
Sunday, 9 February 2025

Forty years ago today - February 1985.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

Here I am again, looking forward to looking backwards.

Thor #352

There's not a huge amount of advancement on last month. The Norse gods, Bungalow Beta-Ray Bill and Earth's mightiest heroes are still fighting the demonic forces of Surtur on the streets of New York while Odin and Thor try to scrap with the fire giant in the streets of Asgard.

Fantastic Four #275

It's a format-busting issue, as a magazine manages to get shots of the She-Hulk sunbathing topless on the roof of the Baxter Building and she sets out to use her legal skills and knuckles to prevent publication.

For some reason, the publisher of that magazine bears a noticeable resemblance to Stan Lee. I'm not sure just what John Byrne is trying to tell us.

The Uncanny X-Men #190

By some means I can't recall, Red Sonja's old foe Kulan Gath has managed to take control of modern-day Manhattan and turned it - and its heroes - into a very loose replica of the Hyborean Age. This forces old enemies to unite in a bid to put a stop to his reign of terror.

The Spectacular Spider-Man #99, the Spot

The recent trend towards Ditkoesque villains in this strip continues, as the Spot bamboozles and bewilders Spider-Man with his inter-dimensional powers.

In possibly more serious news, Spidey's alien costume has managed to flee the Baxter Building and is now loose in the city, trying to find him.

The Incredible Hulk #304

I'm struggling to remember much about the main plot in this one, other than the mindless Hulk manages to befriend another creature who keeps getting attacked by some other creatures.

However, I do recall that, on Earth, the U-Foes manage to escape captivity and, by dumb incompetence, send themselves to the exact spot in the multiverse where the Hulk is.

I suspect this can only lead to trouble for all involved.

Captain America #302, Machete

Batroc ze Leapair seems to 'ave finally learned his, 'ow you say, lesson and, instead of fighting Captain America, himself, has hired a couple of bad hommes to do it pour him.

Frankly, they're just as useless as he is but there are two of them and, between them, they manage to temporarily inconvenience Cap and steal his shield.

A shield that I assume Batroc is looking to sell to someone or other.

The Avengers #252

It's the battle I never expected to see, as US government meddling with equipment discovered in an abandoned base that once belonged to Thanos manages to bring the Blood Brothers back to Earth and they prove more than a handful for the world's mightiest super-team.

Daredevil #215

Daredevil keeps being tormented by dreams about the Two-Gun Kid and, when he discovers an unscrupulous business tycoon wants to build something on Native American land, he starts to realise this is no coincidence and that he must complete a mission the Western hero began 100 years ago.

Conan the Barbarian #167

A notable change in cover style is delivered by Mike Kaluta.

But, inside, it's still John Buscema serving up the pencilling when Conan and Fafnir help a rapidly ageing countess reach the nest of a bird whose egg contains a yolk which can grant her another 1,000 years of life if she bathes in it.

In what's quite a shock to the reader, she doesn't turn out to be evil.

The Amazing Spider-Man #261, the Hobgoblin

Can it be? Has the Hobgoblin succeeded where the original Goblin failed, and defeated Spider-Man?

It looks like he might do when he and the Rose kidnap Liz and MJ to force Harry to hand over his father's secret journals.

Iron Man #191

We all knew it had to happen at some point. Growing ever more concerned by Rhodey's erratic behaviour as Iron Man, Tony Stark's forced to do what he never wanted to do again - and put on a suit of armour.

But it's a lot more primitive than Rhodey's.

And visibly more retro.

Then again, Rhodey's generally useless at being Iron Man. So, the tech disparity probably won't matter.


  1. Sean, you never cease to amaze me — I didn’t realize you spoke French


    1. I wasn't quite sure what was behind that, b.t., tíl I realized you probably meant Steve.


  2. That DD - white saviour issues aside - was pretty good. I remember being pleased that Mazz inking his own work wasn’t just a fluke / one-off. A lot of pleasing zip-a-tone shading.

