
Thursday 4 July 2024

July 6th 1974 - Marvel UK, 50 years ago this week.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

By the end of tonight, the United Kingdom may well have a new boss but, back in the old days, there was only one leader of the pack.

And that was Marvel UK.

Let's find out just what it was electing to give us in this week of exactly fifty years ago.

The Avengers #42, Shang-Chi

It can't be good news for everybody's favourite martial artist when, if the cover's to be believed, he must meet the wizard of the whirling doom!

In fact, as far as I'm aware, he must face two of them! And no one wants to meet two whirling dooms!

Regular readers will, no doubt, be shocked to discover this week's adventure involves him going for a stroll - only for a pair of assassins to turn up and try to kill him!

You'd think he'd have learnt by now to stop taking strolls.

I recall little of this week's Avengers tale but I do know it involves the return of Hercules to Marvel UK, and a dastardly plot by the Enchantress.

Dr Strange, meanwhile, is still in search of Clea and is now recruiting the help of someone called Veritas who only tells the truth. In my opinion, this makes him a convenient man to ask.

The Mighty World of Marvel #92, the Hulk

It's a living nightmare for Bruce Banner, with the Hulk still separated from him, still mindless and still out to flatten him. Can the pair be reintegrated before its curtains for them both?

But no matter how dramatic that tale may be, even it pales before what's going on at the Baxter Building.

That's because we've reached a historic moment - the wedding of Reed and Sue. And, after all they've been through, who could begrudge them their big day?

Well, it seems Dr Doom could and because of that, he makes sure every super-villain who's at a loose end begrudges it too.

It can only mean one thing; a whole heap of wrongdoers descending on the event and being met by an equally whole heap of heroic fists.

Daredevil's absent from this issue - apart from in his capacity as a guest artist in the Fantastic Four's strip - his place taken by the Sub-Mariner in a short adventure which involves him encountering a gang of undersea mutant outcasts and offering them a home in Atlantis.

Only for his own city guards to chase them off.

Can it be that Atlanteans are as bigoted, small-minded and prejudiced as the surface dwellers?

Subby has to come to terms with the fact that it might.

,Spider-Man Comics Weekly #73, the Green Goblin

As we can see, the Green Goblin is back and out to claim revenge upon Spider-Man.

I do believe this may be the issue which features the famously tense dinner at Norman Osborn's place, in which he gets more and more menacing as the evening progresses.

Just as Daredevil's strip is absent from this week's Mighty World of Marvel, so Iron Man is notably missing from this book.

However, we do have Thor finally getting to Wundagore, meeting the High Evolutionary's New Men - and then being there for the birth of the murderous Man-Beast!


  1. I reckon I'm a week late with this but it's been an ambition of mine for a while to wake up at 3am, sit bolt upright in bed, wave my fist in the air and shout "I AM THE GOBLIN!"

  2. dangermash - William Shatner could've played Osborn. He can get away with things no other actor can, and has woken from nightmares shouting, "Johnny!" - so, "I AM THE GOBLIN!" should be a cinch. See 4.07 (just after the beginning):


  3. Careful you don't wake up Mrs dangermash, dangermash.


  4. I might not have thought this through properly, I agree

  5. DM- Why not wake up screaming “I am Iron Man” a la Black Sabbath? There is precedent for screaming that?

  6. Charlie fondly remembers reading Die and Reed’s marriage! For a little kid it was a pulse-pounding issue!

    But honest to gosh I dont know why you guys aren’t balmy with all the lineup changes you had to endure! I mean… the lack of an overall continuity for a character had to be maddening.

  7. There was yet another lineup change again here last night, Charlie. It seems unlikely there'll be much change to the overall continuity though... Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    Still, good to see Corbyn did well. Venceremos! War criminals out of north London!
    Also: farewell then Jacob-Rees Mogg. And Ian Paisley Jr.


  8. So glad Mr Mogg ( and some others) was given the boot. Back to the same old thing in a 2 party state.

  9. Don't worry Paul - a Labour government will be just what the Scots need to finally push pro-independence opinion well over the 50% mark.


  10. Wait! Reese Mogg, who is being sued for copyright infringement because he dresses like “Harold the softy” from DC Thompson’s Dennis the Menace, is out of office?

    Maybe he should’ve dressed like Dennis! He probably look good in a black and red striped rugby shirt!

  11. By the way, is that wedding issue between Reed and Sue the one where towards the middle of the comic kirby‘s artwork is actually unfinished more or less and they just inked over what little sketches he had done?

  12. Charlie - It's Walter the Softy!


  13. Yes, Charlie, Rees-Mogg is no longer the MP for North East Somerset.
    He got more votes than the Monster Raving Loony candidate, but was beaten by the Labour party. Personally, I think the electorate called that the wrong way round, but so long as he lost thats the main thing.


  14. "Rees-Mogg" sounds like the name of an alien in a comic book, maybe a renegade Kryptonian sentenced to the Phantom Zone.

    Maybe that's what happened to this guy, politically speaking.


  15. MP - You need to read some UK (technically Scotland?) Dennis the Menace!

    UK's Dennis was hell on wheels, compared to the US's. Really weird is that they both originated on the same date in history totally coincidentally.

    Anyhow, UK Dennis pretty much thumps Walter the Softie until maybe the 1990s when suddenly nerds are cooler than menaces.

