Sunday, 9 March 2025

Forty years ago today - March 1985.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

Come, let us paddle in the lido of lost dreams that is the past.

Daredevil #216, the Gael is back

It's great news for us all, I'm sure, because the Gael's back.

And Daredevil fights him.

I'm struggling to recall much else about this one, other than that a bar's involved.

And that there's fighting.

The Avengers #253

The Vision's come up with a great idea for how to solve all the world's problems. 

He'll make himself supreme ruler of the planet!

There is, however, one obstacle.

And that's Quasimodo whose consciousness just happens to be inhabiting one of the computer systems the Vizh needs to take possession of if his plan is to succeed.

Needless to say, this leads to a fight.

Also needless to say, it's only a matter of time before the other Avengers realise what the android is up to and set out to stop him.

Captain America #303, Batroc

It's a major crisis for democracy because Batroc and his friends have managed to steal Captain America's shield!

Not only that but, after having too much to drink, the French martial artist has a wager with those friends that he can defeat Cap in hand-to-hand combat.

I think we can all guess how a drunk Batroc vs a sober Captain America goes.

And we'd all be right.

The Incredible Hulk #305, the U-Foes

Thanks to their own incompetence, the U-Foes have managed to find themselves in the exact same spot in the universe as the now-mindless Hulk.

And that can only mean a scrap.

And that can only mean a good pounding for the four of them.

The Spectacular Spider-Man #100, the Spot

As far as I can recall, it's a virtual re-run of last issue, as the spidester decides to attack the Kingpin's HQ, and the Spot gets in his way.

But more important matters are afoot. It would seem that this issue's the one in which our hero and the Black Cat go their separate ways, mostly because she feels her bad luck powers are a liability for her lover.

The Uncanny X-Men #191

Kulan Gath is still ruling Manhattan, with a rod of steel and everyone on that island - including its super-heroes - are convinced they're Antediluvian people in an Antediluvian world.

Can Storm, Callisto and their gang of obdurates defeat the sorcerer and restore things to how they were before he showed up?

Too right they can.

Which is good news, as virtually everyone we know and love dies at some point in this story.

Fantastic Four #276

It's trouble in suburbia for Sue and Reed Richards when a mad exorcist turns up at their house, convinced they must be evil demons, and is determined to destroy them.

Sadly, all she actually manages to do - apart from inconveniencing the heroes - is open up a portal to Hell that allows Mephisto to enter our world!

Come to think of it, I was under the impression he can enter our world any time he wants. He certainly seemed to have no difficulty doing it when he was bothering the Silver Surfer.

Thor #353

The whole mess with Surtur comes to a close when Thor, Odin and Loki join forces to confront that giant while the Earth's heroes - and Roger - do their best to hold the fort on Midgard.

And it's Roger who turns out to be MVP.

Conan the Barbarian #168

I do believe a winged woman Conan befriended in an earlier issue gets captured by the owner of a travelling freak show who wants to make her his Number One exhibit.

That can only lead to Conan setting out to rescue her.

And that can only lead to stabbings.

The Amazing Spider-Man #262

But what's this?

A photo cover?

On a comic?

I'm not convinced I approve of such things.

But, then again, it does make sense. After all, inside the book, a dubious photographer manages to take a picture of Spider-Man without his mask on and then tries to sell the snap to denizens of the criminal underworld.

This leads him into more danger than he bargained for, meaning Spidey has to come to his rescue while simultaneously scaring him enough to make sure he never shows that image to the world.

Iron Man #192

Rhodey's still acting weird, forcing Tony to do what he hoped he'd never have to do again, and put on a suit of armour.

That armour - being homemade - is inferior to Rhodey's. But we all know the man inside the armour matters far more than the armour itself.


Anonymous said...

Steve, your recall of this issue is better than mine — I don’t even remember the bar! I certainly don’t remember who The Gael is or why it’s such a big deal that he’s back. Since Mazzuchelli is inking his own pencils at this point, I’m sure the inside art is swell. The cover is very nice.

When did Quasimodo get turned into a MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE action figure?

CAP 303:
Another month, another terrible Cap cover.

HULK 305:
Decent enough cover but I’m glad Mignola’s style drastically evolved away from this aesthetic.


Not much to say about the rest of these covers, except that none of them intrigued me enough to even look inside. Of this batch, I’m pretty sure I only bought the DD.


Matthew McKinnon said...

That FF cover is good!

Is the Captain America one by John Byrne?

And is the Hulk one by Mike Mignola? I recently watched the documentary about him, and he was very upfront about how unsuccessful his earliest work was.

That DD is quite good, though whenever comics flirt with ‘The Troubles’ it makes me a bit queasy. I’d forgotten they changed the logo for a bit.

Anonymous said...

Charlie has to diverge a second b/c this is so over the top. I am listening to the Kim Wilde 80s show streaming from the French station “Nostalgie.” Kim says, “This next song is from my two favorite tons of fun THE WEATHER GIRLS It’s Raining Men!”

I laughed hard. I felt guilty but I could not help it. Was it wrong ChRlie laughed?

Anonymous said...

Not the Gael again. I didn't realize he made a return appearance, Steve, although I suppose I should have as villains always do.
Marvel and the Irish, eh? If its not feckin leprechauns, its the IRA.

I disapprove of that Spidey photo cover too. Not sure I'd go as far as saying that kind of thing should never be done, as the cover of Warrior #5 was fairly effective -

But in general it seems ill advised.


Colin Jones said...

Talking of Captain America's shield - I've just seen a cartoon on The Guardian website which shows Homer Simpson, Mickey Mouse and Cap's shield (all representing the USA) next to a massive and evil-looking Russian bear. Mickey is saying to Homer "Are we the baddies now?"