Thursday, 27 February 2025

March 1st, 1975 - Marvel UK, 50 years ago this week.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

In Britain, we might have spent the early 1970s complaining about our comics being in black and white.

But in Australia, they had to put up with their TV shows being in black and white.

But that was all about to end.

Because this was the week in which that fair land's broadcasters finally switched to full colour.

Now, at last, viewers could see just what colour Skippy was.

Thinking about it, I think he was grey.

A bit of a waste of money switching to colour, really.

I am, of course, working on an assumption that Skippy was the only thing being broadcast on Australian TV in the 1970s. Which I'm sure must be true.

When it came to the UK singles chart, that was still being dominated by the stop-start magic of Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel's Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me).

While the summit of the parallel album chart was now claimed by none other than Status Quo, with their latest platter that mattered On the Level.

Spider-Man Comics Weekly #107, the Schemer

Maybe it's just me but I don't recall the Schemer ever managing to be this dynamic in the actual story.

For that matter, I don't remember him having death-gas either.

I do, though, remember him having death-beef with the Kingpin. And, as far as I'm aware, that death-beef continues in this very issue.

Meanwhile, Iron Man's up against the Freak, otherwise known as Happy Hogan. And the musclebound maniac's only gone and abducted Pepper Potts!

Can Tony Stark's Enervator - the device that created the Freak in the first place - possibly be the route to stopping him and curing Happy?

Meanwhile, out on the streets of New York, The Wrecker's succeeded in killing Thor.

And that can only lead to Hela putting in an appearance.

But, somehow, our hero manages to talk his way out of being dead. When my time comes, I'm definitely going to see if that works for me as well.

And there's more good news for the thunder god because, determined to stop the Wrecker, Sif and Balder come up with a great plan.

They'll reactivate the Destroyer.

What could possibly go wrong?

Might World of Marvel #127, the Hulk and Psyklop

I do believe we get the ceiling-shattering conclusion to the Hulk's first visit to the home world of Jarella, when Psyklop breaks up their happy relationship - only to get on the wrong side of his own dark gods!

I do believe Daredevil's still blind, thanks to the antics of the Cobra and Mr Hyde and is going to have to make them think he's not blind at all, mostly by walking around on a tightrope while not being able to see.

And things are also looking bad for the Fantastic Four in their struggle with the now-cosmically-powered Dr Doom.

Or perhaps they're not.

Because Reed Richards has come up with just the device to stop him.

A robot bat!

Marvel UK, the Avengers #76, Sons of the Tiger

What's that it says in that blurb on the left? 
"Fifty fingers of death!"? That's like the world's worst marketing for the signature product of Findus.

Inside, we find the first part of the only story I've ever read that contains the Sons of the Tiger, as they try to stop Fu Manchu getting up to some naughtiness or other at the United Nations building.

Following that, we encounter a classic Avengers adventure when the gang go back in time - via Dr Doom's time machine - in a bid to find out just what happened in the incident that killed or didn't kill Bucky.

And I think you can guess that means plenty of Zemo, rockets and giant robots.

I think it also means a mention of Marilyn Monroe, even though the story's set in the 1940s.

And, of course, Dr Strange and the Black Knight are in another realm and trying to survive the menace of Tiboro!

Marvel UK, Dracula Lives #19

The Cowering Blonde of Gil Kane is back.

Inside the book, Dracula's still in A Town Called Death!

Elsewhere, Jack Russell's forced to try and kill a reclusive millionaire, thanks to the schemings of Luthor Kane who's holding Jack's sister hostage.

Next, we encounter a one-page article about the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

And Frankenstein's Monster's still in London, having to overcome the modern-day descendant of the scientist who created him.

Marvel UK, Planet of the Apes #19

Hold on a minute. Despite what it says on the cover, that's not the Lawgiver. The Lawgiver's an orangutan, and that ape's clearly a gorilla.

And, for that matter, those other gorillas have remarkably hairless arms and legs!

Whatever, within this mighty tome, the Lawgiver falls into a deadly river and, somehow, this leads to an encounter with a Davy Crockett style ape called Gunpowder Julius.

Following all that drama, there's a one-page article about Booth Colman who plays the TV version of Dr Zaius.

Then we find a nine-page spotlight on Arthur P Jacobs, principle producer of the Apes films.

As you may have noticed, this means the issue would appear to be devoid of any Tales of the Watcher.

But without his morality tales, how am I supposed to know how to live my life?


Anonymous said...

We are sure Dracula is a Kane cover? The nostrils seem ambiguous.

Anonymous said...

The legendary Dracula iced lolly was resurrected ( before you say it, I know vampires never stay dead! But it ought to have done, what with a wooden lolly stick shoved through it! ) last summer - as part of the Walls 'Dream Team', but we all missed it:

For team USA, it's the Cola-flavoured one, with strawberry filling, on the far right. I was a bit too young, first time round. I remember Haunted Houses, Red Devils, & Orange Dragons - but only saw the Drac iced lolly advertised!


Anonymous said...

“The Brute That Shouted Etc Etc” is the one based on a “plot” by famous cranky-pants Harlan Ellison — it was probably more of a “vague idea” than a “plot”. Roy Thomas couldn’t help himself and wrote in a bunch of awkward Ellison “Easter Eggs” in his captions ( “The robot’s head shatters like a glass goblin!”, things like that). It’s fully as cringe as it sounds.


Anonymous said...

