Thursday 11 August 2022

August 11th 1982 - Marvel UK, 40 years ago this week.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

If I said that, this week in 1982, the Emerald Express were Number One on the UK singles chart, you might struggle to recall just who they were.

That's because the main credit on the track went to Dexys Midnight Runners with whom they were ruling the roost, thanks to their collaboration on Come On, Eileen.

Over on the UK album chart, there was no such name confusion, with the top spot still being held by the Kids from Fame and their eponymous LP of the same nomenclature.

Other singles on that week's chart that I approved of were: 

Don't GoYazoo

Stool PigeonKid Creole and the Coconuts

Strange Little Girl - the Stranglers

The Only Way OutCliff Richard

Summertime - the Fun Boy Three

Abracadabra - the Steve Miller Band

Now Those Days Are GoneBucks Fizz

When the Tigers Broke FreePink Floyd

Run Away10 C.C.

Wot!Captain Sensible

Tainted LoveSoft Cell

If You Want My LoveCheap Trick

WindpowerThomas Dolby


Happy TalkCaptain Sensible.

For any who wish to investigate the matter further, that week's British singles chart can be found here.

While the associated album chart dwells here.

Super Spider-Man TV Comic #492

From that cover, I'm going to assume our hero's still battling the robot double of that bloke who used to work for Norman Osborn until Nasty Norm shot him, from on high, way back in Steve Ditko's days.

Robot or not, the villain's no match for Spider-Man who soon dampens his spark plugs.

For even more excitement, we get the latest part of that Fantastic Four poster we've been assembling for the past few weeks. It features Galactus, Dr Doom and yet more robots.

The Incredible Hulk #20

Thanks to the colour scheme, the blurbs on the front cover are all but unreadable, and I can unearth no information about the book's contents, online.

However, that looks to be an Alfredo Alcala illustration of Hulkie-Baby, making me suspect Alfredo might be drawing the interior, as well.

Hanna Barbera's Scooby-Doo and His T.V. Friends #25

Once more, Onbarder, AKA Mark, has come up with a cover for Scooby-Doo's mag. And, this time it's issue #25.

For a kick-off, we get more fun from Scooby's Ghostly Club House.

Elsewhere, the Mystery Gang encounters a sea monster, while the CB Bears encounter the King of the Mountain.

I couldn't claim to have previously encountered the CB Bears. I can, therefore, shed no light upon whether they're acquaintances of the Hair Bear Bunch.

Even more elsewherely, Top Cat finds himself in Asparagus Alley.

For any who wish to investigate such madness further, the full issue can be found at the Internet Archive.


Redartz said...

As always, an entertaining post Steve; and a particularly interesting UK singles list. Once again, it makes our Billboard chart look positively banal.
Of particular interest to me is Thomas Dolby with "Windpower". I've been on a Dolby kick lately si ce our pal Charlie gifted me with TD's book. Over here Dolby was basically a one hit wonder. A shame, as his (unfortunately rather limited) body of music is most enjoyable and intriguing...

Anonymous said...

Not sure that Alfredo Alcala Hulk tells you much about the comic's interior Steve - they've used his work a few times in recent weeks, even when they were reprinting that 'What If...' story with some fairly below average Herb Trimpe artwork.

I also approve of Kid Creole & the Coconuts and Soft Cell, and that Pink Floyd single is quite a good one too. But other than that, my opinion of your list ranges from indifference (Funboy Three) to irritation (again with the Bucks Fizz).
Still, at least you didn't pick Hayzee Fantayzee.

On the album front, I was trying to decide whether I preferred the League Unlimited Orchestra or Kid Creole's 'Tropical Gangsters' when I scrolled down and noticed that Eek-A-Mouse was in at #66 with his 'Skidip' lp.
I guess we're still in the 'post-punk' era when reggae was (relatively speaking) quite big, but even so thats a pretty impressive showing for a Jamaican artist who wasn't that well known and didn't have a big label behind him. Well done the record buying public for showing some taste.

Although I believe Captain Beefheart's final opus, 'Ice Cream for Crow' was released in August '82, so thats obviously record of the month.


Anonymous said...

Red! I must agree with you that Thomas Dolby‘s work is very impressive and very listenable. Lately, I’ve had “cloudburst “stuck on auto replay while driving to work, lol. Also, I’ve had “I am a dissident “wedged in there among cloudburst, lol.

