Sunday 31 July 2022

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - official trailer. Warning: potential spoilers!

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

Just the other day, I stunned mankind by posting the trailer for the Thor movie that's currently thrilling the cinemas of the world.

However, in the wake of all that, it was pointed out to me that there's another Marvel trailer on the loose.

And that's for Wakanda Forever, the Black Panther movie that, for obvious reasons, is going to have to get by without its titular character.

Can it pull that off?

Judging by the trailer, it looks like it can, with Angela Bassett, in particular, happy to give it some welly.

I must confess I've still not seen the first Black Panther movie yet and, so, can pass no judgment upon either its style or its quality but this one looks like it's going to be highly dramatic and its trailer's noticeably devoid of the flippancy that defined the Thor one.

I'm assuming, from it, that Wakanda and Atlantis are going to find themselves at war with each other. I also assume that'll be down to the Machiavellian machinations of some villain or other.

Either way, it's good to see the Sub-Mariner finally turning up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, complete with green swimming trunks. And for him to have his trident with him - even if it seems to only have one prong.

Does that make it a unident?

Frankly, I have no idea.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm…the trailer looks very Marvel. the Black Panther was good in the theater and i did see it again (Netflix?).

But alas the big screen, big battle, big music, big… Marvel movie is kind of too big for me at this time. I prefer the smaller Netflix shows.

Anonymous said...

On the basis that trailers are the best way to appreciate Marvel films (as they cut out the boring bits) I liked 'Thor: Love and Thunder' more. This looks like it takes itself a bit too seriously.

I was curious about the ziggurat in the background of the first shot, and the somewhat Mayan look of Namor, and a quick look on the wiki shows that in the film he is the lord of Tlalocan rather than Atlantis.

Not that it makes much difference - I guess it just sounds less dumb, like 'tesseract' rather than 'cosmic cube' (and maybe they wanted to distance the character from Aquaman who's already been in his own flick) - but I did wonder whether the Mayan stuff means theres some tie-in to 'The Eternals'.
Not that I've actually seen 'The Eternals' - apart from the trailer - but as you probably know by now Steve, I'm not one for letting ignorance get in the way of a theory.

Either way, I do like the idea that Namor is basically a Mexican - its political correctness gone mad (;


Anonymous said...

You've succeeded in stunning mankind yet again, Steve, or at least the tiny part of it that is M.P.
Hmm. It looks like they're giving Namor some due respect here. I'm a bit surprised that Marvel films decided to portray him as having Mesoamerican origins as opposed to Greek.
Not that I have a problem with that, but it was Plato who came up with the concept of Atlantis. And in the comics we used to see Subby swimming around undersea Doric columns and invoking Poseidon.
Or was it Neptune? I forget.
Personally, I always thought Plato was talking about the volcanic eruption on Thera and the subsequent collapse of the Minoan civilization, but who knows.
Perhaps a cautionary tale, and a very exaggerated one at that.
Maybe there's some reference to Plato in the movie, although that seems like a stretch, now. Still, it will be interesting to see what they do with the Sub-Mariner.


Anonymous said...

Really? This is your Sunday post? *sigh* Even "speak your brain" is more interesting than the latest trailer for Disneymarvel rubbish. Why not more "Lucky Bag" picks, those are always a lot of fun. Or dig into some DC/Charlton/etc. titles. That would be great.

Anonymous said...

(SEAN you might best have a top-of-the-tongue respons :) )

Imagine Angelique Kidjo singing “Wakanda” instead of “Batonga?”

The video has the rich colors of the trailer. Same number of syllables. African culture. Seems parfait, non?


Anonymous said...

Steve - Charlie here. You have helped me through tough times unknowingly.

I dont know what if the remark about Marvel Trailers grates on you but i think most of us (especially someone like Redartz!) know how long it takes to prepare these blogs we eagerly anticipate 3x a week!

Thanks a million buddy!

Anonymous said...

So last night, we are sitting in a resto in France and a very elderly UK couple nearby was recalling their “jolly good” meal the previous night.

Is “jolly good “ a generational expression?

MP, BT, Red, do we have a similar presumably-dated expression in the US?

Anonymous said...

...possibly, "That was great. Thanks!"
...other than that, I got nothing.


Colin Jones said...

Namor is from Meheeco??

Charlie, I didn't know anyone said "jolly good" anymore. It's the kind of thing you only hear in old films.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday George Jetson! B: July 31,2022!

Anonymous said...

Charles, I would say 'jolly good' is generational, and somewhat upper class. Or, rather, an attempt to identify in that direction - maybe genteel is a better way of putting it.
When younger people use the expression its generally to project a particular image of themselves - Jacob Rees-Mogg (who is younger than me!) and Boris Johnson would be a good examples of that. I know it sounds strange, but in England for some reason being an obvious posh git can be a political asset (perhaps not unlike how in the US being very visibly a rich arse seems to work for Trump?)

Theres a regional aspect too - I wouldn't expect to hear 'jolly good' without irony in south Yorkshire - and its worth keeping in mind that in England geography is strongly conflated with social class to an extent that can be misleading.
Just look at how because parts of t'North had pro-Leave majorities in the 2016 referendum Brexit has become identified with 'the working class' in the media... as if the populations of Scotland, the north Irish six counties and cities from Liverpool to London are entirely bourgeois!
(Oops, apologies for the digression there and mentioning the Brexit, but hopefully I got away with it).

Anyway, what about 'real swell'? Thats an expression you hear sometimes in old American films but I don't think I've ever heard anyone use it.


Anonymous said...

