
Thursday 12 April 2018

April 12th, 1978 - Marvel UK, 40 years ago this week.

This week in 1978 was a bit boring. I can find nothing of any interest that happened in it, anywhere in the world. Nor was there anything good on BBC television on the 12th of April. Clearly, denied any kind of stimulation, we were all going to have to take refuge in the contents of our favourite comics.

And, forty years later, I'm going to do it again.

Star Wars Weekly #10

I really don't know what's going on on that cover. Where are they? It's clearly not the Death Star. And why are they all stood in a box?

Whatever's going on, I'm sure there's a good reason for them to be in it and I'm sure that, whatever that reason is, it can only spell curtains for the evil empire.

Rampage #26, the Defenders

The Defenders would appear to be up against a rampaging electric eel monster.

More importantly, the Guardians of the Galaxy have shown up, thanks to being trapped in the present.

With such a development, surely an interplanetary epic can only be just around the corner.

It would appear that the original issue of Giant-Size Defenders from which this tale originated also featured a reprint of Daredevil's very first meeting with Nighthawk, from back in the days before Nighthawk turned good.

It also seems to have featured that Captain Marvel Hostess Twinkies ad in which our hero comes up against Nitro. That was always my favourite Hostess Twinkies ad. I'm not sure what it says about me that I had a favourite Hostess Twinkies ad.

The Complete Fantastic Four #29, Thing vs Thing

My knowledge of this tale is almost non-existent but it would appear that Arkon is still loitering around and  that we get our first sighting of  the legendary Gaard.

Obviously, when I say, "Legendary..."

Mighty World of Marvel #289, Hulk vs The Circus of Crime

It's true! The Hulk is doomed! He's being attacked by the Circus of Crime! What possible hope can the world's mightiest mortal have against two acrobats and a clown?

We all like an optimist but I think the Ringmaster sometimes takes the art of positive thinking a little too far.

Super Spider-Man #270, Brother Power and Sister Sun

Brother Power and Sister Sun are still causing chaos for our web-spinning hero.

What exactly were their powers? I can't remember. I am sort of assuming that they have the power of the sun but wouldn't that mean they'd simply be able to incinerate Spider-Man? A feat they clearly failed to perform.


  1. If my intenal Star Wars clock is acurate the hidden fortress is the rebel base on Yavin 4. I guess when you are chopping up monthly books for weekly magazines not every week is exciting

  2. I am trying to decide if two Things is better than a villain with one eye? Help!

  3. Wasn't the battle that happened with Nitro caused Capt. Marvel's cancer? Doesn't say a lot about Twinkies.

  4. I was always a Ho-Ho or Snowball guy myself.

  5. Ah yes, the Ringmaster.
    A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?
    On the other hand, there is such a thing as being a complete dumbass.
    Go into honest circus work, Ringmaster! Quit bugging the Hulk! There's no money in that!
    Nobody wants to see a bunch of clowns lying on the ground with multiple contusions.


  6. Not sure why but I reread Devil Dinosaur last night by Kirby. Gimme The Dingbats any day. There. I feel better now.

  7. I seem to remember a Hostess ad where aliens were plotting to blow up the Earth because it was worthless, but Captain Mar-Vell changed their minds by giving them Twinkies. I don't remember whether Nitro was involved, though.

  8. Aggy, Charlie, Killdumpster, MP and TC, thanks for your comments.

    From memory, I think Nitro was trying to rob Fort Knox of all its gold but Captain Marvel foiled him. Why Captain Marvel cared about a plot to rob Fort Knox, I have no idea, given that he was a battler of interplanetary menaces, not a law-enforcement agent.

    Then again, I seem to remember that a mountain was involved and, the last I heard, Fort Knox isn't a mountain. So, what was going on there, I have no idea.

  9. It didn't work for Goldfinger and it wouldn't have worked for Nitro!

