Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon.
The Past. No one knows where it resides but everyone knows where to find it.
Right here.
And he's one of the Avengers' naughtiest foes!
And the Celestial Madonna Saga still isn't over!
Red Sonja's back but there's no sign of her on the front cover.
The internet, however, informs me that Nomad fights Gamecock, Roscoe dies and Steve Rogers again becomes Captain America.
Seriously? There's a Marvel character called Gamecock?
The Crusher's back!
Wasn't he from Cuba or somewhere?
Or am I thinking of someone else?
Either way, it doesn't matter because this isn't the real Crusher.
Instead, this is a boxer from the gym where Daredevil's dad used to train. One who's somehow managed to acquire the powers of the original Crusher.
Is this the one with the imitation Shalla-Bal being used in some mad plot by Dr Doom to control the Silver Surfer?
And then it turns out she's actually the real Shalla-Bal?
But the Surfer never discovers that?
I must confess I'm struggling to remember exact details about it or of just how it is that Shalla-Bal manages to end up in Latveria.
I must confess I'm struggling to remember exact details about it or of just how it is that Shalla-Bal manages to end up in Latveria.
Needless to say, such a wobbly-looking contraption proves to be no match for the Hulk.
But it does have a satellite dish. So, at least he'll be able to watch Sky News while he's inside it.
I am 100% certain I've never read this book. And I'm 100% certain I don't know what happens in it.
But I do note that it's tagged, "Fury in a Far-Off Land," which does make me wonder just how many Marvel stories have managed to use that tagline over the years?
And is it more or less than the number that have proudly declared, "Lo, There Shall Be an Ending!"?
Though I suppose the fact we all know Mysterio's a master of illusion does somewhat lessen its ability to stun the senses.
Let's face it, if it had been Aunt May who was removing her own head, that'd be a whole other matter.
But, of course, just as this month's Crusher isn't the real Crusher, this month's Mysterio isn't the bona fide deal either. In fact, he's an old friend of the allegedly deceased villain, who's merely adopted his act.
It looks like bad news for Midgard, though.
But what of that company's greatest rival?
For purposes of context, let us visit a random sampling of what DC comics was offering which bore the same cover date.
We're well and truly into the Mike Grell era and encountering a tale in which the Legion of Super-Heroes discover that foul futuristic fiend filled with felonies, fury and fighting finkdom Universo has escaped.
This brings them into contact with a Science Police officer called Dvron.
But will he help them apprehend Universo?
Or will he hinder them?
But, there, he encounters his crime-loving brother Lightning Lord...
Everyone knows I love a good horror comic. And I have no doubts at all this'll prove to be such a beast.
I've never read this one but the Grand Comics Database assures me the five spine-tinglers in it are called When You Were Alive!, The Girl in the Grave!, My Dolly Is the Devil!, Send Us Your Dreams and It!
Within, we find The Night of the Falling Death! in which the hat-wearing hero must thwart a bout of smuggling at Niagara Falls.
I suspect I do.
Inside, from what I can recall, the Superman Revenge Squad are out to kill our hero but he thwarts them by using the services of an actor who plays him in a TV show.
That's followed by a yarn titled Find Black Canary, Dead... or Alive!
From memory, I'm going to assume that's the one in which the heroine's been kidnapped and the Green Arrow has to rescue her.
Having said that, I recall nothing of the tales in this one.
I do know we kick off with a chiller called Almost Human which is followed by a thriller called The Lottery.
And that's followed by nothing at all because it seems there are only two tales in this issue, rather than the usual three.
All of them are 1950s reprints and a number of them are the handiwork of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.
But just how are the miscreants doing that smuggling?
And how does it involve a stuntwoman who likes to impress the crowds by going over the falls in a barrel?
And, because we have an insatiable appetite for the character, there's also a two-page history of the Shadow's appearances in various media.
Jim Aparo creates another memorable cover but it's Gerry Talaoc who illustrates the insides.
As far as I can remember, a man determined to revive his dead wife abducts the Phantom Stranger, in order to transfer his life force into that woman.
Needless to say, it all goes wrong for the man, and the Stranger lives to lecture us all another day.
Until the Orchid's access to X-rays, rubber masks and robots puts a stop to it.
You guys ever hear the theory that Marvel put CRIMSON DYNAMO in IRON MAN to correspond with SIR MACA’s Release of MAGNETO and TITANIUM MAN in 1975?
