
Thursday 6 April 2023

April 7th, 1973 - Marvel UK, 50 years ago this week.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

Nowadays, a man like me can create a blog post by using just his phone and the awesome power of his intellect.

But, once upon a time, such pleasures were denied a young gentleman.

And that time was April 6th, 1973.

However, the very next day, we were well on the way to that glorious future. Thanks to Martin Cooper of Motorola, it was the day on which the first-ever handheld mobile phone call was made.

How little Martin could have guessed, when he made the call, that that one small event would trigger a sequence of occurrences that would snowball until they culminated in the glory and grandeur that is Steve Does Comics.

It wasn't such a good week for skinflints, however, as it was the week in which the UK government introduced Value Added Tax to the items we bought in the shops.

I'm sure most everyone's aware that April 7th was the date of that year's Eurovision Song Contest which was won by Tu Te TeconnaƮtras by Anne-Marie David, for Luxembourg. As myth and legend can attest, our own Cliff Richard came third with Power to All Our Friends, reminding us that there was a time when coming third was a disappointment for this land.

From one singing superstar to another, as that week's UK singles chart had a brand new Number One.

And that Number One was Get Down by Gilbert O'Sullivan, a track that, surely, found Gilbert at his most Elton-ish.

Over on the associated album chart, the top spot was still gripped by 20 Flashback Greats of the Sixties as presented by those ever-popular Various Artists.

The Mighty World of Marvel #27, the Watcher

Judo Jim Starlin and Amazing Al Migrom give us not-their-finest cover, as the Hulk has his first meeting with the Watcher.

After defeating the galaxy's mightiest warrior, in order to get his hands on the Watcher's Ultimate Machine, our hero's teleported back to the Leader's lair.

But when the villain tries to use it, he quickly learns that even his giant brain can't handle the level of knowledge the Watcher possesses.

On an altogether more mundane level, Daredevil runs up against the Purple Man.

But what's this? The Watcher's back already? In the Fantastic Four's strip where he explains who he is and why he can't take sides in the battle between the team and the Mad Ghost and his super-apes? Truly, we're going to feel all Watchered out, this weekend.

Spider-Man Comics Weekly #8, Daredevil

Who doesn't love the circus?

Spider-Man doesn't.

And neither does Daredevil.

He likes it even less when the Ringmaster hypnotises Spidey, along with the rest of the audience, in order to steal all their belongings

Fortunately, the man without fear's lack of eyesight proves to be a priceless weapon against the mesmeric mischief-maker.

But he must feel like he's trapped in Groundhog Day. After all, what with the Ringmaster in this strip, and the Purple Man in his own, Daredevil's up against two foes with the ability to control people,  this week.

In Thor's strip, as a rite of passage, the heir to the throne of a race of shape-shifting aliens leads an attack on Earth, which involves them replacing government officials in New York.

Happily, Thor uncovers their plan and quickly thwarts them.


  1. On the MWOM cover, DD's billy club's in his left hand, whilst on the Spidey cover, it's in his right. So is Daredevil ambidextrous? At least the art on Spidey is improving a bit.


  2. Happy Easter Steve, and to all the readers of Steve Does Comics!

    Has anyone bought an Easter egg? I've got a box of 5 Creme Eggs instead.

  3. I was listening to BBC Radio 4 a couple of days ago and they mentioned it is 50 years since V.A.T. was introduced and they also said it's 50 years since the barcode was invented.

  4. To the uninitiated Gilbert O' Sullivan's #1 hit might sound like an instruction to get down and boogie but he's actually telling his dog to get down off the furniture.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Y’know, I can’t tell if the lyrics are literally about Gilbert telling his “bad dog” to get down or if he’s playfully (and inappropriately) comparing his human girlfriend to a needy, overly enthusiastic canine. The chorus “Once upon a time I drank a little wine, was as happy as could be — now I’m just like a cat on a hot tin roof — Baby, what do you think you’re doing to me?” doesn’t really sound like “Master and Dog” language to me. I kinda think Gilbert intentionally muddied the waters so the song could be taken either way.

    Spinal Tap did a piss-take on “Get Down” called “Bitch School” that ladled on the macho metal misogyny but couched every bit of it in “Dog Behavior” language for plausible deniability. “What? I’m talking about my cocker spaniel! “ It’s WILDLY inappropriate but pretty hilarious.


  7. If Lebeon James and Michael Jordan can use both hands equally well, so can DD!

  8. Happy Easter to you too, Colin, and to everyone who visits this site. I've not had an Easter egg. I suspect they're not very good value for money, compared to just buying a bar of chocolate.

