
Tuesday 16 November 2021

Speak Your Brain! Part XIV. Your Christmas Wish List.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

The Steve Does Comics Megaphone
Image by Tumisu
from Pixabay
As sure as night follows day, Tuesday follows Monday.

And that can only mean one thing.

A nightmarish thing.

That it's all gone freestyle, as I invite you, once again, to decide upon today's tormented topic.

It's true. In an offer too thrilling to resist, the first person to comment, below, sets the starting point for the day's discussion.

It might be on one of a whole range of subjects. It may involve sport, art, films, music, books, fairy tales, fairy lights, myth, magic, murder, mystery, mayhem, sofas, sausages, eggs, whisky, broth, Garth Marenghi, flip-flops, flim-flam, see-saws, flowers, flour, bread bins, bin bags, cola, pancakes, sci-fi, horror, sewage, saunas, Silurians or sandcastles.

It might not involve any of those things.

Only you can decide.

If you're fast enough.


  1. The holidays are a mere 30-ish days away.

    Lets assume we all believe there is some friendly looking old guy who’s gonna come around dropping off gifts in a stocking, in a shoe, under a tree…

    What would you want?

  2. I want an end to war, hunger and pollution everywhere in the world, Charlie.
    And a Steve Does Comics mug.


  3. Charlie, thanks for the topic.

    Not that I'm a terrible human being but it never occurred to me to wish for an end to war, hunger and pollution. Instead, my first thought was to wish for a very own Bat Cave, complete with nuclear reactor, and a replica of the Baxter Building, complete with its own ICBM launcher.

    Sean, I think everyone wants a Steve Does Comics mug. I hear they're going to be the Tracy Island of 2021.

  4. I've decided to pre-empt Santa by buying my own presents. I recently bought a new Samsung tablet (which I'm using at this very moment) plus the new ABBA 'Voyage' album (which is excellent so ignore any critics who say otherwise) and this very morning I bought the DVD of 'Old' which is the latest film by M. Night Shyamalan (it's had positive reviews so I'm hopeful) and a 2022 calendar of "British Birds".

  5. In no particular order, I'd like:

    -to be able to put socks on without cursing my flexibility.
    -politicians that put their country's needs before their own.
    -Twin Peaks season 4.
    -a new Smiths' album.
    -Big Numbers #4.
    -a 1962 Penfolds Bin 60A

    I'm not holding my breath...


  6. Man DW - Can you taste that $11,500 worth in the 1962 Penfolds Bin 60A? Just curious...

    If we are going all imaginary, then I wish some time shifting person would somehow add another year, like 1967.1 or something so that we could have another year of Marvel Mania comics... Romita, Kirby, Colan, Heck, (too early for Buscema and Steranko?)

    Oh. And world peace and pollution and climate warming and...

    That said I think I would like the "Batman and Spirit" book that Redartz and others mentioned a few weeks ago. Sounds like a fun read.

  7. Charlie

    Sadly I've never tried a 1962 (or any vintage) Bin 60A, and suspect I never will. I have had a couple of Penfold's Grange and Bin 707s, which were absolutely brilliant but never worth the price (I'd rather have 10 bottles of Penfold's bin 389 than 1 bottle of Grange).

    Yep I went all imaginary although the wine, in theory, could be purchased should I win the lotto. Of course then I'd have to tell the wife...


  8. OK Santa, how about a worldwide wave of cooperation and goodwill? And a reversal of global warming.

    If that's too much, I'll take that ABBA Voyage cd that Colin named, and perhaps a new laptop.

    Colin- which Samsung tablet did you choose? I've been quite pleased with my Galaxy Tab S3. A few years old, but a great unit.

    Charlie- I hope you find that Batman/Spirit book in your stocking. Or maybe wrapped in a box, hate to see it get spine roll cramming it into a sock...

  9. Well DW, back in the day for quite a while there I was hoping for a Big Numbers #3, so you never know...
    Wishful thinking or what, eh?

    Steve, are you sure your supply chain can meet the public demand for Steve Does Comics mugs?
    I hear that even if Boris Johnson doesn't cancel Xmas again, there might be no presents anyway (apparently the British took back control of a lot of the jobs stolen by foreigners, so now theres no-one doing them).


  10. Sean


    I'm assuming you also acquired the reconstructed Big Numbers #3 that circulated a decade or so ago. For the uninitiated, It was actually a complete set of photocopies (and nowhere near fist generation copies, sadly) that someone lettered from a copy of the original script. So my fantasy wish is the first Al Columbia issue (#4), the artwork of which was either destroyed by the artist, destroyed by flood or sold off to some private collector, depending on your source of gossip. My personal theory is that Columbia was paid upfront for the issue and simply never got around to drawing the pages in the first place.

