Sunday 12 June 2022

Forty years ago today - June 1982.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

Let us see what 1982 can fling at us...

Conan the Barbarian #135

My recollections of this are a bit fuzzy.

As far as I can recall, Conan bonks some kind of forest witch and then discovers he now has to beat up a load of woodland animals, in order to rescue her from someone or something.

Iron Man #159, Diablo

When Tony Stark discovers one of his employees has amnesia, he arranges for him to visit a psychiatrist.

Only for it to turn out the employee is really Diablo!

And, now, thanks to the shrink having restored his memories, he's soon back to his old ways of causing trouble and mayhem for all and sundry.

Needless to say, it's Iron Man's job to stop him.

And, needless to say, he does.

The Amazing Spider-Man #229, Juggernaut

For some reason, Black Tom sends his bezzie mate Juggernaut to abduct Madame Web.

This leads to Spider-Man getting involved.

But how can even the web-slinger stop such a brute?

The answer is he can't.

And now the question is how can the blindfolded clairvoyant survive the battle?

The Spectacular Spider-Man #67

With the demise of Bullseye, the Boomerang decides he's just the man to replace him as the Kingpin's on-call assassin.

So, Kingie sends him after Spider-Man to prove his worth.

But little does the aerodynamic antagonist know the crime boss has sent him there in the expectation the wall-crawler will flatten him.

The Uncanny X-Men #158, Rogue

It's the return of Rogue who's still in full-on super-villain mode when Carol Danvers and various X-Men sneak into the Pentagon to delete its files about the team.

Needless to say, the lot of them are only there for just five minutes before a mammoth fight breaks out.

Captain America #270

It's another one whose details are fuzzy in my mind.

I think Cap encounters a childhood friend who enlists his aid to rescue a friend who's been kidnapped by bad guys.

This seems to lead to a killer cyborg trying to destroy Cap.

I suspect the cyborg may have the mind of Cap's friend's friend but don't quote me on that.

Daredevil #183, the Punisher

It's a clash of philosophies when Daredevil, the Punisher and a young boy all individually set off to stop a drug dealer who's responsible for the death of a schoolgirl.

Despite the impression the cover may give, no men without fear were killed during the making of this comic.

Thor #320

It's an odd one when Thor inadvertently releases an unusual set of Asgardians from an ancient Viking artefact and then tries to get them to integrate with a society they're clearly unsuitable for integrating with.

Fantastic Four #243, Galactus

Galactus returns to Earth to sort out his rebellious herald Terrax but it's too long since the planet-gobbler last ate and, when the Avengers show up to fight him, the weakened giant hovers on the brink of death itself.

Now what do our heroes do? Do they leave him to die?

Or do they save him, knowing that will cause the deaths of endless worlds?

The Incredible Hulk #272, the Wendigo and Sasquatch

There's trouble in Canada when the Wendigo once more rears his ugly head.

The good news is Sasquatch is on hand to fight him.

And so is the Hulk!

But the even better news is the Hulk now has Bruce Banner's mind!

But is that really the good news it seems to be?

The Avengers #220

The Avengers are still trying to thwart Moondragon's bid to mind-control an entire planet.

But can even they and the power of Drax stop her?


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Charlie only knows the cover to, and has read, fantastic four. And that is thanks to all you guys at this blog (esp. Red) who recommended this run on the fantastic four. It was a great run for sure.

Anonymous said...

Avengers # 220 - Iron Man vs Thor! Iron Man absorbs Thor's lightning bolt, using it to massively increase his strength, and punches Thor through a series of stone columns! Iron Man said something like: "You may be strong, but my power's limitless - particularly if I've absorbed a multi-million volt (something or other)." By the way, Thor was besotted with/enthralled by Moondragon - in case anyone doesn't remember.


Anonymous said...

Daredevil #183 has a Roger McKenzie writing credit, doesn't it?

Apparently that story was originally supposed to be put out without a comics code seal, but the suits vetoed Shooter on that. Mainly, I think the problem was the original cover for the story -


Somewhat ironically, that one they eventually went with for #183 - which did get code approval - strikes me as more problematic. But than I am not from a country with beautiful second amendment rights.

Not much competition for cover of the month this time (seems I've been writing that regularly for a while now under this feauture) but if I had one it would probably be the Conan. Even though Simonson was capable of better.


Anonymous said...

Fav cover is FF. Nice to see Galactus wearing tights. I imagine everyone got tired of asking / answering “what’s Galactus got under the kilt?”

How did Galactus escape the Negative Zone where Reed programmed his ship to take him exactly 50 years ago? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

I do wonder what Captain America thinks he's doing on that Fantastic Four cover.
Is there really much point in hitting Galactus' foot with his shield?


Redartz said...

