
Saturday 25 December 2021

The 1982 UK Marvel annuals for 1981.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

Ho ho ho, little children! Santa Steve's smashed his way out of your fireplace and he's about to fling a whole heap of annuals at the foot of your Christmas tree!

But, first, he needs to find out what's on TV, today, December the 25th of December, 1981.

In all honesty, there's nothing that could be called outstanding. It's the usual mix of sitcoms, family entertainment, and much-loved presenters who'll later turn out to be psychopaths, sociopaths and malignant narcissists.

However, should you wish to investigate the topic further, this is the 1981 Christmas Day schedule for BBC One.

This is the accompanying schedule for BBC Two.

And, for the ITV Christmas schedules, you can click right here.

Captain America Collector's Edition, 1981/1982

This seems a familiar sight. Mostly because I've already covered it in a long-ago post.

It seems that, despite being labelled a Collector's Edition, Marvel UK is marketing it as an annual.

It features the whole of Jim Steranko's run on the Captain America strip, as Cap gets nagged into hiring Rick Jones as the new Bucky. An experience Cap enjoys so much, the saga culminates in him deciding to fake his own death.

In between those two events, of course, there's an epoch-making battle to be had with the forces of Hydra and their whip-wielding female boss who'll wear any colour, so long as it's green.

X-Men Collector's Edition, 1981/1982

Meanwhile, the above book's sibling gives us a whole heap of Neal Adams goodness.

In its first tale, the titanic teens must deal with the Living Pharaoh becoming the Living Monolith.

Then they must needs stop the Sentinels from merrily rounding up the world's mutants and bumping them all off.

It's clearly not going to be a merry Christmas for that particular super-team.

Spider-Man Annual, 1981/1982

There's no controversy over whether this one's an annual or not. It even says it is on the Paul Neary drawn cover.

The book's dominated by The Wings of the Vulture! in which Blackie Drago takes over from Adrian Toomes as the Vulture and decides to prove himself by beating-up Spider-Man.

And, just to make matters worse, Kraven the Hunter shows up, as well.

We also get a ten-page text story called The Electric Sting. I don't know anything about it but, given its title, I'm going to assume the villain of the piece is either Electro or the Scorpion.

Hulk Annual, 1981/1982

Despite no longer having a weekly comic, the Hulk gets his own annual - and it sees him join forces with the mighty Mogol, as the pair assist Tyrannus in his struggle with the Mole Man.

It's all going swimmingly until the Hulk discovers his new friend's a robot and decides to murder him.

After that, we get a five-page text story called A Hostage for the Hulk.

Next up, the Leader resurrects the Glob and sends him off to pick a fight with our hero.

That's followed by another five-page text story, this time called Caged.

And, finally, Jade Jaws must tangle with Warlord Kaa the living shadow in a tale reprinted from Incredible Hulk #184.

Worzel Gummidge Annual, 1981/1982

But it's not only Marvel's comic book heroes who get special treatment this year. So do its stars of stage and screen.

And so it is that we get the book we've all been dreaming of, in The Worzel Gummidge Annual.

I could tell you what happens in it but I really can't be bothered.

Plus, I don't actually know what happens in it.

Probably, Galactus shows up and Worzel has to become his herald.

The Empire Strikes Back Annual, 1981/1982

Star The Empire Strikes Back Wars gets its second annual and does so with an Archie Goodwin, Al Williamson, Tom Palmer and Walt Simonson tale called The Crimson Forever which is followed by a Chewbacca-centered adventure called Rage in the Red Nebula.

For Your Eyes Only Annual, 1981/1982

Holy shaken-and-not-stirred, Batman! Even James Bond is granted a Marvel hardback!

And I'm going to make an inspired guess that it adapts that classic film For Your 007 Eyes Only.

It also gives us a feature on the many foes of James Bond, and one about the stunts that have made his films the legends they are.