    If I do manage to win several million on the lotto, I'll offer Moore and Billy the Sink a preposterous amount to recommence work on the series. Once they inevitably refuse, perhaps I'll simply buy a bottle of the the Bin 60A and drink it from s Steve Does Comics mug.

    All regulars invited to participate ;-)


  11. I'd be surprised if that isn't right about Al Columbia taking the money upfront, DW.

    As it happens, the Sink has actually said in recent(ish) interviews that he'd be up for finishing Big Numbers. But of course thats easy to say when you know theres no chance of it happening.
    If you win the lottery though give it a go - Moore might appreciate the opportunity to turn down a preposterous amount of money.


  12. For Christmas, I'll watch 'The Selfish Giant' on the internet.

    For me, that cartoon's a staple of childhood Christmases.

    DW - The putting on socks/flexibility problem affects me, too!


  13. If I can’t get that candy-flake red Schwinn 3-speed Stingray for Christmas, I’ll settle for guaranteed mental and physical wellness for my family. Kidding aside, I’d rather have that than World Peace, selfish bastard that I am. The health, not the bicycle.


  14. Well fantasy (mostly) unselfish wishes would be:

    I’d love for the UK press to stop being so aggressive and one sided (regardless of right or left wing bias) and report the truth for a change - stop stoking the fires

    An end to the endless drivel of reality shows that are proliferating TV (Love Island type stuff)

    Scotland to win the World Cup (I did say it was fantasy)

    An end to the conspiracy theory epidemic that directly affects people lives (i.e. not UFOs etc but anti vaccine, fake news etc)

    And end to bigotry in all forms – seriously its 2021!

    Proper selfish Christmas wishes (mostly) within reason::

    A copy of the new David Bowie previously unreleased “Toy” album on vinyl.

    Bruce Timm to complete a new series of the Justice League animated TV show

    That Batman- Spirit book as well CH

    To be able to get back into a size 30 waist jeans - getting there slowly)

  15. Santa - Seems like you needs to load up yo stocking with a few Batman - Spirit comics!

    Charlie checked on ebay and they seem to be going for $5 - $10 and are plentiful!

    To save money I recommend you just hope in your sleigh and do a pickup vs. paying for postage!

    Also, I think the way you treated Rudolph was absolute garbage. You and Donner can go suck an egg. But Charlie is easily bought and paid for, so if you bring me an entire run of Eisner's Spirit sections from the 40s, in mint condition natch, I'll ignore your bigoted behavior.

  16. Another "1967.1 year". What a great idea Charlie! 12 months with new titles from the old masters. I would be more thrilled to wait for the next Fantastic Four comic by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby every month, than for every new TV-Show or movie coming out in 2022.

  17. Paul

    30" waist? That's impressive!


  18. Not there yet DW a wee bit to go but slowly losing the lockdown weight I put on even if I get back to a 32 waist I'll be happy ( nearly there)

  19. Paul, I'm a 36" waist but I'm 6' 1" tall so it all balances out :D

    Do you still care about the UK press? Their sales are plummeting and they are more and more irrelevant.

    Red, my tablet is a Tab A7 - I wanted something not more than £300 and it cost £280.

  20. Chim - I could not agree more! Imagine more:

    Kirby - FF, Thor, Captain America
    Romita - Spidey
    Colan - Iron Man and Subby and Daredevil
    Heck - Avengers

    Who had Hulk?

  21. Colin - I'm also 36" & 6'1"!


  22. Hulk in 1967 didn't have his own comic, but was printed in Tales to Astonish together with the Submariner.

    Pencilers in 1967 were Gil Kane and mostly Marie Severin.

    Herb Trimpe started as Hulk inker for Marie Severin.

    Bill Everett was doing a lot of Submariner that year.

    Tales to Astonish ended with no. 101 in Dec 1967.

    In January 1968 Hulk got his own magazine back with Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #102.

    In May 1968 Narmor got his Sub-Mariner #1 (some of my favorite John Buscema work here, especially #7 and #8 when he battled The Thing and John showed, that he would also be a good FF penciler).

  23. I'm only 5 foot 8 (and a half, it all counts lol) Colin so as you say it balances out.

    That's a shame UK press sales are still dropping Colin, I can't say I pick up many ( well any) UK comics like Marvel reprints and although they are a good value deal they cost too much and
    the contents are too recent to interest me. Very occasionally I pick up 2000AD or those specials Rebellion publish like Monster Fun . Apart from that my only regularish UK purchase is Fortean Time, Imagine FX and the occasional music mag looking at 70 or 80s music or a favourite artist if mine
