvel Special Edition, Star Wars #1

It's the sensation that's sweeping the galaxy, as Marvel gives us its adaptation of George Lucas' filmic phenomenon.

All of which is a bit strange as, even as this hit the shelves, their newly launched monthly Star Wars mag was halfway through serialising the thing. Clearly, Star Wars was so popular that Marvel was happy to have two comics on the bookshelf that were directly competing with each other.

Star Wars #5

Speaking of which, the cover of Star Wars #5 is clearly happy to take certain liberties with the movie's plot.


  1. I think this Avengers annual is the story that the Avengers Infinity Stone movie will be based upon. I vaguely recall Thanos wanting to snuff out the stars or something. Seems a bit extreme.

    Is it me or is that Defenders cover reminiscent of the cover on X-men #101, the one where Phoenix first bursts out of the sea.


  2. It had never struck me before but I think you're right. I suspect the Defenders cover really is an homage to that X-Men cover.

  3. Often hard to judge when there isn't much figurework Steve, so I'm not even going to try and hazard a guess about who pencilled that cover for The Deep, but I can't see why you think it wasn't inked by Palmer.
    Not that its anywhere near as good as his inks on Gene Colan's pencils for the Marvel version of Jaws 2, of course...

    Asbestos Lady? Roy Thomas was editor as well as writer on the Invaders, which is the only explanation I can think of for why a writer who came up with a villain called Asbestos Lady to fight the Torch (duh...) wouldn't get the sack on the spot.
    Writers being their own editors is such a conflict of interest.



  4. PS Uh-oh - signed that comment twice. Definitely too late at night to be commenting...

  5. Wow, that's a mystery that Deep cover - I actually think it might be Infantino, but heavily, heavily inked over, not by Palmer though.
    No mystery about the movie by the way - it's crap.

  6. The Star Wars Treasury Edition contains only the first three parts of the six issue adaptation - a second treasury would reprint the other three parts a few months later and then the follow year a bumper sized treasury carried all six parts.

    Although the different formats may have had different appeals, this looks like an early case of a publisher rushing out a reprint of the early parts of a storyline still in progress to catch higher than anticipated demand.

  7. Somehow I recall that the Deep 's most talked about moment was J Bisset au natural?

  8. Sean and Pete, it looks like the origin of that cover is a mystery that will tantalise mankind forever.

    Tim, thanks for the Star Wars info.

    Charlie, I do recall its main claim to fame being that Jacqueline Bisset was in it but I have no knowledge as to what her clothing status was.