Starburst Annual, 1981/1982

It's not an obvious publication to be granted an annual but so annual-happy is Marvel UK, right now, that we get one anyway.

In its 64 pages, Starburst supplies us with features about Saturday morning movie serials, famous robots, famous aliens, famous spaceships, fantasy females and famous monsters.

And, yes, it does feature Caroline Munro, because Starburst always features Caroline Munro.

Raiders of the Lost Ark Annual, 1981/1982

And, just to make sure Indiana Jones doesn't feel overshadowed by James Bond, he too gets his own book, which I have it on good authority adapts the movie of the same name.

So, with all that wrapped up, all that's left is for me to wish you a happy Christmas and that all your wishes come true.

Especially if you're wishing that I was a billionaire.

Merry Christmas to you all. :)


  1. The only standouts from the 1981 Christmas TV schedules are 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' and 'Uproar In Heaven' on BBC2 and 'Jason & The Argonauts' on ITV. I don't remember 'Uproar In Heaven' at all but apparently it was an animated Chinese film about the adventures of Monkey before the events of the TV series. The rest of the schedules were the usual dross - am I the only one who couldn't stand 'Last Of The Summer Wine'?

    Steve, I should have asked this question months ago but are you impressed by the new-look BBC Genome?

  2. Good news, Charlie - 'Run Rudolph Run' by Chuck Berry (not Keith Richards) is at #74 in the UK Top 100.

    Even Greg Lake's 'I Believe In Father Christmas' has scraped in at #92, hurrah!

  3. Well, well, Steve you sneaked in another post in the early hours, like a cheeky northern Santa.
    Actually, thinking about it, I suppose Santa is a northerner. Ey-up, ho ho ho...

    See, I told you the Cap and X-Men collector editions were that years annuals!

    Anyway, even though the solstice was a few days ago, seasons greetings to you and the rest of the Steve Does Comics massive.
    Nollaig shona dhaoibh!


  4. PS I did have a quick look at the tv listings, but didn't get any further than Jim'll Fix It.
    Thats quite enough of old British celebs for me at this hour thank you very much...


  5. Imcan'5 work,out whether these comments fare from people staying up really late or waking up really early. Me, I'm wide awake at 5am waiting for the (age 18-23j kids to wake up.

  6. Awesome! THE QUEEN was on BBC 1 at 15:00!

    I am perplexed you did not mentioned this Steve!

    I do note that Charlie Brown Xmas is on at 15:10 on BBC 2. I wonder if that is intentional to let folks watch a good 10 minutes of THE QUEEN?

    B.t.w. that Charlie Brown Xmas sound track still gets a TON of airplay here in the USA. And even at 60 years old, it still brings a tear to old Charlie and pretty much most folks watching it.

    They even started selling Charlie Brown xmas trees at Trader Joe's. About 2 feet tall, thin... I had one last year. No space this year.

  7. One for Charlie. From about 0:50 to 1:00

  8. Charlie, why do you care what the Queen says? She never says anything remotely interesting or important anyway, just the same bland platitudes every year which are treated like the wisdom of Solomon by sycophantic royalists. Only hardcore monarchists listen to the Queen's Christmas message nowadays - and poor Steve who is now obliged to watch on your behalf, Charlie.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. That guy from that cover of Worzel Cummidge looks a lot like the lead singer from Slade.
    I'm beginning to think that the English are unmatched in their sense of whimsy.


  11. Steve - A pleasant surprise, those annuals popping up, for Christmas morning! Thanks.

    Charlie & Redartz - Thanks for clarifying when Americans do & do not open their Christmas presents. I think it was a generalization I got told in my youth, which unfortunately stuck.

    On my blood pressure chart from the doctors I'm filling out, I'm consistently scoring well above 140, with the blood pressure monitor the surgery's lent me - so it looks like blood pressure tablets for me, next year. I ordered a super cheapo monitor, from e-bay, which arrived a couple of days ago, and that got me one lower reading. Maybe I could claim the surgery monitor is malfunctioning!