I rather liked Gene Hackman in French Connection and also Hoosiers. To my UK friends… if you want a bit of midwest america… really hitting home… see Hoosiers (slang for “I am fron Indiana”).


Anonymous said...

Charlie - I've seen Hoosiers ( "IT WAS ON THE BASELINE!" ). My favourite, however, is probably 'Night Moves'.


Anonymous said...

That Drac cover looks like a collage to me. I mean, you can pretty much see the join between two images by following a line from the bottom left corner, along the ground and then the Blonde's hip, past the bin (translation: trash can) and up the edge of those light blue buildings (one of which is clearly too small to be in front of that victim Dracula's holding) to the top.

The Cowering Blonde - who I have definitely seen before - and the blue buildings behind her look like Gil Kane's work. The rest... Idk. Drac has a bit of a Gil vibe, but the other figure doesn't. I reckon someone drew a swiped cover and @#*&ed up the lower right somehow, and - probably because there was a rush on - part of an old Kane image was pasted over the top to fix it.


Anonymous said...

Actually, on closer inspection, that small light blue building might not be in front of that anonymous victim. What seemed to be the line of the lower part of the roof might well actually be the outline of that fella's shoulder instead.

A bit of whiteout and ink and clearly distinguishing that detail could have been sort out in five minutes. Maybe that was the point of the falling flat cap.
But its so badly done...


Anonymous said...

I think THE CONVERSATION is probably my favorite Gene Hackman movie. THE FRENCH CONNECTION was the movie that catapulted him to stardom (and a Best Actor Oscar) — when I finally got around to watching it sometime in the 90s, I was pretty underwhelmed by it. Like a lot of movies from the 1970s, I’m more familiar with the MAD magazine parody :)


Anonymous said...

On even closer inspection check out the Cowering Blonde's left hand. Gil Kane would never have drawn a hand that out of proportion. So for some reason we're looking at two swiped images put together...?
Ok, I am definitely now going to give up trying to figure out that cover.

Anonymous said...

'The Driver', starring Ryan O'Neal, is a 70s movie that's supposed to be incredibly cool - but I found it pretty underwhelming. The voice-overs, in deep, earnest tones, gave those 70s movies a cache that some didn't live up to.

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen THE DRIVER. I think I may have started it and just not finished it. But it’s hard to say — I’ve always thought Ryan O’Neal was an incredibly un-charismatic actor, so I might have seen it and just forgotten it!


Anonymous said...

b.t. - That's quite possible. Transitioning from the lead in a soppy film like 'Love Story', to a supposedly super-cool getaway driver is a stretch too far!


Colin Jones said...

My favourite Gene Hackman film is THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE.

Starting next week - TWO new Marvel UK weeklies...because YOU demanded it!

(All will be revealed next Thursday on Steve Does Comics)

Anonymous said...

I fully enjoy French Connection. The car chase along the overhead train tracks is par excellence! The stake out, the shenanigans on the subway… so so good.


Anonymous said...

I remember being quite impressed that this week’s Planet of the Apes had all article-based back up pages, rather than the usual unrelated short stories. I’m pretty sure it has a full-page full-colour photo of Dr. Zaius on the back cover, which probably ties in with the Booth Coleman article.

Steve, they do broadcast other shows than Skippy, in Australia, however the colour gets turned off at 6pm each night, to preserve energy 😉


Colin Jones said...

DW, my local Tesco now sells genuine Australian vegemite - I assume this is a benefit of the allegedly "great" post-Brexit trade deal the UK signed with Australia a couple of years ago (British farmers think it's a terrible deal and they are horrified at the possibility of a UK/US trade deal).

Anonymous said...

You know… the only thing we see in stores from England is cheddar or stilton cheese.

Colin Jones said...

Charlie(?) - what about London gin or Scotch whiskey?

Anonymous said...

Hey you Brits!!! Quit sending me “you have an unpaid tollway bill!” Charlie has just conferred with two other local friends and they too have been getting bombarded with such text messages from “44” country code this week!!!

Anonymous said...


Try toast and Vegemite for a top breakfast. The trick is equal parts butter and Vegemite on the toast.


Colin Jones said...

DW, I'd assumed Vegemite was identical to Marmite but the internet says it isn't.

Marmite is supposedly either loved or hated with no middle ground but that's not true in my case. I buy Marmite once in a blue moon so obviously I don't love it otherwise I'd buy it regularly but I don't hate it either otherwise I'd never buy it at all.

Charlie, those texts are not coming from me!

dangermash said...

I don't know about vegemite but my idea of a breakfast is toast, butter, marmite, marmalade. A winning combination.

Anonymous said...

Vegemite is mores savoury than marmite, and I can’t imagine it blending with marmalade. It is similarly divisive but, FWIW, I love it.

Cadbury Australian did release a limited release dairy milk and Vegemite chocolate, that was something I wish I’d tried less than once.


Anonymous said...

Vegamite sounds pretty dubious to me. I looked it up.
Perhaps it's an acquired taste.
Then again, I eat some dubious stuff myself.
Like Velveeta on banana bread. Anybody else eat that?
It's pretty good.


Anonymous said...

Velveeta…. See it every time i go to a grocery store. Dont know i ever ate it willingly or knowingly .

I always figured it was one of those World War II concoctions to get people calories during rationing. Kind of like Jell-O used to be in terms of its mistique and being served at the dinner table up until the 1970s.