
Thursday, 1 August 2019

August 1st, 1979 - Marvel UK, 40 years ago this week.

This night in 1979 saw one of the oddest sporting clashes of all time, as BBC Two broadcast a football match between West Bromwich Albion and the People's Republic of China. As West Bromwich has a population of 78,000 and China is home to 1.4 billion people, this seems a somewhat unlikely fixture.

Admittedly, the game was in 1979 and the respective populations would have been different back then but I suspect that, even in 1979, West Bromwich didn't have a population the size of China's.

Anyway, West Bromwich Albion won 4-0. It's David and Goliath all over again.

But the big news is that, that morning, BBC One was broadcasting The Flashing Blade, a show I have spectacularly fond memories of, despite not being able to remember a thing about it. It's strange how you can love a show whose contents have totally faded from your consciousness.

I do recall there were Iberians in it and horses but that's about the limit of my recollection. Apparently, in today's episode, the Spanish commander holds the Duke responsible for Recci's escape.

I don't know what any of it means but it sounds like the Duke's in trouble.

Star Wars Weekly #75

Speaking of trouble, it looks like we're back in that cantina and it's no friendlier than it was the first time we entered it.

I wonder if the band have learnt a new song yet, or if they're still playing the same tune over and over again.

Elsewhere this issue, the Guardians of the Galaxy are up against that big space frog that eats planets at a voracious rate.

Warlock finds himself in a tale that introduces us to Constable Trueheart.

I say that but I don't have a clue who Constable Trueheart is.

This week's tale of the Watcher informs us of a world whose nearest neighbour is a prison planet - a prison planet which turns out to be Earth!

Hulk Comic #22, the Black Knight

The Hulk's still fighting Diablo the smoke Monster but, no sooner has he sorted him out than he has to deal with Taboo the mud monster.

The Black Knight's gone into some magical kingdom or other to try and bring Captain Britain back from the dead.

Ant-Man and the Wasp complete their first mission together, thanks to getting ants to do all the work for them. I'm pleased to report that neither character comes across as being particularly sane in this tale.

Meanwhile, the Reject's still on the rampage in the Deviants' underwater city.

In the pages of What If?, cured of being the Hulk, Rick Jones teams up with Captain America, then stumbles across those pesky nega-bands that can only mean nothing but trouble.

And I do believe Nick Fury's still tripping on hallucinogens.

Spectacular Spider-Man Weekly #334

Here it is, the start of a brand new era for Marvel UK, as we get the birth of the catchily titled Spectacular Spider-Man Weekly and Marvel Comic. Not only is it a new title but it gives us a walloping nine strips. It's madness! Madness!

In the main strip, Carrion's on the rampage in the ESU library and out to kill Peter Parker, having already clobbered Hector Ayala.

And Reed Richards is on the rampage in Latveria. His powers restored, thanks to Dr Doom launching him into space, Reed launches a one-man attack on that villain's kingdom.

Savage Sword of Conan #22, Marvel UK

I know little of this issue but have no doubt Conan, Red Sonja and Solomon Kane are all up to the sort of thing they're always up to.

I'm pretty sure Jewels of Gwahlur is a Robert E Howard tale and that I've read it. I struggle, however, to recall anything about it.

I know the Red Sonja tales have now reached the Frank Thorne era.

Rampage Magazine #14, the Hulk

I remember this one!

Or at least I remember the X-Men tale. It's that one where the demonic Kierrok's unleashed when Cyclops blows the lid off an obelisk, in a fit of temper over Thunderbird dying.

I do believe this is the tale in which we first learn that Storm has claustrophobia.

I also think it's the tale that introduces us to the X-Men's new housekeeper Moira Mac Taggert, and her machine gun.

As for Dr Strange, I don't have a clue who Xander the Merciless is. I have Googled him. He seems to look a bit like Omega the Unknown.

Starburst Magazine #12, Moonraker

Britain's greatest sci-fi mag looks at probably my least favourite Bond movie - Moonraker. A film so bad that I can't even remember its theme tune.

We also get a look at The Spaceman and King Arthur, which was released in some territories as Unidentified Flying Oddball. I can't help feeling they were right to dump that title.


  1. I remember watching that West Brom vs China match and even remembered it was 4-0 before you told us the score, I do remember useless things.

    I only remember two things about the Flashing Blade. One is that it was a foreign program dubbed over in English. Very badly. The other is that it had a great theme song, which was in English, so wouldn't have been the original theme music.

