
Tuesday 21 June 2022

Speak Your Brain! Part XXX. Pop, Eggs and Garth Marenghi.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

The Steve Does Comics Megaphone
Image by Tumisu
from Pixabay
Once more, a Tuesday has flung itself upon us.

And so has the second half of a month.

As all scientists know, when combined, those two elements can only create the return of the feature the whole world has learnt to fear.

It's the one in which the first person to comment gets to decide what the rest of us get to discuss.

But what might it be? Might it be art, films, flans, plans, books, bagels, cooks, nooks, crooks, pixies, rocks, music, mucous, fairy tales, fairy lights, Fairy Liquid, fairy cakes, Eccles cakes, myth, moths, maths, magic, tragedy, comedy, dromedaries, murder, larders, Ladas, mystery, mayhem, molluscs, Moorcock, May Day, mangoes, bongoes, drongoes, bingo, Ringo, Pingu, Ringu, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Doris Day, Marvin Gaye, the Equinox, parallelograms, pomegranates, sofas, eggs, pegs, legs, dregs, sodas, sausages, eggs, whisky, broth, Bath, baths, Garth Marenghi, Garth Brooks, Garth Crooks, Bruno Brookes, Bruno Mars, Mars Bars, wine bars, flip-flops, flim-flam, flapjacks, backpacks, see-saws, jigsaws, dominoes, draft excluders, dunderheads, flowerpots, flour pots, bread bins, bin bags, body bags, body horror, shoddy horror, doggy bags, bean bags, coal sacks, cola, cocoa, pancakes, pizzas, baking soda, sci-fi, Wi-Fi, Hi-Fi, sewage, saunas, suet, Silurians, Sontarans, Sea Devils, sins, suns, sans, sense, sludge, slumps, sunshine, slime, soup or sandcastles?

It might possibly be.

But, then again, it might impossibly be...


  1. Looking at Steve's list of possible subjects, why not talk about Soda Pop and Eggs?

    What's your favorite soda pop?

    How do you like your eggs?

    Extra for experts:

    Assuming you drink soda pops, what do you usually accompany them with?

    Assuming you eat eggs for breakfast occasionally, what do you eat them with?

  2. Charlie has read green eggs and ham numerous times. His most favorite rendition was done by the Reverend Jesse Jackson on SNL.

    For your artistic and cultural pleasure may I present it with the link below? This may have been the most famous SNL ever as I think Michael Jordan was on it? Also may have been "da bears / da bulls" skits.

    For the record: I've never had green eggs and ham.

  3. Eggs:
    Favorite: Fried, ‘Over Easy’ or ‘Sunny Side Up’, with a side of buttered toast to soak up the yolk. Also, hardboiled, devilled, poached, scrambled, omelets, etc. — all acceptable.

    Soda Pop:
    Gave up sugary drinks about ten years ago as part of an effort to control my weight. Have switched to Zero Calorie, Zero Sugar ‘Naturally Essenced’ Sparkling Water drinks. The missus and I have sampled lots of different brands and flavors — there are three flavors of La Croix that we both like: Apricot, Tangerine and Passionfruit.

    Back when I drank actual soda pop, plain ol’ Coca-Cola was my poison of choice. Also drank Dr. Pepper, Root Beer (A&W or Mug), Vernor’s Ginger Ale, the occasional Cream Soda. They mostly taste crazy sweet to me now. On the rare occasions that I eat at El Pollo Loco, I’ll usually get a medium Coke and squeeze two or three lemons into it, for old times’ sake.


  4. In Scotland we call soda pop "ginger" . I don't drink soda now ( it's tooth rot) unless its in a vodka ( liver rot) etc. When I did drink soda I drank Irn Bru, a Scottish carbonated drinks - Scotland is one of the very few areas where Coke or Pepsi are not the best selling soft drink. I also used to drink the odd Cije and ginger beer.

    I like poached eggs on avocado toast ( I dead posh me) French toast and scrambled eggs, not so keen on fried eggs.

  5. Avacado toast - oooh, get you Paul.

    Don't you metropolitan elitists in Scotland have a sugar tax on drinks?
    I hear its like Mega City One these days north of the border.

