Tuesday 25 October 2022

Speak Your Brain! Part XL. Food you could eat, every day, and never get tired of it.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

The Steve Does Comics Megaphone
Image by Tumisu
from Pixabay
Watch out for that pumpkin because Halloween looms large in our front-view mirrors but will that be the subject of tonight's post?

I've no idea because it's not up to me.

It's up to you.

It's a fact. It's the not-so-shocking return of the feature in which the first person to comment gets to pick the topic of the day!

But what will it be?

For all I know, it could be art, films, flans, plans, books, bagels, cooks, nooks, crooks, ducks, drakes, pixies, rocks, socks, blocks, music, mucous, fairy tales, fairy lights, Fairy Liquid, fairy cakes, Eccles cakes, myth, moths, maths, magic, tragedy, comedy, dromedaries, murder, larders, Ladas, mystery, mayhem, molluscs, Moorcock, May Day, mangoes, bongos, drongoes, bingo, Ringo, Pingu, Ringu, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Doris Day, Marvin Gaye, Marvin the paranoid android, Brookside Close, Ramsay Street, Coronation Street, Albert Square, Scarlet Street, Dead End Street, chickenpox, the Equinox, parallelograms, rhomboids, androids, asteroids, The Good Life, the Next Life, pomegranates, raisins, grapes, currants, blackcurrants, figs, waves, granite, marble, marbles, maples, staples, fables, stables, sofas, eggs, pegs, legs, dregs, moons and supermoons, sodas, sausages, eggs, whisky, broth, Bath, baths, Garth Marenghi, Garth Brooks, Garth Crooks, Bruno Brookes, Bruno Mars, Mars Bars, wine bars, flip-flops, flim-flam, flapjacks, backpacks, see-saws, jigsaws, dominoes, draft excluders, blockheads, blackheads, dunderheads, deadheads, webheads, flowerpots, Bill and Ben, Ben and Jerry, Tom and Jerry, flour pots, bread bins, bin bags, body bags, body horror, shoddy horror, doggy bags, bean bags, coal sacks, cola, cocoa, dodos, Dido, Soho, Solo, silos, windows, day-glo, glue, Gloy, Bostik, pancakes, Eccles cakes, Bakewell Tarts, Fabulous Wealthy Tarts, Mr Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, pizzas, pastas, pastors, baking soda, sci-fi, Wi-Fi, Hi-Fi, sewage, saunas, suet, Tomorrow People, Forever People, Party People, Sheila Steafel, steeples, Silurians, Sontarans, Sea Devils, sins, suns, sans, sense, sludge, slumps, sumps, sunshine, slime, soup, sandwiches, servants, Sultanas, Santana, Sultans, grapes, grappling or sandcastles.

On the other hand, it might not.

We can only await, with keen anticipation, the first comment that arrives beneath this very post...


Colin Jones said...

Name your favourite food that you could eat EVERY DAY and never get tired of it.

Colin Jones said...

For me it's quiche.

dangermash said...

I could say ice cream or curry or cheese and biscuits or chocolate brazils or Fray Bentos pies in tins or breakfast fry ups in baguettes or KFC but I know that my body would be hating it after a few days and that I'd be feeling ill and that would make me hate whatever it was I was eating.

So I'm going for a boring, sensible answer. Bananas. I'm not especially a banana fan but if I had to eat one thing for the rest of my life and nothing else, they're what I'd go for.

Matthew McKinnon said...

Bread. In its various forms.
You can have a day when you have toast for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch and feel you’ve eaten too much and you won’t want it for a while, but next morning it’s day one again.

McSCOTTY said...

I wouldn't like to eat just one thing but good bread and quality hard cheese would be high on my list of favourite food with a nice wee cuppa tea. Haddock would also be on my list as I love fish.

Anonymous said...

Quiche? Sounds like you might be part of the Guardian reading, tofu eating wokeratti thats holding Britain back, Colin.


Anonymous said...

I guess I’m with Matthew — bread in all its delicious, gluten-y varieties. Everything from lavash to bagels, croissants to Betty Crocker dinner rolls — and rye bread, French rolls, burger buns, saltine crackers, pita, garlic bread, naan, buttered toast, etc etc etc. As I get older, I sometimes think about various foods that I may have to give up someday, and bread is definitely one food group that I would miss. Like, a LOT.


Anonymous said...

Banana milk, mint aero, fish and chips, donuts, pancakes, cheesecake.


Anonymous said...

Marks and Spencer's picnic eggs (the mini scotch eggs with the chopped middle). I can't get them in Oz and miss them every day. Also, jellied eels (also, surprisingly, unavailable locally) but I only miss these every other day...


Charlie Horse 47 said...

King Charlie has had oatmeal every work day, for breakfast, since 1984.

Does Charlie like it, though?

He now only eats the organic variety once he learned US farmers spray the oat fields with Round Up a few days before harvest. By killing the oats they are stiffer and easier to harvest. King Charlie is adverse to eating Round Up. He does not miss eating it.

O/wise Charlie could eat Egg Noodles... esp. with a gravy of sorts like in Beef Stroganoff... daily. Perhaps this belies Charlies Hungarian roots while growing up in the melting pot of America - Gary, Indiana.

Charlie Horse 47 said...

All you bread eaters... I assume you've been to places like Jersey Mike's, Subway, Jimmy John's etc. for sandwiches.

Did you ever have that "stuck in your gut for 24 hours" feeling after eating one?

I had a few over the past few years and have had to swear them off. Feel like I swallowed a bowling ball. Friends say it's b/c they put some type of plastic, like found in yoga matts, in the bread to make if firm yet fluffy?

Redartz said...

I'm with the bread gang. I eat a bagel nearly every morning for breakfast. Usually a sandwich at lunch, and a roll with dinner. Like b.t., I enjoy rye bread (seedless, sadly have to avoid anything with seeds or nuts). Croissants are nice. And my favorite cold weather meal: grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup.....

Redartz said...

By the way, Charlie- I've never had an issue with those sub sandwiches you mentioned. Indulge in one occasionally...

Anonymous said...

Were Charlie to live in REDARTZ’s neck of the woods (Indiana along the Ohio River) he would indulge daily, were it possible, in Paw Paws and Persimmons where the rare fruits are indigenous!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, grilled cheese, YES. Another one of my favorite bready things: cheese toast from Sizzler’s. I could definitely eat that every single day.

Back in my drinking days, my buddies and I would broil wheat tortillas topped with grated cheddar on the top rack of the oven— like an open-faced quesadilla. Paired really nicely with a bottle of Lambrusco.


Steve W. said...

Thanks for the topic, Colin.

I'm going to have to go for chocolate. I'd happily live on a diet of nothing but chocolate, apart from the fact that it'd probably kill me.

Anonymous said...

Charlie’s Queen says she’d pick potatoes and chocolate for every day.