  2. You've got to fight for want you want dangermash.
    That was how the theme went, wasn't it? (Not including "dangermash", obviously).
    Personally, I blame the West Brom win on the revisionists - that would never have happened under Mao, or the Gang of Four (speaking of whom, I think their first album came around this point).

    Anyway, comics - pretty sure Jewels of Gwahlur was drawn by Dick Giordano Steve, with lots of very noticeable swipes.


  3. "their first album came out... (Duh, typo. Sorry about that)


  4. Yes Sean, that's he one. One of those songs where nobody knows beyond the first line.

  5. The opening credits are onYouTube. Wow. Game Of Thrones would have been so much better if they'd just copied and pasted the Flashing Blade credits at the start of every episode.

    I've even discovered that FB was French, was based on some war between France and Spain and consisted of four 75 minute episodes, which the BBC chopped up into twelve episodes so that U.K. kids could cope with it.

  6. Dangerman! What was the name in French???

  7. Steve, Moonraker did have a redeeming feature: Jaws.
    And Jaws in outer space, no less.
    That makes it worth watching!


  8. Charlie, in French I expect name would be dangersouris.
    Or maybe la souris dangereuse?


  9. Charlie, The Flashing Blade's original title was, "Le Chevalier TempĂȘte."

    MP, but Jaws fell in love and became a good guy -- and spoke. Frankly, my faith in cinema was destroyed by it all.

    Sean, thanks for the Conan info.

  10. Sean - The Dangerous Mouse vs. The Raging/Stormy (?) Knight... Either way, Charlie sees a bunch on Youtube. This will be more fun for Mrs. Charlie, and Charlie, than Leo et Popi.

    IF you guys have any suggestions how to see French TV here, fire away!

  11. B.t.w. Steve - I hope you will ramp up the coverage of the world porridge and conker championships this year!

    I notice the Conker Championships are without a sponsor. I am thinking this is something you could do! Seriously!

    Surely there are an infinite number of slogans / tag lines that would propel views to your site and make you even richer???

    Might I also suggest you use your considerable resources to relocate the championships to Sheffied? I mean, with free bus fare to the championships, it would ramp up attendance for sure!

  12. Jewels Of Gwahlur is indeed a Robert E. Howard story in which Conan discovers a lost city and ends up fighting for his life against some man-apes who are the servants of an evil wizard. Or something. And a scantily-clad wench is involved. I'm embarrassed that I can't give any more details even though I read the story as recently as two years ago. It features in my Conan collection THE COMPLETE CHRONICLES OF CONAN - CENTENARY EDITION.

    Interesting fact about MOONRAKER: the theme song was by Shirley Bassey which was the third time she'd sung the Bond theme song.

  13. puréedangereuse2 August 2019 at 18:15

    Moonraker is like a homage to product placement.

    If you ever watch Dragons Den and laugh at all the notebook, pen and cuff link product placement, you really should check out Moonraker.

  14. Aaaargh, pureedangereuse - can't believe I got your name mixed up with DangerMouse; don't I feel stupid. Apologies. I blame Charlie for confusing me with Dangerman.

    Charlie, surprised you can't get European channels via satellite, or stream programmes online fairly easily. But if thats the case, will Canadian tv not do? They must have channels in French, right?
    Or is Quebecois beneath you...?


  15. Sean - it's a real hash trying to get EUro TV here. Chicago is not close enough to Quebec for aerial broadcasts. Tried for years. Was hoping for something streaming for free.

    BY chance, any of you see the French Netflix Series called "Dix Pourcent" or entitled "Call My Agent." Once you set through the first couple shows it's a good one. So, occasionally US Netflix has German and French Netflix stuff which is cool.

    Babylon Berlin was quite a good one for history buffs.

    I will say to watch them all in the original language with English subtitles. THe dubbing was horrible.

    Tete a Claque on YOutube is freaking hilarious Sean! IT is these 5 - 10 minute shorts that are LMAO out of Quebec. It just skewers American Culture unintentionally I suspect b/c I am reasonably sure there are many similarities between Canada and US culture, TV, etc.

  16. I'm learnin' all kindsa stuff hangin' around here.
    Somebody oughtta sell tickets!


  17. Colin, oh my brother! I had a complete Conan collection also. It was astounding to get it as a Christmas present with Jim Morrision's book of poetry " Lords & the New Creatures". I had ordered both from a bookstore, but forgot. My mom of all people got them for me, but gave them to me off-the-side, so my father didn't see'em. Blew me away.

