
Thursday 17 February 2022

February 17th 1982 - Marvel UK, 40 years ago this week.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

1982 has let me down badly. Little of interest was happening in the world of politics or current affairs this week, back then. Nor were there new Number Ones to celebrate or revile on the UK singles and album charts. Nor was there anything good on the telly. Therefore, I shall collapse straight into my look at what Marvel UK could dish up at the time, and hope it can save me from the ennui I must have been enduring.

Super Spider-Man TV Comic #467, Man-Wolf

Here's a daring experiment. Up until now, Super Spider-Man TV Comic's alternated between using photo covers and drawn covers. This issue, however, the editor's had a brainwave and decided to combine both concepts in one image.

I'm not totally sure it works, as I can't help feeling our hero's battle with the Man-Wolf deserves a larger space than it's getting.

Tragically, I'm not sure which of Spidey's encounters with the hirsute howler's featured inside but I do know we have the chance to win ten X-Men annuals, and there can't be a soul alive who wouldn't want to win those.

We also get a gallery of Spidey's foes.

If the Kangaroo's not in it, I'll be furious.

So will he.

In fact, I've heard he'll be hopping mad.

Captain America #52, the Avengers, Marvel UK

Sadly, I can unearth no information about the contents of this week's comic. It's clear Cap's fighting the Avengers but I don't have a clue why.

Nor do I know why they've chained the Falcon to a wall. Clearly, kinky things are afoot at the mansion.

In this issue, we also get a chance to win an X-Men annual but, on top of that, we get a free Hulk poster!


  1. Steve, I believe Thelonius Monk passed away this week forty years ago, and Ozzy Osbourne got nicked for pissing on the Alamo. Hope that helps.


  2. CAPTAIN AMERICA - who is the artist? I get whiffs of Colan (on Cap), Adams (on Ttor)...

    I have to chuckle gently at the redundancy Captain America cover. Thor is getting ready to throw his hammer at Cap (hope it does not hit him, especially in the head) and the blurb lower left says "Plus Action with Thor."

    Though, if the Castle is as Kinky as STEVE suggests, the "action" may be unsuitable for minors?

  3. Charlie, the internet informs me the Cap cover is by Al Milgrom.

    Sean, those are indeed pivotal moments in world history.

  4. Well, this seems to be a slow day at SDC. Allow Charlie to share a take on Dean Martin's song "That's Amore!"

    When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie -
    that amore.

    When an eel bites your hand and that’s not what you planned —
    that’s a moray.

    When our habits are strange and our customs deranged -
    that's our mores.

    When a beam from the sun lights the heath where we run
    that's a moor ray.

  5. When Swamp Thing got better and became worth reading -
    thats A. Moore, 'ey?

    You have keep on topic about comics, Charlie.


  6. SEAN! No reason i cant tee to you up buddy!!!

    Well played!!!

  7. Steve, nothing important happening on February 17th 1982??? Only my 16th birthday!!!

  8. Colin, I can't believe Wikipedia didn't tell me.

    PS. Happy birthday for this year. :)

  9. Any experts out there who could explain if hirsute derives from hair suit?

    STEVE - The SPIDERMAN cover reminds me of those split covers in Amazing Adventures around 50 years ago today split half, and those early Marvel Tales / Marvels Greatest Superheroes covers from 60 years ago today split into 4!

    I'm trying to recall if seeing the cover split into 4 gave me 4 times the thrill upon seeing it? But I can't recall feeling much other than it was like looking at an index. If the characters interested you, you continued, but the cover itself wasn't a draw.

  10. I dunno, Charlie — I was about 7 or 8, we were at a friend’s house, I spied a MARVEL TALES on the coffee table and thought it was the most mind-boggling comic I’d ever laid eyes on. A big fat comic with a square spine, four miniature cover reproductions crammed onto the cover along with lots of Stan’s trademark ballyhoo blurbs extolling the contents : Spider-man! The Mighty Thor! The Human Torch! Ant-man! All of that Mighty Marvel Magnificence in one comic — how was that even possible! I spent the rest of that afternoon happily wallowing in that bombastic bounty.

    I just got back from checking out the cover galleries for MARVEL TALES and MARVEL COLLECTORS ITEM CLASSICS at the GCD and the Jeezus H, those MCIC covers are even MORE exciting — Fantastic Four! Iron Man! Dr. Strange! and the Ever-lovin’ Hulk! To this very day, those covers STILL send an electric spark up my spine.

    That SUPER SPIDER-MAN TV COMIC cover, eh, not quite in the same league….


  11. A belated happy birthday, Colin!


  12. Weirdly, I posted yesterday but it doesn’t appear to have hit. The PRC must be blocking Australia ;-)

    Whilst there was no change to the top of the singles charts at least Town Called Malice is a great song. I also wonder whether not much happened in Britain due to everyone recovering from January’s big snow. It seemed to take weeks for things to return to normal.

    Marvel UK weekly comics remain uninspiring however (not that we then knew) the game changing Warrior #1 is only one month away.