    Apologies - hardly a Christmas topic!

    Colin - I think the Sausage rolls song edged it, because the proceeds were going to charity (the Trussell Trust).

    M.P. - I was a latecomer to Slade. The first Slade song I dug was "Run, Run Away", in the mid-80s. I only realized their Christmas masterpiece was a Slade song years later.


  12. How are you even able to get seen by a doctor for a check up at the moment, Phillip? I assume as a cost conscious Stalinist you're not paying for one...

    Apparently Ladbaby were a bit dismissive of **** & the Gang, and in turn the mischievous Essex rascals hit back questioning how much of the Sausage Roll money actually goes to the trust -


  13. Phil, sorry about your blood pressure news - my father developed high blood pressure (in his 60s) so I might too I suppose. I haven't had the best of mornings either - I've been feeling dizzy and nauseous and I've been vomiting but I feel a bit better now. Perhaps my choice of breakfast caused it - brioche rolls with brie filling, a Cornish pasty and a chocolate Father Christmas. I might skip dinner though - it's only tinned chicken in white sauce and tinned peas.

  14. Sean - I haven't seen an actual doctor, but a nurse(s) - for my annual check up - then repeated blood pressure checks, it not being so good. I think Uncle Joe was a terrible man. I'm certainly not paying, though - being a bit of a cheapskate/commie-type, I don't look forward to paying for anything. At least it's not like the USA, where health cost are much, much greater. Although I may be wrong - Charlie & Redartz feel free to enlighten me, if this is another generalization!

    Thanks, Colin - I'm starting to get used to the idea. Hope your stomach settles. Like you say, it's maybe too many different things at once. I've been scoffing Matchmakers, so I'm not hungry for lunch.


  15. MP - The lead singer for Slade, the lead singer for Hocus Pocus, Catweazle, and Worzel Cummidge... I think they all bear a striking resemblance!

  16. Danger Mash - The QUEEN has a dog, has she??? LOL! Thanks for sharing mate!

  17. Phillip - Regarding American health care: It is excellent if you can afford it!!!

  18. Nice to see Sir Paul cracking the top 20 of the UK charts with "Wonderful Christmas Time!"

    For you Beatles fans (who isn't???) the Lyrics book recently released by Paul is absolutely fab! I got if for me son for Xmas and he hasn't put it down except to bang out Beatles tunes on the guitar or piano.

    And for you John fans, I have to say that I've never, ever, ever, heard "So this is Xmas" played by so many artists over the airwaves, as this year!!! (Radio, TV, Stores, the city center's speakers... EVERYWHERE!) Perhaps b/c it is 50 years old this month? IMAGINE getting a lot of airplay too; 50 years old as well this past month.

  19. Don't know about the queen's message but the Baileys and vienetta is out at 15:34

  20. Charlie, I don't understand your sudden obsession with the Queen but you'll no doubt be fascinated to learn that she owns a number of Corgi dogs.

  21. Pray tell… vienetta?

    Colin… charlie is a nostalgic dude… a post WW2 cold-war soldier… a sucker for “the good cause”…

    So the UK, the King/ Queen, spitfires, the defense of Tobruk, Utah Omaha Juno Gold Sword… Cornelius Ryan,… its part of my imagination. So I am curious… especially since your queen got headlines here for today’s message!

  22. Chalrie had Corgi cars as a kid! Very uncommon here in the 1960s! So i do have something in common with your Majesty the QUEEN!!!

  23. I had the Spidey and Hulk annuals. I love the Mogol story, a tragic ending for the Hulk in it though.

    That story with Spidey vs Blackie Drago, incidentally, has him catching a virus despite wearing a mask. Hmmm...

  24. Who isn't a Beatles fan? Me.
    But if it helps I have a few Yoko ono records that I like.

    Ok, I'll get my coat...