ReplyDeleteMy mum was a Libra
ReplyDeleteNot only was there a character called Gamecock in that issue of Captain America, Steve, he had a rooster-based costume. And he was drawn by Frank Robbins.
ReplyDeleteJust check out the image of him and his gang on the splash page here -
Oh dear.
On the plus side, Leila Taylor - possibly the greatest supporting character in 70s super-hero comics - turned up in Cap #183. Unfortunately though, only briefly. And she was drawn by Frank Robbins too ):
Wow! That bottom left panel on page 10 of the comic (presumably not page 10 of the story)
DeleteYeah, dm - anatomy, perspective, pose... it's hard to know where to start on that one, isn't it?
I have to say Lois is looking good on that Action Comics cover.
ReplyDeleteExcellent choice, Steve.
Mantis's martial arts skill enabled her to defeat the Avengers (ridiculously, including Thor), yet Libra's martial arts easily beat hers. In Zodiac, then, why didn't Libra suggest to Taurus that the rest all stand aside, letting Libra himself kick the Avengers' butts? Why? Because it's baloney!
When I first started getting comics regularly, I somewhat reluctantly bought the Marvel reprint titles. But by this point, I was enjoying the Lee-Kirby-Sinnott FF reprints in MARVEL’S GREATEST so much more than the then-current monthly FF comics by Buckler and Co. I distinctly reading FF 156 and thinking, “Wow, it’s got Dr. Doom and the Silver Surfer in it so it should be awesome, but it’s actually kinda dull.”
ReplyDeleteI was still enjoying the monthly Conway/Andru SPIDEY though.
And though I still generally preferred Marvel comics to DC comics, SUPERBOY AND THE LEGION 207 was the second issue in a row of that title that I bought. I kinda liked Mike Grell’s art of that period.
He wasn’t enough to make SUPERBOY a “Must Buy” title for me (if I missed an issue, I didn’t lose any sleep over it) but I always checked out the new issues when I saw them, and probably bought them more often than not.
Crusher reminds me of those pix of an aging Marlon Brandon walking around in diapers. Not a great look.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if "The Lottery" in DC's House Of Secrets is based on the short story by Shirley Jackson?
ReplyDeleteLast December BBC Radio 4 broadcast a series of five stories by Shirley Jackson and "The Lottery" was the final one (because they saved the most famous one till last).
Shirley Jackson also wrote the novels "The Haunting Of Hill House" and "We Have Always Lived In The Castle" both of which I've read and both of which I can recommend!
Today is Kasimir Pulaski day in Chicago- a holiday!
ReplyDeleteKas was a famous polish cavalry general who set up america’s cav to fight the brits during the revolution.
(He earned his creds fighting the russians to stop their occupation of poland. Some shit never changes.)
Anyhow , Crawford street (named after a now obscure Scotsman) was renamed Pulaski Street a good 100+ years ago by Chicago.
The merchants along Crawford Street were irate, really irate. Being located on a street named after a polack would destroy their businesses!!! Twice the merchants litigated to the Illinois Supreme Court but lost!!! The judge wrote that (the gist) “it’s a changing world. You’re going to have to het used to a street ending in “ski.” Now go home and grow up.” And some things never change!!!
Until recently Chicago was the 2nd biggest city of ethnic Poles after Warsaw.
I'd never heard of Kasimir Pulaski so thanks for that interesting information, Charlie!
ReplyDeleteCharlie (?), I've never heard that Titanium Man/Crimson Dynamo theory before.
ReplyDeleteSean, thanks for that Gamecock link. That was clearly a landmark issue.
And thanks to everyone for your comments. :)
For me this is where Marvel begin to decline.Avengers was probably the most consistant title over the next few years but other titles were uninspiring and began to re-cycle previous stories.Thor, Captain America, Conan,Ironman,Daredevil,Dr. Strange,Hulk etc.There is a case for Spiderman and FF with great artwork papering over the cracks but for me the end of the Giant size issues heralded the end of the most exciting years ever..... just my personal opinion of course.Keep up the great work mate.(PS I still bought everything until the mid 80's so it is only with hindsight that I can see things were changing!)
ReplyDeleteDr.Pulaski from Star Trek TNG's the only Pulaski I knew of - until now! According to the commie-hunting neighbour on Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home, anyone whose surname ended 'ski' could be a commie! Didn't he realize McCarthyism ended in the 50s? It's just a patronymic after all!