Some pretty prominent storylines going this week! That Spider-Man two-parter with "Juggie" (not Archie's Pal) remains a classic. Personally, never a fan of Madame Web though.

But top honors have to go to Fantastic Four. What a great issue; even though Sean makes the good point of questioning Cap's effectiveness against the World Eater. Amusingly, this very issue comes up in the story, as Spider-Man and Daredevil literally sit back and watch- knowing their participation would be pointless.

Anonymous said...

But they're all a bit pointless when it comes to dealing with Galactus, Red. Its not like, say, Iron Man using his repulsors or the Thing hitting him would make much difference either.

Thats the problem with bringing Galactus back regularly. It was a bit far-fetched that the FF could ever have stopped him really, but you could let it go once. Every time he gets beaten after that though - no matter how good the comic might be - he becomes just another villain (albeit big, and with unusual eating habits).

With Daredevil turning up, I do wonder how that fits in with his own series. Like, did this Galactus business happen right in between DD #183 and the next issue, in the middle of his dealing with the Punisher?
Or did he run into Galactus after an encounter with the Hand or the Kingpins goons?


Anonymous said...

Just X-men and Daredevil, again, for me this month. I don't recall reading this Galactus story but am surprised he kept returning to Earth given his track record. I've got dozens of restaurants I won't go near for reasons much less serious than being threatened by the ultimate nullifier or sent to the negative zone.

Back to Daredevil, Miller again does his take on an existing Spiderman character and pretty much nails it. I thought the Punisher mini series follow shortly after, but Google suggests 1986 which nullifies my theory that this issues kicked off that series.


Anonymous said...


Maybe Galactus is like a bear lurking around a campsite.
You might be able to shoo him off, but he's comin' back.
Probably in the dark.


Colin Jones said...

"Or do they save him, knowing that will cause the deaths of endless worlds?"

Steve, that reminds me of the scene in 'Genesis Of The Daleks' when the Doctor has the chance to destroy the Daleks forever but he says "Do I have the right?" and Sarah-Jane and me are saying YES!!!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of beasts lurking around a campsite (see left hand page):

- it always seemed strange to me that Wolverine's adamantium claws couldn't pierce the Hulk's skin (see final panel):

- yet the Wendigo's finger nails/claws, when slashing the Hulk in this month's issue, drew the Hulk's blood:

So - are the Wendigo's claws stronger/sharper than Adamantium, or is it just because Wendigo's a magical beast?

What else do we learn? In a previous issue readers were told Sasquatch is stronger than the Hulk in a non-raged enhanced state. Yet the Hulk, when angry, is stronger. In this issue, Wendigo's clearly stronger than Sasquatch. Yet, here, Banner's in control of the Hulk - so he's not totally enraged, yet the Hulk still seems stronger than Sasquatch or Wendigo.

Wendigo is also less invulnerable than the Hulk, as shown in his original appearance, when he was injured by Wolverine's claws, unlike the Hulk - yet Wendigo's also better armed than Wolverine, having claws that are tougher than Adamantium! A lot to learn - embedded comparisons - plus, Rocket Racoon's referenced/flashbacked to in this month's Hulk comic (not necessarily a good thing).


Charlie Horse 47 said...

Sean: THING was able to tip GALACTUS over in FF 122, 50 years and month ago.

And MARVEL ZOMBIES devoured Galactus when he fell over (why he fell I can't recall).

Point being maybe CAPTAIN AMERICA, with a jaw also presumably enhanced by the Super Soldier Serum back in 1941, could maybe take a bite out of G?

As I think about it, it's kind of funny to think about... Makes me wonder which artist would do the best rendition of Cap biting a hunk of flesh out of G?

Charlie Horse 47 said...

SPIDER MAN cover - can anyone help Charlie's memory? Wasn't there a cover like that, with the with a panel between each pair of spider's legs, roughly 50 years ago?

PHILLIP - Glad to see your back. You have my condolences.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Charlie. As regards my teaser, a couple of days ago, I've kept you dangling long enough. The honorary doctorate from Sheffield University (which one?) was awarded to former member of 'Heaven 17' & 'The Human League', Martyn Ware!


Steve W. said...

Thanks, everyone, for your comments. I would say my favourite cover of the ones above is the Spidey v Juggernaut one but none of them are great.

Colin, I would have blown up the daleks as well.

Charlie, Amazing Spider-Man #31, Amazing Spider-Man #105 and Amazing Spider-Man #135 also used the legs idea.

dangermash said...

< Gives the dm nod of approval to Steve's Spider-Man answer >

Anonymous said...

But would you have had the right to blow up the Daleks, Steve?


Steve W. said...

Sean, I shall check with my lawyer.

Steve W. said...

I've talked to him and he says it's OK, I do have the right.