And, I’m glad you are enjoying the book about Thomas Dolby. His encounters with Michael Jackson are pretty amusing.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else out there love Captain Sensible and “Wot?” Its an ear worm 🐛

Colin Jones said...

Yesterday morning the 'Today' programme on BBC Radio 4 had a report about Spider-Man's 60th anniversary!

dangermash said...

Stool pigeon? Cha cha cha cha.

Anonymous said...

Red! The so-called Field of dreams game is being played right now on Fox. Cincinnati versus Chicago Cubs. What a classic setting for two of baseballs oldest teams! Seeing those corn fields behind the fence from which they carved out the baseball field it’s just a really nostalgic and emotional site isn’t it?

Colin Jones said...

At #48 in the 1982 singles chart is 'The Dreaming' by Kate Bush, a song about Australian aborigines which was included on her greatest hits album 'The Whole Story' in 1986 even though it didn't make the Top 40 and other bigger hits were left off the album.

Colin Jones said...

The Spidey comic costs 20p but the Hulk comic is 25p. More pages?

Redartz said...

Yes indeed Charlie, love the whole vintage feel of the game. Of course I loved the movie. There's a question for our UK friends, as I continue to diverge from poor Steve's hard efforts. Have any of you seen the movie which tonight's baseball game is named for; " Field of Dreams"?

Anonymous said...


"Bang goes another kanga on the bonnet of the van..."

I've been hearing "Running Up That Hill" around here occasionally, on the radio and once coming out of a pickup truck parked next to me at a red light. (in South Dakota!)
Well, of course it's 'cause they used it on that T.V. show, but I wonder what folks over here will make of the rest of Kate's catalogue should they dig further into it.

Maybe their minds will explode. Mine did, back in '88.


Anonymous said...

During 1982 I was working at National Record Mart's warehouse (a regional music chain). Outside of the FAME album, and the Steve Miller song, I have no knowledge about the rest of those songs, Steve. Definitely must've been the UK flavor.

When I worked at Magee Plastics ( a manufacturer/refurbisher of interior passenger cabin parts for airlines), I made the mistake of letting my co-workers know that I was in the music industry for 30+ years. I was constantly quizzed everyday about song titles, artists, albums, concert tours, etc.

This one annoying, younger bastich would ask me every 15 minutes who sang songs on an oldie station we listened to in our department.
The man had absolutely no musical knowledge. I got REALLY tired of it. I finally said, "Google it". He said, "I wanna know if YOU know!" Aaargh.

ABRACADABRA came on the radio. He screamed at me over our sanding/grinding machines, "Who does THIS?" Told him, "Steve Miller".

He yelled, "NO WAY!!!" Guess he was just used to hearing THE JOKER, JET AIRLINER, TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN, or whatever. I told him to Google it and prove me wrong.

He did and looked at me with a zombie face. I told him to never quiz me again.

Anonymous said...

- Killdumpster

Anonymous said...

Steve Miller came up with that crappy song because Capital Records was going to drop him if he didn't have a long awaited hit.


Colin Jones said...

Red, I've heard of 'Field Of Dreams' but I've never seen it. Sports-based films have no appeal for me.

Charlie Horse 47 said...

Steve - sorry for straying but the level of knowledge here is better than google!

We were watching "Singing in the Rain" whilst watching "Cubs v. Cincinnati Field of Dreams Game."

We notice that in the "Moses supposes" scene the "R"s are twirled. My better half said that 75 years ago (the age of the movie) that was not uncommon and indeed, in proper english, the "R"s would be twirled.

Growing up in America our language training was very basic, and I certainly had no training in pronunciation.

But you guys in the UK, the mother land of English, did you guys learn to twirl your "R"s ? Or perhaps did your parents, grandparents twirl them?

Moses supposes his toses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously!

Charlie Horse 47 said...

Steve Miller - poor guy always takes a beating from the "critics." Yet, our generation knows all his hits and they were big hits at that.

Space Cowboy was a masterpiece for Steve!

Colin Jones said...

Charlie, BBC Radio 4 is currently broadcasting a series about princesses and last Wednesday's episode was about Princess Leia from Star Wars. One of the two guests on the show didn't know that Carrie Fisher was the daughter of Debbie Reynolds from Singin' In The Rain. "No way!" she said "I never knew, and I love Singin' In The Rain!"