  25. I wish you a speedy recovery, Colin and Phillip.

    Colin, the layout change to Genome annoyed me at first but I've got used to it now.

    Charlie, pray for me. I'm about to watch the Queen's Speech.

  26. I've now watched the Queen's Speech. It was a lot shorter than I'd expected, with nearly half the running time taken up by a choir who looked too happy for my liking.

    It was interesting to see that, although I watched it on the BBC, it was produced by ITV.

    It contained nothing controversial and was mostly about Prince Phillip and his pet projects. The more controversial elements of his life were, inevitably, not touched upon.

  27. Did you stand through the speech Steve?


  28. Apropos of nothing, what are you guys' favourite ridiculous comic villains names? Mr Fish? Peeper? Dr Zaxton Regulus or something else?

    I am very fond of the name of obscure Romita-era FF baddie Dr Zoltan Rambow.

  29. Colin and Philip: take care of yourselves, pals.

    Charlie: I had exactly one Corgi toy car when I was little — a miniature Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It was pretty cool, extendable wings and everything. Otherwise, we had to make do with plain old Matchbox and Hot Wheels and Jonny Lightning cars (I’m not complaining, I LOVED those things).

    Charlie, Sean, and Beatles fans and haters : this was the year I finally realized John’s ‘And So This Is Christmas’ is a total bummer. And, yes, I’ve heard at least two covers this season, too, neither one any more up-lifting than the original. Paul’s ‘Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time’ is goofy and borderline insipid but at least it isn’t depressing.

    And while I’m in Scrooge Mode: I can’t take that Vince Guaraldi ‘Christmas Time’ track anymore. It’s beautiful but just too sad. And that new Ed Sheeran/Elton John song is kind of a drag too. Mariah Carey and Christina Aguilera ‘over-souling’ the tar out of any Xmas tune is an instant ‘Switch Channels!’ for me. Bah, humbug.

    Perversely, Wham’s ‘Last Christmas’ is one that I actually ENJOY ‘hate-listening’ to. This year, I heard two different covers of it — one by Taylor Swift and another by some band I didn’t recognize. But Wham’s original is still the ‘best’.

    Karla Bonoff, Dean Martin and Nat King Cole were in heavy rotation on our local ‘All Xmas Music’ radio channel this season. Trans Siberian Orchestra, I’ve heard just once. Eartha Kitt and Brenda Lee, just once each. Burl Ives, twice. Must have heard five different versions of ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ in the past week. And I think I’ve determined that Andy Williams is my all-time favorite Christmas Music artist. The man could do no wrong.


  30. Vienetta? It's like an ice cream block!s with some really thin chocolate layers going through it.

  31. I heard a bit of the Queen's Xmas message on the news and she mentioned how Prince Philip was supposedly passionate about the environment - but he was regularly shooting birds out of the sky which doesn't sound very environmental to me!

  32. Well, Colin, at least they ain't hunting foxes anymore.
    ...Please tell me they're not doing that anymore.
    What was it Oscar Wilde said about that?
    "The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable."
    Our dipshit governor likes to shoot pheasants. But to her it ain't about food, it's a photo-op.


  33. MP, fox hunting was made illegal in the UK in 2005.

  34. Colin and Phillip- best wishes to you both. And Phillip, all I can say about US healthcare is that I've a stack of medical bills that I am paying on each month, on top of insurance premiums that require a sky high deductible. Ah, but don't get me Charlie mentioned, the care itself is great!

    B.t.- enjoyed your dissertation on Christmas tunes! I'll be playing a few more tonight before shelving the holiday discs away for another year. Probably will finish off with Mannheim Steamroller...

    Hope everyone has had a fine Christmas!

  35. Red - Merry Xmas

    Dave S. - But for the Rhino, off hand, I can't think of any animal-named villains I liked. Not even Porcupine or Jaguar, lol.

    b.t. - Is our bro-mance over on Xmas, LOL? I do admit this is the first year in a looong time that my passion for "War is Over" went into over drive. Heard John Legend's version on the radio driving home from my folks tonight! And oddly, my Corgi was the fastest car on the block!

