
Tuesday 11 January 2022

The Marvel Lucky Bag - January 1982.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

Mere days ago, I scrutinised what Marvel's big hitters were doing in the comics that bore the cover date of this month in 1982.

But what of their other heroes?

The ones no one cares about? What was a random sampling of them up to?

The Dazzler #11, Terrax

I don't know what transpires in this adventure but it's obvious the Dazzler has to confront the power of Terrax, which, you'd have thought, is going to be a very short fight.

But, if Terrax is involved, that means Galactus must be too.

And, indeed, he is.

At least if the cover's to be believed.

Power Man and Iron Fist #77, Daredevil

My most recent post made mention of the fact that Iron Fist and Power Man are guest-starring in this month's Daredevil.

And what do you know? The man without fear's returning the compliment in their mag.

It would seem a young Russian ballet star's besotted with her American co-star but international politics - and two bodyguards - are stood in the way of romance.

So, our trio of heroes try to help out and find themselves accidentally performing in a ballet, as they battle the bodyguards.

Meanwhile, in a development we've all demanded, Foggy Nelson gets to tap dance.

ROM #26, Galactus

Galactus is a busy man. Not only is he mithering the Dazzler, he's also bothering ROM - because he's out to eat the space knight's homeworld.

Obviously, our hero can't allow that to happen. So, he confronts the interplanetary glutton and offers him a far better meal, instead.

The Dark Nebula of the Dire Wraiths!

Crazy Super Special 1982

Crazy gives us 84 pages of unbridled hilarity, including, it would seem, a send-up of the X-Men.

Micronauts #37

The Micronauts are showing a remarkable amount of staying power, having now reached their 37th issue - and they still have over 20 left.

How much of this is down to their own appeal and how much is down to the never-ending parade of guest stars the book seems to have, I cannot say.

This time out, the tiny titans, somehow, find themselves in the X-Men's Danger Room and are soon assisted by Nightcrawler in confronting their latest foe.

The Savage She-Hulk #24

I don't have a clue what that thing on the cover is but it's certainly intriguing enough to make me want to buy the book.

According to the Grand Comics Database, She-Hulk's attacked by Ralphie's most powerful mutation yet - the Earth-Lord.

I don't know who Ralphie is.

Meanwhile, Sheriff Walters finally accepts that his daughter's the She-Hulk.

I assume this means he's finally going to stop trying to kill her.


  1. Sadly, I fear that even Marionette's posterior is going to struggle to win a battle for the readers' attention with Nightcrawler's big, angry face.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Let’s try this again…

      Why does the she hulk look like she’s going to tangle with a gray version of Patrick from SpongeBob Square pants?

      Or is that the poop emoji? 💩

  3. That, I'm afraid, Charlie, is a thing I'm unable to supply an explanation for.

  4. I may be one of the few that own every issue of ROM (my favorite of the group), The Micronauts, & talked into Shogun Warriors by friend of mine way back then -- which ended up being the shortest run of the bunch!

  5. "But what of their other heroes, the ones no-one cares about?"

    Speak for yourself, Steve, because I regularly bought Dazzler, She-Hulk and Rom. Unfortunately I can shed no light on this month's She-Hulk cover or the contents inside, despite me buying the comic, but I do know that it was the penultimate issue of She-Hulk's original run, and for me the story was left hanging as I couldn't find the double-sized final issue, #25.

  6. Matt and Colin, it's good to know the likes of ROM were bringing pleasure to people, even though I missed out on them.

  7. My first thought when I saw the She Hulk cover was that it featured Spragg the Living Hill. I'm now shocked to learn that Marvel had TWO villains who were living hills!

  8. What are the odds, Dave? Especially as Spragg also appeared in She-Hulk.

    Steve, I think you may be underestimating Dazzler. Bear in mind that her fight with Terrax took place inside a black hole, where - because its a dimension of anti-light - her luminescent powers gave her an advantage (dangermash can probably explain it better than I can, as he has A-level physics).

    Plus, iirc Galactus - who had a bit of a thing for Dazzler, the old dog - zapped her with a bit of a cosmic boost.


  9. Sean, I can only apologise to the Dazzler for my lack of faith in her.

    Dave, I'm definitely going to have to find out just what that thing is on the cover of that She-Hulk comic.

  10. marvel made a great decision to put pants on Galactus instead of him looking like he was wearing a kilt, no?

  11. I always preferred Bare Legs Galactus. It made him look more Greek/Roman and, therefore, classier.