    PC gone MAD as SEAN says!!! LOL!

    And this cat Rees-Mogg looks 100% like Walter the Softie... the face, the glasses, the hair. Allegedly he was being sued for copyright infringement.

    I agree that Rees-Mogg is a perfect name for a Phantom Zone crook! (To intellectual sounding for MARVEL's Negative ZONE!)

  16. England v Suisse!

    Can't think of a better way to lounge around on a 85 degree, sunny day in Chicagoland!

    And it's being broadcast for FREE on FOX TV. (Not to be confused with Fox Boobs, I mean FOX News, TV channel.

    All my USA Friends - it comes on at 11:00 AM Chicago Time. Be there with Charlie and all of the UK and enjoy the cosmic experience!

  17. Not sure all the UK will be that interested Charlie.

  18. Charlie says…

    I am 1/8 Scottish and they are out.
    I am 1/4 Slovak and they are out.
    I am 1/2 Hungarian and they are out.

    Charlie could be watching Copa America with teams like Brazil and Argentina and Columbia. But given my EPL amd Talk Sport habits… I think of watching England play as an investment in my “hobbies.”

    The other ace in the hole is my kids are half french….

    Charlie likes to have options!

  19. The 1/8th of you should be ashamed lol. You enjoy supporting who you like Charlie and enjoy the tournament a good chance you'll be supporting a winner based on your genetics although I think Spain will be victors.

  20. Sometimes I think I must be the most Stereotypical Comics Nerd that posts here. My interest in sports is so minimal that I can’t even figure out which sport you’re all talking about :D

    But don’t mind me! You guys enjoy your — um, foot…ball..?


  21. BT… yep, euro football. But aren’t you an LA guy? You could enjoy watching LA Football Club (LAFC). It has become a cure spa for aging, formerly very great, euro stars!!! A year or two playing in America and these old guys in their late 30s are ready for their last hurrah in Europe, lol.

    Btw… just stopped in my LCBS and picked up the DC reprint of Military #1, from 1941 presumably, featuring Blackhawk!

    Also Marvel has the reprint out of giant size SUPERSTARS number one which originally cost $.35, 50 years ago, and features the THING and the HULK in the boxing range on the cover!!!

  22. Charlie:

    I don’t know what any of the words in that first paragraph mean LOL!

    I’m seriously so far out of the loop when it comes to sports, I’ll be at the grocery store wondering why it’s so empty on a Sunday and then only on the way home realize it’s probably Super Bowl Sunday — or I’ll be confused when people all over the neighborhood suddenly start cheering all at once and I think the Lakers or the Dodgers must have just won the playoffs or World Series or something (and I didn’t even know which Sport Season it was or that our local team was in the running) etc etc

    Comics, yay! When I was still going to the LCS before the Lockdown , DC and Marvel were both doing reprints of certain key issues. The DC ones were very nice, printed on matte finish paper, with all the letters columns and ads, so they were very reasonable facsimiles of the original comics , for $3.95 each, the price of a new comic. I think I only got the reprint of the first appearance of Batgirl in DETECTIVE, which I always coveted but never wanted to spend crazy “FIRST APPEARANCE!” money on.

    Marvel’s reprints were cheaper, only a dollar each, but they were printed on shiny paper, they printed just the story pages only (no letters pages, ads, etc) and the covers all had that ugly “TRUE BELIEVERS” banner on the covers. I bought the reprint of CONAN 37 because I couldn’t resist but that was the only one.

    If DC’s reprints are still as good as they were 5 years ago, I’d totally spring for that MILITARY/BLACKHAWK reprint if I saw it at the Comic shop.

    I heard DC reprinted that BATMAN VS RAS AL GHUL Treasury sized thing a few months back — full-sized — for like $15, I think? That seems practically reasonable when a regular 32-page floppy now retails for $5….


  23. Well I got up at 2am and watched the England Switzerland game. Not great watching but at least it appeared they'd practised penalties. I'd drop Bellingham into midfield, next to Rice, and add Cole Palmer on the right, with Foden in the middle. Possibly Toney for Kane, who looks shot. Hopefully Luke Shaw remains fit.

    Onto the Dutch.


  24. b.t.,the Brits had plenty of comics about soccerball back in the day. Almost many as war ones! So Roy of the Rovers is a widely understood reference in the broader society.
    I think its just a cultural difference with America, where you didn't seem to have sport-themed comics at all.


  25. sean, there apparently were some Sports comics in the US back in the 40s and 50s but most of them seem to have been pretty short-lived, so yeah, I guess they never became a popular genre here, like Horror or Romance or Westerns etc.

    When I first got into comics, I think DC was publishing STRANGE SPORTS STORIES but I’ve never, EVER been tempted to try it. I think the stories may all have been reprints from their extra-bland sci-fi titles from the 1950s.

    Oh, and CREEPY and EERIE had a few “ALL SPORTS SPECIAL!” issues which I had to buy (because OCD) but didn’t enjoy.


  26. I do love Harvey Kurtzman and Jack Davis’ rendition of “Casey At The Bat!” from MAD #6, which I first saw in the paperback THE BEDSIDE MAD. Davis was obviously very much into Sports and did tons of Sports-related items for MAD over the decades. His football stuff was always amusingly manic and intense.