Steve W. said...

Charlie, we were definitely never taught to twirl our Rs. The only English people I've ever heard doing it are the Shelleys and Byron in the prologue scene of Bride of Frankenstein.

Otherwise, it's tended to be the preserve of comedy Scotsmen like Private Frazer in Dad's Army.

Steve W. said...

Red, I think I recall seeing Field of Dreams on VHS, a long long time ago but I don't remember too much about it.

Anonymous said...

Charlie - as regards Steve Miller, what about 'Jungle Love' ? That got lots of play, due to being a US comedy's theme tune.

Colin - At 9pm tonight, CH5's got a documentary on 'The Good Life'. I know you don't watch TV, but it might be available on an 'on demand' / catch up channel.


Anonymous said...

I checked out 'The Dreaming' by Kate Bush, and I can report back that the video did not make my mind explode. Actually, I had to double check I was watching the real thing, and not some piss-take - it really is terrible.

Plus, if you want to make some sort of comment on the situation of indigenous Australians, getting Rolf Harris in to play the didj isn't really the way to do it imo.
But then I am a metropolitan elitist, and didn't think Theresa May was wonderful either.


Colin Jones said...

Sean, Rolf Harris's voice can be heard on a song from Kate Bush's 2005 album 'Aerial' but in a more recent version of the song Rolf's voice was replaced by Kate Bush's son.

Thanks Phil, but I only watch BBC iplayer and they had a documentary about 'The Good Life' not that long ago. And last year iplayer broadcast the first two series of TGL but not the final one for some reason.

Charlie Horse 47 said...


I seem to remember around 1976 discovering weed with my buddies and spending far too much time around a pool table, in said buddy's basement, drinking beer, smoking weed, playing pool, and listening to STEVE MILLERS FLY LIKE AN EAGLE album and AEROSMITH TOYS IN THE ATTIC.

Somewhere during that time period, SUPER TRAMP CRIME OF THE CENTURY made it on the turntable as well as well as something by KISS I WANT TO ROCK N ROLL.

To this day, I think the first 3 are top drawer / shelf stuff! Still dig 'em. KISS... well it's a fun song.

Charlie Horse 47 said...


Folks, ole Charlie has been giving it some attention finally, at the age of 61. Me thinks the critics were much too harsh to write it off as a sad imitation of Sgt. Peppers.

I know... what do the critics know???

But I never bothered to even give it a spin until 55 years after its release. It's worth a listen. Sounds fresh compared to today' music. 2000 LIGHT YEARS FROM HOME is a real gem!

Anonymous said...

I consider Steve Miller a "guilty pleasure". Man, I have his first greatest hits in my collection!

I'll never forget when I got the FLY LIKE AN EAGLE album. No one was home, and I was smoking weed in our downstairs game room.

While I was listening to the album my sister's Benji dog came downstairs, curious about the synth intro. She was tilting her head back & forth like she was disoriented.

She was so blindly confused that when she came to the final step, she didn't see a clothes basket off to the side. After the final step she put her foot on the edge of the basket. It flipped over on top of her, like a cage trap.

She let out a slew of screaming yips, shot-up about 4 feet in the air, and ran back up the steps!

It might be evil, but I laughed like a maniac when that happened. Everything is funny when you're stoned.


McSCOTTY said...
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McSCOTTY said...

Although I don't understand Baseball (Zzzzz) or indeed the references in the film (the Black Sox scandal) for a sports movie Fields of Dreams was pretty good. It was helped by the spiritual element to it. I always liked the Steve Miller band, not a big favourite but I thought Abracadabra was a fun tune and Space Cowboy is a classic of any genre.

Charlie Horse 47 said...

MCSCOTTY - I'LL make you a deal...

You come to Chicago and I'll explain Baseball.

I'll come to Scotland and you explain Cricket and Rugby.


McSCOTTY said...

Charlie, Cricket in Scotland? seriously lol. Its football, rugby and golf here. ⛳ Cricjet is very much English and Welsh

Colin Jones said...

But you do play cricket in Scotland, Paul - racism in Scottish cricket was a recent news story.

McSCOTTY said...

Yeah but it's very much a minority game in Scotland Colin, unlike in England and Wales where its a major game . We play most sports in all regions/nations of the UK, including Baseball ( less than 23 thousand in UK play it) but only a few have a substantial following .