    Thor chugging along.

    The whole thing of Tony Stark vs Rhodey rings a bell so maybe I was still buying Iron Man at this point, but it was so vanilla I can’t remember the content. I’d liked some of Luke McDonnell’s layouts earlier in the run but I do remember making a conscious decision to ditch the mag. Just must’ve been later than recall.

    I like the Conan cover.

    That Cap cover must be Paul Neary again.

  3. Dammit, I did mean Steve — zut alors!

    Matthew: that Cap cover is easily the worst one in this batch, whoever drew it — it’s genuinely awful — though the AVENGERS and IRON MAN ones aren’t very good either. Kaluta’s CONAN cover is probably the best (or at least it’s my favorite). That’s a great helmet design.


  4. Bt, I'm fluent in many languages, thanks to having read the works of Chris Claremont.

  5. Your Franglais est spot on, monsieur Steve.

    Its somewhat surprising to see a cover here by Charles Vess. I suppose he'd done a couple of things featuring Marvel characters for Fanfare by early '85, but still - you wouldn't have expected to see his work on the cover of a regular super-hero comic, especially not Spider-Man.
    The cover of ASM #261 is disappointing though, and not a particularly good example of his work.

    Same goes for that Mike Kaluta cover - not that he's a particularly surprising choice of cover artist for Conan, but he could have done much better.
    I seem to be the outlier here on that one, but we can all agree on Paul Neary. Not sure how his Cap covers are getting past the editor.


    1. Neary was taking over Marvel UK at this point I think? - so he probably had a few favours he could ask in terms of getting his stuff out there. You’d have thought he’d have tried harder though.

    2. Ah, no. Some basic research tells me he took the reins at Marvel UK in 1990.

  6. I haven't read any of this batch. However, my preferred cover is Daredevil, not Conan.


  7. I started learning ze french with Captain America 105. But Batroc hired Swordsman and (i think?) Power Man to help thump ze Captain instead of a Machete.

    Mon dieu, ze Kirby was at his denouement of design, depiction , and drawing in those last 10 or so issues of Cap!

    One wonders if Cap suffered any mental anguish fighting a french villain in that issue since they were his allies during WW2. I have not read it in like 50 years. (Those last ten issues are Cap-angst at its best!!! Lots of Bucky, origin retelling…)

    Actually did Cap have any Brit enemies during the silver age??? I simply can’t remember as I type.

    Charles the former CH47 driver

  8. Charlie - Wasn't Baron Blood an English aristocrat, by birth?



    Charlie seems to think Baron Blood was an Invaders villain originally? That would put him mid-1970s at the earliest? (Let’s assume silver age ended when Kirby went to DC for discussion purposes?)

  10. Aren't all the English super-heroes and villains aristocrats, Phillip?
    Iirc Baron Blood was Union Jack's brother. Union Jack was Lord Somebody or other, wasn't he? And Spitfire was his daughter, the posh in-bred gits.


    1. Union Jack and Spitfire... You've got to laugh really.


  11. Sean - Hmm. Ka-zar- Lord Kevin Plunder & his brother the Plunderer. Plus, Brian Braddock lived in stately Braddock Manor. There's definitely a pattern emerging!


  12. sean (and I do mean sean this time) :
    I agree that Spitfire and Union Jack are dumb names for those two. I’d have gone with Pip-pip and Cheerio myself.

    Also, I think The Destroyer (he of the fearsome stripedy pants) was also a member of that family, and took over the Union Jack persona when his Pa was crippled by Baron Blood.

    I always kinda hated when Roy did stuff like that. He supposedly had so much love and affection for the Golden Age heroes, but he couldn’t resist messing around with them. I wonder: when he was a child, would he go over to his friends’ houses and break all their toys?


    1. I think that's right about the (stripey trousered) Destroyer, b.t. Iirc he was Spitfire's brother.
      Not sure I should admitted to remembering that.


    2. *should HAVE admitted to remembering that.