    Being a self-professed Warlock fan, I can't remember Constable Trueheart either, Steve.

    Ant-Man or not, I'd be more than a big fan of having insects take care of my business.

    Roger Moore is my least favorite "Bond", or at least till the female one comes out.

    Looks like I'm getting off work for the rest of the summer, oh my brothers. My insurance case-worker is a comics fan/biker/horror movie buff, and she bonded with me instantly.

    Not sure how much you folks care, but I've had to get a couple hospital stays these last weeks. To clarify, on my cranium (bad enough for poor jokes). Right now I would dig a Nega-Headband. It would take care of the headaches, and maybe even Sean. Lol!

    Anyway, oh my brothers, today is my birthday. Raising a tasty internet adult-beverage salute would lift my spirits.

  18. Happy birthday, KD (you don't reveal your age) and of course we care about your hospital stays - you're one of the gang at Steve Does Comics. Hope you're feeling better soon :D

  19. KD - Ditto what the rest said! We are all brothers at SDC.

    I am toasting your birthday with a nice French cider, from Normandy, France! (Available at Trader Joe's, ONLY $4 / bottle, and gets my french wife's 100% seal of approval!)

    I'm just happy you're alive, frankly. I mean those could have been your brains laying all over the place from that saw. Having worked in the steel mills several summers during university, I know industrial accidents are "not a joke." Dodged a few bullets myself those summers: decapitation, being crushed, asphyxiation... (One summer we had 5 - 6 guys die from asphyxiation in a pit.)

    KD - maybe you could room with Steve for a while? They have free bus transport in SHeffield and its a hopping music scene! Maybe we can get Human League, Heaven 17, or ABC to "get the band back together" for you!

    Speaking of insects, I just got done with an infection of scabies which are mites! I want you to know that not all insects are "enjoyable!" LOL!

  20. Especially when those mites decide to inhabit the "nether regions" of the body LOL!

    And in desperation I shaved my whole forking body! The doctor thought it was cute. She was cute too. Hmmm....

  21. Too much information Charlie. No offence, but maybe you could have stopped at cheap buses and 80s synth-wonks...?


  22. Happy birthday KD from me too.

  23. Yes, bon anniversaire Kd. And careful with those power tools...


  24. Sean - It's KD's birthday! Let him decide if it is TMI! Anyhow, what't the big deal... she WAS cute! What am I supposed to say? And rich! And actually GOOD as a doctor, for a change!

    The first 3 doctors diagnosed mites as: shingles, virus, shingles or virus. Morons.

    For cryin out loud! They were bugs!

    Anyhow... if KD DOES move in with Steve AND ABC or Heaven 17 get the band together for this occasion, I will personally show up! (I'll be the bald dude.)

  25. Happy birthday, KD!
    You're a member in good standing of whatever the hell this is. I will now lift ten cans of beer in your honor, over the course of the next several hours.
    I remember Constable Trueheart. I think Pip the troll trying to avoid him. Something to do with a space prostitute.
    Yeah, aliens have 'em too.
    Charlie, talking about industrial accidents, I have been nearly electrocuted twice. One of 'em knocked me about five feet backwards. I get nervous changing a light bulb now.
    Fortunately, I sustaainedd noe brane damij.


  26. M.P. you should write a blog or something...! Phenomenal wit!

    I was a member of the International Brotherhood of Electric Workers one summer at Inland Steel. I will stay that out of all the trades I worked with (Steel Workers, Iron Workers, Masons, Teamsters) they were the least offensive, lol. But only because one guy took it upon himself to keep me from killing myself. I still keep him in my prayers.

  27. The problem with being almost-electrocuted is that you don't get super-powers, like Electro. You just lay on the ground vibrating for a while.


  28. It hurts too, doesn't it? I mean, like an infinite amount of pain?

    It's not the same vibrating experience like one of those hotel beds from the 1960s that you put a quarter into?

    What... now that's a blast from the past! The vibrating hotel beds!

    That being said, it was hard to pry that quarter out of my folks. I mean, you could almost buy a gallon of gas or two hot dogs for a quarter! Surely we weren't going to blow it on something as fleeting as 5 minutes on a vibrating bed?

  29. Now I want to follow an M.P.DoesElectricity blog.
    While I save up for the potato peelers I saw on Tetes a Claques last night Charlie - gotta say Canada doesn't seem to be cheap...

