
Sunday 11 July 2021

Forty years ago today - July 1981.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

It's Sunday, the 11th of July, 2021 and a nation holds its breath, as English football balances on the see-saw of History.

Which way will that see-saw tip and who will be sent soaring skywards and who will be sent plunging to the ground to lie there in a crumpled heap of bitter disillusion?

I've no idea.

But I do know what else is History.

And that's the Past.

And you know what lives in the Past?

The following comics do.

Captain America #259, Doctor Octopus

At the request of a concerned father, Cap goes in search of a youth who's run off with a biker gang but Doc Ock turns up, looking to steal Cap's shield, so he might discover the secret of its metal, and a fight breaks out.

One that, it has to be said, lasts a lot less time than Spider-Man's battles with the tentacular terror normally do.

Could it be? Could Captain America be a better fighter than Spidey?

Amazing Spider-Man #218

In a nightmare of gargantuan proportions, the Sandman and Hydro-Man have amalgamated into a huge, brainless monster and, now, an impresario wants to charge people to see it.

The story then unfolds into a duff reenactment of King Kong.

We know it does because the script keeps, laboriously, pointing out that it has.

I'm willing to claim this is not the greatest Spider-Man story of all time.

Daredevil #172, the Kingpin and Bullseye

Now that his wife's dead, the Kingpin's reasserted his control over New York's mobs and hired Bullseye.

But Daredevil's out to put a stop to all of that.

Or is he?

Thor #309

Thor must fly to the rescue when evil property owners take to destroying their own buildings, for the purposes of insurance fraud.

Which wouldn't be that big a deal, except they insist on doing it when the residents are still in the buildings.

I'm pretty sure a recent issue of Captain America featured the exact same premise, except, in that case, the buildings were being destroyed by a man with a flamethrower instead of a flying tank.

X-Men #147, Dr Doom

Having finally escaped Dr Doom's various traps, the X-Men set about putting a stop to his and Arcade's antics.

And you know what? They succeed.

Then, they all, basically, shake hands with each other and go their separate ways, bearing no hard feelings, with Doom and Storm still being a bit flirty with each other.

What is this madness you are inflicting upon us, Claremont?

Avengers #209

I believe a rogue Skrull poses as Jarvis, in order to poison the Beast's girlfriend and blackmail the Avengers into getting some stone or other that does something or other. Judging by its name, it probably resurrects people.

I forget how this tale ends but I'm assuming the Skrull's foiled and the Beast's girlfriend makes a full recovery.

Conan the Barbarian #124

Two underground civilisations are at war with each other, and Conan finds himself leading one of the armies.

Needless to say, his army's triumphant and the battling barbarian causes the death of the rival sorcerers who are behind it all.

Iron Man #148

From what I can recall, some South American bad guys kidnap some of Tony Stark's scientists. So, Iron Man heads right down there to rescue them.

Only to discover the main scientist's on the side of the bad guys and doesn't want to be rescued!

Fantastic Four #232, Diablo

Diablo's back, and out for revenge upon the first family of comics.

To do it, he sets four elementally-powered creations upon the quartet but, as always the do-gooders prove too clever for his cunning connivings.

Incredible Hulk #261, the Absorbing Man

The Absorbing Man's lost his memory, and the Hulk's turned back into Bruce Banner. Now, the two men are stuck on an island together.

But how long can it be before Crusher regains his memory and Bruce is, once more, the green goliath?

In other words, how long can it be before a punch-up breaks out?

Obviously, the answer's, "Not long."

Spectacular Spider-Man #56, Jack O'Lantern

Now, there's a familiar-looking cover.

Having been blown up in his recent fight with Machine Man, Jack O'Lantern wastes no time in getting back on the crime bandwagon and, for reasons that escape me, takes Aunt May's new boyfriend hostage.

But, of course, Spidey's soon to the rescue.

And it turns out Jack has little stomach for a fight.


  1. I don't care who wins tonight so long as I don't have to hear anyone singing about football coming home Steve. On the plus side though, its nice to see the nutters have had to stop whinging about the team being "woke" BLM pawns who hate Britain.

    The notable comic here is obviously FF #232, with the arrival of John Byrne as writer and artist. I know some people are a bit down on his inking, but he hit the ground running and did a really good job of making the FF great again.
    Like Simonson did with Thor a bit later (I've not read #309 so shouldn't really complain, but insurance fraud...? Its not exactly Hela, Galactus, or Mangog, is it?)

