
Tuesday 17 October 2023

Speak Your Brain! Part 64. Laziness and the Rolling Stones.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

The Steve Does Comics Megaphone
Image by Tumisu
from Pixabay
What on Earth am I talking about?

I've no idea.

But you might have.

That's because, as has happened so often in the past, we've reached that time of the month when we must greet the return of a feature so awesome it just can't be stopped.

And that feature is the one where you - not I - get to decide just what's going to be the topic du jour.

Will it be contemporary? Will it be nostalgic? Will it point toward an as-yet-unguessed-of future?

I cannot say.

But you can.

And you can say it by posting your preferred topic in the comments section below.


  1. Describe how you… ummm… “can’t be bothered to expend energy!”

    E.g., if i want 30 seconds on my microwave and accidentally fat finger the 2 first, I will punch out 29 instead of 30 because, frankly, I’m too lazy to delete the 2! No extra key ounchez for Charlie! 29 is good enough !

    1. Matthew McKinnon17 October 2023 at 21:39


      I have tried and tried to think of something in this vein. At home, I’m approaching ADD in terms of running round in circles trying to get things done as efficiently as possible: often making mistakes and making things twice as difficult in the process.

      Out and about though, if I seriously cannot be arsed making a more efficient but more strenuous travel decision, I will often opt for the easier option and pay the price in terms of time wasted.

      ‘Yawn’ without a doubt. Without even hearing it.

  2. “Yay!” or “Yawn!” for the new Stones album?

  3. Charlie and Anon, thanks for the topics.

    I'm struggling to think of interesting examples of my laziness. I haven't heard the new Stones album but I have heard one of the singles, which was decent enough but did sound like you'd expect a Rolling Stones single to sound. I'm assuming the album will, likewise, sound like you expect a Rolling Stones album to sound.

  4. Come to think of it, my current microwave only has two controls; a dial for the power level and a dial for the cooking time. This is because my previous microwave had a zillion and one controls on it and, when it broke, I vowed never to get a cooker that complicated ever again, as I couldn't be bothered with pressing all those buttons.

    Therefore, the very nature of my microwave is testament to my fundamental laziness.

  5. Unusual topic, Charlie. Stiffness in the lower back's inconvenient, so I have a "grabber", which I use to sometimes pick small items up off the floor! I'm sure bending down, every time, is better, still...

    The only song the Stones released I remember hearing contemporaneously was 'Mixed Emotions', in the late 80s or very early 90s (probably the latter!)

    Steve - I got my last 2 microwaves from ASDA - it's far cheaper for microwaves than anywhere else!


  6. Besides the microwave example , charlie has used a claw hammer as a crude saw blade, a dime as a screw driver, and his sleeve as a napkin. Well… i was going to wash the shirt anyhow…

  7. Im too lazy to proof read my comments on here. As is pretty obvious...


  8. I don't even own a microwave as I'm too lazy to go and buy one! My only oven is a Baby Belling which my uncle bought in 1990 but then he died suddenly a few months later aged only 54 (on the day before Maggie Thatcher resigned!) and the Baby Belling passed to me. But I usually eat tinned food cold as I can't be bothered to heat it up (which also saves money obviously). I also hate doing housework and I don't own a vacuum cleaner so I sweep the carpets with a brush every couple of months which is fine as the carpets don't need any more attention than that. Only recently I was complimented on how tidy my house looks so despite my laziness I must be getting it right!

    My favourite Rolling Stones songs are Honky Tonk Women and Brown Sugar. I once saw a clip of Mick Jagger being interviewed in 1964 and he said he hoped the Stones would last for about five years. Little did he know!

  9. COLIN - There are at least 3 STONES interviews being promoted on Youtube. I saw the one in the UK from a month ago with Jimmy Fallon. It made me realize that I don't think I've ever heard a Stone's interview in all my 62 years, before!

    Kind of cool they have SIR PAUL playing bass on one of the songs.

    Never understood what the issue was a couple years ago when PAUL referred to the STONES as a "good blues cover band." Seems a bit antagonistic, no?