    Colin and bt, I think the lyrics to Get Down will be an eternal mystery to us all.

    Phillp and Anon, I suppose that logic would suggest that a man blessed with heightened senses and coordination like DD would be ambidextrous but he is (or was, back then), officially left-handed.

  9. According to Mr O'Sullivan himself "Get down" was not about a dog it was about an overzealous lady. The dog connection seems to have arisen due to Pan's People, who dressed up as cute dogs to dance to the track on Top of the Pops.

  10. Colin - Happy Easter! I'm supposed to lose some weight (despite my weight being within acceptable limits before, when I was slightly heavier), so I think I'll compromise, and have a very small egg. A small Smarties egg's usually reliable - or maybe a small chocolate buttons. They're cheaper, after Easter - but it's not the same!


  11. Colin, I'm having scrambled eggs for Easter, does that count?

    Do kids still paint hard boiled eggs and roll them down hills at Easter?

  12. Asda & Tesco - Easter Eggs sold out (except for 1 big, expensive one.) However, Morrisons had a white choc buttons egg, at a cheap price!


  13. Paul, I remember painting hard boiled eggs in school when I was about 9 or 10.

    'Get Down' might indeed be about a girlfriend/wife rather than a canine pet but suggesting that a woman is like a "bad dog" would have been controversial even in 1973 and it certainly would nowadays!

    I consider myself to be ambidextrous - I write with my left hand but I've never been completely left-handed.

  14. Jesus Christ Superstar was still on the charts 50 years ago? Anyhow I enjoy it at Easter. Eggs… once the kids aged out of thst phase me and the missus stopped. That said my 87 year old parents keep doing them every year and we indulge on Easter Sunday. Just wish they’d use the cage-free, free-range, pasteur fed organic eggs instead of the industrial lot, lol.

  15. Remember my first easter egg hunt, 55 years ago, at a city park in Gary Indiana. It was a cold, wet Saturday morning. The whistle blows and all us kids take off running. I run and grab the only egg I see next to a tree. Well, not thinking since I was only 6, i grab it and shove it in my pocket. All the way home in the car my dad kept saying it smelled like dog shit. Well sure enough some funny adult had smeared the egg in dog shit before hiding it and now it was inside Charlies coat pocket. No, we did not eat the egg.

  16. Godspell vs. Jesus Christ Superstar? Which do you gents prefer, assuming you like either or both.

  17. Anon, I've never seen Godspell and I've only seen the first 20 minutes of Jesus Christ Superstar. I can, therefore, pass no judgement upon Godspell but I know that Jesus Christ Superstar did nothing for me.

    McScotty, thanks for the Gilbert info and link,

    Colin, I'm right-handed but I can write and draw OK with my left hand.

  18. Happy Easter to you too Colin. And Steve, and everyone else.
    No Creme Eggs for me, but I have been singing along to the Wolfe Tones (thats what Easter's all about).

    I can recall Gilbert O'Sullivan and exactly what he looked like, but have no recollection of his music at all.


  19. I've never seen 'Godspell' either and 'Jesus Christ Superstar' just makes me think of the ditty about George Best:

    Georgie Best
    Wears frilly knickers
    And a Playtex bra

  20. Planet Of The Apes has returned to Marvel Comics!!!!!!!!

    POTA #1 was published this week.

  21. Colin-

    Let's not forget:
    Jesus Christ
    Speeding down the road in a stolen car

    ...I'm going to Hell, aren't I.


  22. MP, Charlie always imagined Dakota in winter was just one snow ball removed from Hell…

  23. Colin! Dam i forgotten to tell youni wqd in my LCBS yesterday and saw the POTA! Looks good!

  24. Colin, there was a similar song at Scotland v England games in late 1960s early 1970s (remember 90,000 to 130,000 plus fans in those days) singing to the tune of Jesus Christ Superstar:

    Bobby Moore
    Looks like a woman
    And he wears a bra

    Incidentally Bobby Moore (England captain and legend) was much loved by Scotland fans.

    I saw the PoTA comic yesterday in Glasgow, new stuff nice illos ers I'm sure as a fan you would like it.

  25. MP and Paul, I've never heard those versions before.

    (MP, George Best was a famous footballer in the 1970s by the way).