    The other highlight is DD #172, with Frank Miller's run a must read. You have to wonder why Marvel didn't just sack the writers on all their comics in the 80s and just let the artists get on with it.


  2. PS On the subject of Frank Miller, much as I like that issue of DD I can't say his cover - or for the Hulk and both Spideys this month - are anything to write home about.

    I do like that John Buscema Conan cover though (even if he has forgotten to draw a comely wench hanging off the hero's leg). It has a pleasing simplicity, and its always nice to see John B inking his stuff.
    Mind you, this was well after my time buying issues of Conan...


  3. It's not a great crop of covers, this month. I think my favourite is the Fantastic Four one.

    Is it a homage to an older cover? Wasn't there a Steranko X-Men cover along the same lines? For that matter, was there also a JSA cover along the same lines? I have vague memories of one, featuring Dr Fate, that was similar.

  4. Yeah, FF #232 is the other good one Steve.
    John Byrne was quite keen on homage covers - X-Men #135 was the first I ever noticed at the time, and he did a couple of riffs on FF#1 in the early 80s too - but #232 doesn't ring any bells for me.
    Fwiw it does seem more like the sort of thing Neal Adams would have done, than Steranko (who's figure perspective was weaker).


  5. In regards to Soccer, I still do not understand if England was just that much weaker than Italy and the second half or if they deliberately played an extremely defensive game. And in regards to conspiracy theories and BLM,I suspect the Internet is going to be very lively tonight in England in that regard… two white guys made their penalty kicks and then the next three black guys Missed giving Italy the victory.

  6. The Euros and Wimbledon are over at last! Rejoice at that news as Maggie once said.

  7. I bought Amazing Spiderman and Captain America off the rack, and subsequently Daredevil and X-men. I recall enjoying all with Daredevil the stand out.

    Those that don't like England or sport can now stop reading.

    I think England were clearly dominant for the entire first half but, classically, didn't extend their lead when on top. I think the midfield lost its dominance when Rice went off for, the ineffectual, Henderson. Italy dominated most of the second half with an equaliser looking increasingly likely. I think Saka was obviously overwhelmed by the occasion in the semi final, and so probably should have been spared game time in this even higher stake game. To then give him the highest pressure penalty (number five) is my only complaint of Southgate, who is now the second most successful England national manager.

    Roll on the world cup, with most of the squad still in their early twenties.


  8. Southgate's "success" will earn him a knighthood in the New Year's honours list no doubt.

  9. Those that don't like England DW...?
    Well, I would suggest not taking what they say seriously, but of course it IS football (;
    Apologies for any offence caused.

    Fwiw I blame Boris Johnson for England not winning - turning up in an England shirt at the Denmark game obviously jinxed things for the team.
    He should stick to cocking up the pandemic and brexit.


  10. UK Guys... I ask this question gingerly, lol...

    SO I have friends in France, Germany, Italy. To the person they all wanted Italy to win. ANd they deluged my WhatsApp mailbox with all kinds of stuff e.g., the ref having a picture of the queen's face on it, to ensure England would win, prior to the game.

    Has this always been or is it perhaps due to Brexit?

    Ahhh well... soccer in Europe and South America is over for like 4 weeks? America does have a league but Chicago Fire are cellar dwellers. We do have baseball. Tour de France?

  11. Steve - what year did you stop reading comics so I know when the "40 years ago" will wrap up? What will replace it? 60 years ago? More "what's on your mind?"

  12. Charlie, I'd completely faded out of reading them by 1984, although I'd mostly faded out of reading them by 1981.

    I think I may abandon the US 40-years-ago posts when I abandon the Marvel UK 40-years-ago posts, next autumn.

    I've no idea what I'll replace the 40-years-ago US posts with.

    I'm afraid I cannot comment on how many people in Europe wanted England to win or lose, or their motivations for it.

    Colin, would Southgate accept a knighthood? I wonder....

    DW and Charlie, I got the feeling Southgate was happy to settle for a 1-0 win and, then, when Italy equalised, was happy to settle for the game going to penalties. It's probably what happens when a former defender's managing the team.

    Having said that, Italy were clearly a better team than England, and had been throughout the tournament.

  13. Steve - Yes... Like the World Cup, England didn't really have to play the heavy hitters on the way to the final (unless you count a weaker Germany). Lots of rationalization also went along explaining performances like the tie with Scotland or the very soft foul for a PK to get a win over Danemark.