    Personally I don't drink the stuff (or eat animal products).
    When I do something unhealthy at my age I want a better return than a sugar hit to make it worth while!


  6. Er, just to be clear, I wasn't being entirely serious about the avacado toast thing there Paul.


  7. Lol . Yeah we have a sugar tax in Scotland Sean and a unit price tax on strong cheap priced alcohol (strong ciders, wines etc) . Isn't Cal-Hab more linked to Scotland than Mega City One? Things arent great all over the UK at present not just in Scotland , with the cost of living crisis etc. Thank goodness one can still brunch in Glasgow

  8. I had a Scotch Egg a few days ago - for any non-UK readers a Scotch Egg is a hard-boiled egg surrounded by sausagemeat and covered in breadcrumbs (and it's got nothing to do with Scotland - that's just a marketing name).

    I suppose my favourite "soda pop" is Coca-Cola and I've got a Coca-Cola Christmas mug with the famous Coca-Cola Santa on it. But I also like Dr Pepper, Pepsi, Irn Bru, Dandelion & Burdock etc. Last weekend I had a can of Jack Daniels whiskey & cola. I've got a can of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey & lemonade for next weekend :)

  9. I motion to change the topic to "Garth Marenghi". (FB apologizes to Charlie, but "eggs and soda" made me *yawn* so hard I popped a blood vessel.)
    Who's your favorite Character and/or Episode?
    I love all the characters, but my favorite episode has to be "Apes of Wrath".

  10. Yeah, I thought eggs and soda weren't the most promising topics in Steve's hypothetical rundown too F.B. But I don't even know who or what Garth Marenghi is, thats how up to date I am.

    Checked out a clip - "For the first time I saw the Scotch in their natural habitat, and it weren't pretty" - and I can't say it seemed like my cup of vodka-laced ginger. But to be fair I don't have any context.

    And at least it wasn't Garth Brooks.
    Or Garth Ennis.


  11. Sean, Garth Marenghi is a character spoofing Stephen King and the show is a spoof of 80s anthology horror shows.

  12. Yeah, I got that impression, but a quick explanation and a clip probably isn't enough to get it though. Especially as I'm not really up on 80s anthology horror shows either.
    But fwiw I'm ok with you changing the subject anyway (not that its particularly up to me ;)


    1. Matthew McKinnon22 June 2022 at 08:53

      They’re funny to watch on DVD with the commentary running. The ‘actors’ of the show have gathered at Garth’s house to watch and record, and the looser improvs are often funnier than the slightly strained parody of the actual episodes.

    2. Matthew McKinnon22 June 2022 at 08:54

      Sorry that was meant for a Steve.
      Formatting on my phone is weird.

  13. Charlie and FB, thanks for the subjects.

    I'm afraid I don't drink pop/soda, as it's basically just water filled with mountains of sugar and I struggle to convince myself it's a good idea to drink it.

    Eggs? I prefer them hard boiled. I'm currently toying with the idea of making egg custard tarts. I shall let you all know if I ever get round to actually doing it.

    My favourite episode of Garth Marenghi is the first one, as I feel the joke starts to wear a bit thin by the final episode. I find the best way to enjoy it is to watch the Dean Learner compilations on YouTube. Richard Ayoade is definitely the real star of the show.

  14. Topic 1: I don't generally eat eggs, but will occasionally have them scrambled.

    As for soda- I've mostly cut them out for health reasons, but still indulge every now and then. When I do, it's root beer, or Coke. Recently I discovered a Coke blended with coffee mocha; had to try it. Actually pretty good, but seriously caffeinated.

    Topic 2: have never seen it, I'm afraid...

  15. Still make the occasional omelette for breakfast, lunch, even dinner. Spinach, mushrooms, cheese…

    Seldom drink soda except Coke with the very occasional pizza. Not sure why; its like an insane craving.

    Also like the occasional Coke from
    Mexico which uses sugar, not corn syrup. You can taste the difference! Half a glass on ice is just right! Plus you het a bonus of cracking ice sounds!

  16. If you're worst insane craving is for an occasional Coke with a pizza Anonymous (Charlie presumably), that seems fairly manageable to me.


  17. *Your
    %$@£#! Why does predictive text change things that aren't even wrong, or misspelt?