  26. I always assumed that rhyme about George Best looking like a woman etc was because he had long hair, and was known for er... living it up a bit. You know, 'football players these days, they're not real men anymore, not like they used to be, bring back national service and put 'em in the army, jumpers for goal posts isn't it, hmmm?', the kind of whinging you get about every generation of players. 'Bending the knee? it's political correctness gone mad, they're over paid, you can't say anything these days, brexit means brexit blah blah...'

    So I don't really get the Bobby Moore version, as back in the day he seemed fairly straight, with a low public profile.
    You'd think the Scottish fans would do more than just change the name, and come up with a better rhyme to slag off the English. Or even just West Ham.


  27. COLIN - That PotA does look promising. Art seems quite nice!

    ALL - There is also a barbarian comic out now with Frazetta covers. The internals don't match the cover though.

    There is also a CEREBUS - MANTHING comic out by Dave Sim. I think it is a continuous dialogue between Cerebus and what appears to be MANTHING but may actually be called WOMAN THING in the comic. It seems to be a running dialogue between Cerbus and Man Thing (who is a woman) with a figure from Michael Angelo's "Judgement"(?) about woman's rights being undone in the USA. From what I can tell.

    Happy Easter All! Charlie!

  28. Charlie thinks the UK may have a shot out EUROVISION this year.

    Not sure why but me missus thought it would be good fun to listen to the Eurovision entrants whilst Charlie was watching Wolves - Chelsea.

    Not sure who I like more, Finland or the UK, but clearly those two will be in the "semi finals" lol.

    Anyhow the both are catchy, dancey tunes. Easy to see both on the Euro summer dance-club list this year!

    Good luck UK Gents!

  29. Phillip - the art on Spidey might be improving a bit but I'm pretty confident that the Al Hartley artwork on Thor in this issue of SMCW is so bad that even a Spidey strip drawn by Van Gough with Joe Sinnott on inks would not be enough to drag this issue off the top of the list of worst drawn Marvel U.K. comics. And I can remember those Invaders strips drawn by hewhoshallnotbenamed in the landscape format Spiderman comics years later.

    Here's a link to that Thor story. I can't watch it, Sorry.

  30. dangermash - Don Blake resembles a boy. Prominent ears & a significantly oversized head, along with short - but very thin - arms and legs. Yet his torso isn't short. Also, a slight stoop/hunchback. What's his pathology? A case of "physician cure thyself" is necessary, perhaps? Where did Hartley learn anatomy/proportions? He should get a refund.


  31. Sean, I think you give football fans too much credit. It didn't matter that Bobby Moore was straight it was to only to slag him and the English team off with a song of the time, thats the level of lots of footy fans. And England did it to us as well most recently when England beat Germany 5v1 in Germany) and a g " are you Scotland in disguise" granted that was funny and at ge time true, we were dire.

  32. Charlie, I think that's the latest Cerebus In Hell comic, the series Sim has been destroying what remains of his reputation with in recent years. I thought the actual Cerebus was great right up to the end, but even I lost interest after a couple of those paste up ones.

    Each issue is a #1 with its own title and cover homage/piss take. The latest is a version of MTU #68, only with Woman-Thing instead of Man-Thing, and Cerebus on a small boat in place of Spidey. Mainly I suspect so Sim could use the title 'Row v. Wade'. Geddit?!?
    Well, I won't be getting it with terrible puns like that (and I suspect I may not have much time for his take on the subject either). Although the look of the next one, New Varks #1 - with a cover riff on Kirby's New Gods #1 - is intriguing, so I might give that a go. For old times sake.


  33. Dangermash, I agree those early Thor strips by Al Hartley were truely awful

    Charlie. Is the Cerebus/Woman Thing strip in the "Cerebus in Hell" regular comic or a new one off? I hope its the latter! Sim did an actual Cerebus v Woman Thing in Cerebus issue 25 waaaaay back in the day.

  34. Paul, I always thought Scottish football songs were quite good. But admittedly that was based on only knowing one - inevitably the 'Celtic Symphony' - so I'll take your word for it on the general lyrical quality.


  35. I always remember Albie vs Fitz, in 'Cracker':

    Albie: "L", "I", "V" - "E","R", "P" - "double O, L, Liverpool FC!"

    Fitz: "CELTIC!" "CELTIC!"


  36. I really meant footy fans in general can be quit brutal/basic not just the Scots. The recent songs about Hillsborough for example from Chelsea .

    Certainly fans can be clever and funny as when Rangers were getting investigated by HMRC tax and Celtic fans dressed as the wee Tax officer cartoon figure and old firm games, or when Rangers dressed in summer clothes with beach balls etc at games when they got to recent Euro final and Celtic were knocked out etc.