    OK - so one more year or so of "Steve Does 40 years ago today." I've marked it down on my paper calendar!

    Would you replace it with a 60 year ago today, maybe being able to crib off your 50 year ago today and throw in some DC? Charleton? Gold Key?

  14. I thought England did well in the tournament, I wish we (Scotland) could get to a final , heck qualifying past the first stage would be great (despite qualifying for 8 World cups and 3 Euros finals we haven’t done that once). Southgate's a good manager and a decent guy (as at re many of the payers) and I loved the fact he didn't get too involved in all the English jingoism that the English press seem to relish indulging in. I doubt England or any European team will win the World Cup in Qatar, the heat will slaughter them and anyway the WC should never have been awarded to them!

    The main thing we can all be united on (and a great thing about football fans despite its tribal allegiances) is the anger all folk feel about the outrageous racist abuse Rashford (a total gem of a human being) Sanchos and Saka (a teenager) got from so called England fans.

  15. Well said McScotty.


  16. Yes, I agree with Paul too.

    Aw, no more 40 Years Ago Today after next autumn Steve?
    Its up to you of course - and well done for keeping it up (ooo-er) as long as you have - but I was looking forward to at least the US monthly one continuing into a period you weren't familiar with at all, where you didn't have a clue what was going on (more so than usual I mean).

    Still, I can see how completely unknown covers might not always lend themselves to typically amusing Steve Does Comics commentary month in month out.
    But maybe a "Random Comics Where I Really Have No Idea Whats Going On" feature - where you try to get your head round various developments like, say, Sue Storm's 90s costume, Superman's mullet, or Rob Liefeld's X-Force from a cover - could be good for a few posts...?


  17. Well said McScotty.

    I don't know that the latin teams will benefit from the heat of Qatar though. I mean, most of the players in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Columbia are likely playing in Europe anyhow more/less year round.

    Perhaps a similar analogy is that the Chicago Bears should dominate games played in Chicago during crappy weather... say below 20 degrees with snow and winds. But there is absolutely no statistical proof to support this. It is a case where "common sense" does not hold up.

    The dudes on Talksport were down in Qatar for last summer's track tournament. They said the air-conditioning system is totally amazing at least for the spectators. Up to like 7 feet high it feels nice and cool. Stand on a chair and poke your head above that 7 foot mark and it is hot as hell. I guess it's a pretty clever system. Very clever.

  18. If I may ask another political question...

    Does Bojo stoke racism like Trump did? I mean, is he saying things like "There are some good racists out there heaping shite on Rashford, Saka, and Sanchos?"

    Also, does your royalty speak out on these things or is mum the word? They just stay above the fray?

    Thanks. Cheers.

  19. Steve, Sean, you guys, I am just now re-watching Yellowbeard on cable for the first time in decades.
    Why is it, when I see the great Graham Chapman in the title role, I am reminded of Boris Johnson?

    Was this film prescient?


  20. Charlie, Boris Johnson is an ideological blancmange. He has a long track record of using racist terms but also makes public pronouncements condemning racism and promoting inclusiveness, in the same way that he spent decades declaring European Union membership to be vital to British interests but also campaigned for us to leave it.

    Due to the need to be seen to be staying out of politics, the Queen will make general speeches about the need for tolerance and unity (at Christmas, for instance) but won't usually make a speech addressing any specific issues.

    MP, sadly, I'm totally unaware of Yellowbeard and can pass no judgement upon it.

    I agree, McScotty.

    I shall see what I can do, Sean. Nothing is set in stone.

  21. CH: I think and hope an African team does well in the WC in Qatar. Saying that the heat may not be that bad as its being played in winter highs of 77 degrees seemingly. But holding it in winter has meant that many domestic leagues have had to change when they start and end to fit into the WC. Even at 77 degrees if Scotland qualify I can just see 11 plus Scots (were not white were opaque) flat out on the park scarlet from the sun and gasping for air.

    I can't understand how Boris (and his sidekick Priti Patel) get away with the things they say. They have caused long term damage especially to race relations in the UK and to the stability of Ireland and NI .

  22. Duh sorry we are no not opaque were "transparent" :)

  23. Paul, my father was Scottish and he wasn't "transparent" - he didn't have ginger hair either or eat deep-fried Mars Bars. Stop pedalling silly stereotypes!

  24. Colin: I never at any point mentioned deep fried Mars bars or ginger hair? the heat think is a well know Scottish (and northern European)footy joke about us playing the heat.