    Steve - I thank you for the briefing on the QUEEN's message. Sounds like it was worthy of the headlines!

    Colin - I am now, sort of , checking the UK top 100. I am bemused to see so many Elton John Xmas songs in the top 25 or so.

    DM - We chowed down on Xmas cookies for dessert today and "some home made (organic!) pumpkin pie!"

    M.P. - I was watching a french DVD last night. It was called "Love at First Fight." It is billed as a rom-com. But the young lady gets deathly ill from eating a fox they captured and cooked on a spit! Is that a coincidence or what???

  36. Yeah, they are still hunting foxes M.P.
    Its supposed to be illegal in Britain - not the UK, as the law doesn't cover the north Irish six counties - but theres little in the way of real enforcement.


  37. Dave, haven't had much time to think about villains, but off the top of my head what about Jack Kirby's Paranex the Fighting Fetus?


  38. Red, Christmas ends at Epiphany on January 6th so you don't need to shelve your holiday CDs just yet!!

    Please don't say you take down your Christmas decorations on December 26th?!?

  39. Charlie, I counted 64 Christmas songs in the current UK Top 100. SIXTY FOUR.

  40. Too right, Colin! Xmas tree, outdoor lights, Santa music box, advent calendar etc — it’s all staying up until New Year’s at least, in our house.


  41. Colin- fear not! We always leave the decorations up until New Year's! As for the music, By Dec. 26 I'm generally ready to shelve it. My workplace plays it all day from Thanksgiving to Christmas, so I hear it 8 hours a day, five days a week (plus while shopping, and my personal listening). Hence I'm pretty much ready for the normal non- holiday musical fare to return...

    Charlie- what about the Lizard? Surely you can't have forgotten the ever appealing alter ego of Dr. Curt Connors? Personally I'd take him over the Rhino any day. Nothing against the Rhino; he's cool too...

  42. Thanks for all your comments, everyone.

    I should point out there's no post today because this is basically the Sunday post moved forward a day in honour of the date.

    Dave, my favourite useless super-villain name will always be Paste Pot Pete.

  43. The Masked Marauder & The Cowled Commander.


  44. For Charlie, courtesy of Sky News:


  45. Must admit I've never heard of Paranex the Fighting Fetus! A couple of other dumb supervillain names I love; the Living Eraser and Turner D Century.

  46. I go with Steve... Paste Pot Pete was the lamest name and perhaps villain.

    Only Kirby could pull it off: a dude who looked like he used to work in a pizzeria with a caulk gun for a weapon!

    Now if PPP were to ride a motorcycle like the Stuntmaster he clearly could have taken on the Avengers!

  47. Phillip

    Thanks for the link to the QUEEN'S speech. I read most, not all. I was excited to see they provided a link to her 10 most memorable xmas messages. I have pasted it below!

  48. HELP!

    I am watching a bit of Captain Marvel movie on the TV but not too closely...

    Are not the Skrulls bad guys and the Kree good guys from our comic reading days?

    As I glance at the movie it seems the Skrull are good and Kree bad?

  49. The Queen's 10 most "memorable" Christmas messages...really?

    Sounds like a total snoozefest but enjoy yourself, Charlie!

  50. Dave, Paranex was from Kirby's Captain Victory, which - being non-Marvel/DC - some might consider cheating a bit. But its so strange I can never resist bringing it up in this kind of list conversation.

    Turner D Century was a good one (or rather, not a good one if you see what I mean).
    What about - Kirby again - Granny Goodness?
    And then theres Oswald Cobblepot, the Penguin...


  51. What about Lady Stilt Man from Spider-Man for a daft name. And who can forget Polka Dot Man and Crazy Quilt from Batman's rouges gallery.

  52. Oh and who could forget Animal vegetable mineral man from Doom Patrol