    Over the past year I've been listening to pre-1980 Stones stuff, when I work from home. It's refreshing.

  10. Well... obviously the world is not beating a path to SDC to answer my propositions, lol.

    Too fill up the space...

    60 years ago today, the BEATLES recorded I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND. Took 17 takes. That's a while ago, now. Yet their music lives on. I found the German 45 rpm version of this at a garage sale a few years ago and got it for $1. Crazy.

    And, is Jude Bellingham all that? Couldn't see the game here in the USA.

    Cheers, Charles

  11. Matthew McKinnon18 October 2023 at 15:11

    Charlie -

    I am only just getting into early Beatles. I grew up with Sgt Pepper, and then did the rest of the later catalogue in my early 20s. But there was always a stumbling block for me in accepting the rawness and simplicity in their pre-RUBBER SOUL albums.

    However, my wife and I watched 'A Hard Day's Night' for the first time recently and were blown away, so that's no longer a problem.

  12. My Dad told me once that the U.K. population could be divided into two: Stones Fans and Beatles Fans.

    When I’m stuck at a party or conference or kids, football game with someone and we have nothing to talk about, I'll bring that up and we can look around at other people and try to classify them.

    Me, I'm Stones. If I had to look around people here without checking their comments, I'd put Steve and Charlie down as Beatles. Most others are Stones. Hard to tell with Phillip or Colin but if I was forced at knifepoint to guess, I'd put them both down as Beatles.

  13. I'm not interested in the Beatles or the Rolling Stones.
    The Who were more interesting than either of them anyway.
    If it helps, I did listen to a bit of the new Dark Side of the Moon by the fella from Pink Floyd. Spoiler alert: the dub version is still the best one -

    I do not possess a microwave.


  14. There's always someone who objects to binary classification. If you're faced with a choice between Stones toilets and Beatles toilets, Sean, best head for the Stones one. Flash a Who badge in the Beatles toilets and there will be uproar from all the non-binary denying clean-cut Beatles fans saying they don't feel safe sharing a toilet with a long haired hooligan biker, even if his hair isn't long any more and he catches the bus.

    I've never heard Dub Side Of The Moon but I do like Rebuild The Wall by Luther Wright And The Wrongs, the country & western version of The Wall.

    I had to ask Mrs.Mash whether we have a microwave. Apparently we do and I use it every Thursday to warm up leftovers from the freezer for my dinner when she heads out to knit & natter.

  15. Well, I wouldn't go so far as to have a Who badge or anything like that, dangermash. They were my forced at knifepoint choice really.
    Fortunately though I am less hairy than when I was younger (who isn't, eh?), and am unlikely to find myself in a Beatles fan toilet anyway.


  16. Dangermash, I own only two CDs - ABBA Voyage and the Beatles Let It Be so you're right about me preferring the Beatles but I did own a Stones greatest hits album about 20 years ago.

  17. Both my parents had died before they could reach Mick Jagger's current age so I suppose you've got to admire him for still strutting his stuff at 80.

  18. Matthew McKinnon19 October 2023 at 06:46

    I am emphatically a Beatle rather than a Stone.

    I do own a microwave - one of those quite fancy ones that’s also an oven and a grill. It is very sturdy and has lasted a lot longer than I expected.

  19. "If you're faced with a choice between Stones toilets and Beatles toilets, Sean, best head for the Stones one..."

    Have you seen the Stones toilet on the rejected sleeve art for Beggar's Banquet?

    "Ewwwwww" doesn't even begin to describe it!

  20. dangermash - Your life-saving knife-point evaluation, in respect of myself, is correct!

    With the Beatles, as with ABBA, favourite songs are a hard choice - there being masses of good ones. Most bands don't have as many.

    Two of Bananarama (not Siobhan Fahey) were on Breakfast TV, this morning. According to the pair their career started, singing on a Fun Boy Three album !

    I've included the above because Charlie sometimes follows/is interested in Keren's activities.


  21. dangermash has everyone here's number, Phillip. Its spooky really.