ReplyDeleteI started buying and collecting comics in August 1973, and sometime around the Fall of 1974 I thought for sure I detected signs that most of the titles I was following were in decline. To this day, I don’t know how much of that was really true or just due to the fact that I had gotten over my “puppy love” phase with comics in general.
On one hand, comparing a 1973 Mike Ploog WEREWOLF BY NIGHT to a 1975 one drawn by Don Perlin — yes, clearly that book was in genuine decline. But then again, the Killraven comic (for one example) was in much better shape in 1975 than in 1973, so who knows?
It’s like comparing my first Queen album NIGHT AT THE OPERA (which blew me away) to NEWS OF THE WORLD, two albums later (which I thought mostly sucked). When I listen to them now, I’m shocked to find that I think they’re roughly comparable — they both have good songs and not-so-good songs.
So maybe it’s not so much that comics (or pop music or whatever) were in decline, but just that my perceptions of them were changing, for whatever reasons.
Maybe a bit of both…?
BT and FFF -
ReplyDeleteCharlie thinks we all reach a saturation point with Comics. There are only so many tales that can be told involving men in tights or supernatural creatures unless there is a big “shift” In the market.
Was it the 80s or 90s when heroes became brutal creatures: Alcoholics, wife beaters,
Vigilantes…? This shift allowed for a whole new type of story.
But Without those shifts, the comics are basically recycling old villains and had by 1970s run out of animals and plants that they could use as villains and heroes names, lol.
Yeah, I reckon 1975 was a really good year too, b.t. - besides the Russell-era Killraven getting going, you've also got Judo Jim Starlin's Warlock, and the run of Englehart's Dr Strange once Gene Colan's returned to the title.
ReplyDeleteI tend to think the decline of Marvel - a perennial subject around these parts - began in '76. My suspicion is that it probably just means that I am a year or so younger than Fantastic Four follower...
Apologies for the added possessive 's to Gene Colan. Poor editing. Duh.
I'd be inclined to agree with Sean that Marvel started to go downhill at some point in the mid to late '70's.
ReplyDeleteAfter Starlin wrapped up his Warlock/Thanos epic, certainly.
The whole mysterious, chaotic (and often spooky) charm of the early 70's was gone and it wasn't gonna come back.
Corporate mentality? Maybe.
There were still good titles coming out, but for me anyway, something was gone.
Heck, I started to go over to D.C. They seemed to have the wind at their back in the mid-80's.
Pierre Comtois divided the history of Marvel comics it’s into the formative, consolidation, grandiose and twilight years. What we're seeing is the final days of a long and gradual transition from the grandiose into the twilight years. Looks like The Avengers might be the only one still in the grandiose years but after the celestial Madonna storyline is over and we have the best joining, i think we're in the twilight years everywhere. Kirby's departure, Lee's ambitious move to the West coast and the widening of the range of comics all contributed to the change.
ReplyDeleteMarvel Comics in the 1960s and Marvel Comics in the 1970s are like a two volume thesis of this two phase theory. There's a third book on the 1980s but it makes for depressing reading after the first two books.
Best -> Beast
DeleteI agree, this period = outstanding stuff (Warlock & many others.) However, dissenting voice mode = later stuff good, too - Gerry Conway, then Jim Shooter's first Avengers run (1977?), & Claremont & Byrne's X-Men ( 79-80? ) also outstanding. Byrne's Captain America, & Michelinie's Iron Man (1980?) Also, several minor runs (1977 Hulk with Sal & Ernie Chan); Jo Duffy & Kerry Gammill on Iron Fist (1979/80?) Captain Marvel - Pat Broderick's Titan Saga (1978?) Moon Knight's Moench & Bill Sink (1980-81?) Whatever you read when you started was magic/amazing - stating the obvious, I know...
Pretty late chiming in this time. Oof.
ReplyDeletePretty much agree with the thinking here; that a particular enthusiasm for the comics tends to peak during that first year or so of fandom. I started in Feb. 1974, and by late '75 felt a bit of a decline in the air. I certainly continued to buy and enjoy for years- like FFF, I kept at it until the mid 80s. However that early urgency to try everything available on the spinner rack was fading.
Also, the consensus about a general decline at Marvel in the later 70's also fits my impression. The declines in Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Thor and others was pretty striking. Even so, I'd agree with Phillip about the abundance of exceptions. To those he mentioned, I'd add Byrne's Fantastic Four, Stern's Amazing Spider-Man, and Mantlo's Micronauts as winners...