Didn't Charlie use the term "razzle", a while back, and that may have been old-fashioned?


Steve W. said...

Charlie, I've never heard anyone use, "Jolly good," outside of a sitcom.

Sean, I'm pretty sure Stan Lee used the word, "swell," fairly often in conversation.

Anonymous said...

Well when Charlie and Redartz were together you would hear dialogue from all decades lol. But i would say razzle-dazzle and real-swell occasionally along with “can of corn” and “deac him out.”

Anonymous said...

Stan Lee was the the older generation though Steve - even in the 70s he seemed to have a slightly dated turn of phrase. I think it might have been intentional, part of his 'shtick' as I believe the Americans call it.

So I was right about 'jolly good' not being in general use in south Yorkshire then. I knew it!


Anonymous said...

George Jetson was born yesterday???!!!

dangermash said...

I think it's in the very first Thunderbirds program, Trapped In The Sky, where the posh guy in charge of the airport says "Jolly good show old boy"to Scott at the end of the successful rescue. This was Gerry Anderson attempting to present posh Englishmen to an American audience.

Anonymous said...

Posh film and tv characters are Britain's major export after terrible records dangermash - the UK needs to come up with a new Led Zeppelin and Downtown Abbey to solve the current economic crisis.
No doubt Liz Truss is on it.

From the wiki it seems like the Jetson birthday thing is just some twitter nonsense.


Colin Jones said...

Scotch whiskey is another major British export, Sean, and Liz Truss has ruled out Indyref 2 while she's PM so Scotch will remain a UK export for a while yet.

Colin Jones said...

I left a comment about the "jolly good" phrase but my comment had completely vanished when I checked in later and now it's back again. Has anybody else experienced comments which disappear then reappear? It's rather scary that things can just vanish into thin air - like the contents of my bank account???

Anonymous said...

Steve —
BTW I agree with Charlie’s sentiment above, about appreciating you posting stuff here every couple of days, whether it’s a topic I’m interested in or not. Sometimes the post acts simply as an ice-breaker, allowing people to gab with other generally like-minded souls (whether we actually agree with one another or not).

Far as I’m concerned, post any damn thing you please, as often or as infrequently as you like. It’s your house, we’re all just guests here.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and about Namor in the WAKANDA FOREVER movie — I haven’t read anything about the movie outside of this blog, so I wasn’t aware that he’s supposed to be of Mesoamerican origin. My first thought from watching the trailer was that he looked vaguely Polynesian. Either way, i just think it’s cool that he’s on his way to the Big Screen.

If he really IS at war with Wakanda in the movie, and it’s all a big Mighty Marvel Misunderstanding, maybe the Big Bad pulling the strings is a certain armored European dictator….?

Yeah, I’m a bit exhausted by ‘Superhero Fatigue Syndrome’ like everybody else. But I DO still get a Nerd Chubby sometimes…


Anonymous said...

The world George Jetson grows old in will be a hellscape. Nothing like the cartoon.
Ditto for Elroy and Judy.


McSCOTTY said...

Does anyone really like Scotch ?

Colin Jones said...

That's very unpatriotic of you, Paul! A few years ago I read that sales of Scotch were booming worldwide but now we've got the Brexit car crash which is even managing to drive down UK exports to countries NOT in the EU!!

Colin Jones said...

I'm a bit late with this but I've just heard that Nichelle Nichols has died. Apparently she intended to quit Star Trek but Martin Luther King persuaded her to stay, telling her "you have opened a door which must not be allowed to close".

Anonymous said...


I just heard that on NPR!
Of course, I think MLK was right. In any case, it was certainly a fortunate turn of events.


Anonymous said...

Charlie likes SCOTCH whiskey. Yet i seldom drink it or harder liquor. In the past two years ive had exactly one scotch and 2 Old Fashioneds. Dats all folks! Wine on the orher hand…3-4 bottles a month between Miss Charlie and me.

Anyone else remember JOE JACKSON singing “What’s the use of getting sober… when you’re gonna get drunk again.”

Steve W. said...

Thanks, bt and Charlie. :)

Colin, sometimes, people's comments get automatically marked out as spam and blocked. When it happens, I unblock them manually. That's why they suddenly appear from thin air. If anyone ever has a problem with comments not appearing, let me know and I'll see if I can locate them and get them to appear.

Anonymous said...

It was George Jetsons’s birthday! I still can’t believe it! Folks have trouble predicting the future?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Colin, Brexit is working out well for Irish whiskey.

b.t., It seems the FF are slated to be part of the next batch of MCU films, so you might be onto something there about Dr Doom...

Dunno about this 'nerd chubby' of which you write - maybe see a doctor for that? - but the upcoming superhero flick I might actually be interested in is Shazam 2, as I rather liked the first one. I thought Black Adam was going to be the sequel, but apparently thats a spin-off so, bonkers as it seems, theres actually two Shazam films due before the end of the year.

Although going by the trailer Black Adam doesn't have the humour of Shazam, and came across more Zack Snyderish. Which is a bit of a shame as theres something about a film with Dr Fate and Hawkman in it thats quite appealing otherwise (what can I say? - I liked the JLA/JSA crossover I read as a little scrote).


dangermash said...

Happy birthday to KD. Must remember 60 is the new 50.

And that Kree city on the moon. Wasn't that the losing finalist in a big interplanetary competition? The skulls found this planet with kree on one side and cotai plants on the other. They wanted to share their technology with another race but couldn't decide which. So they had a competition. Who could build the best place on an empty world. The cotai were sent to some asteroid somewhere and built this amazing garden; the kree were put on the moon and built that city. When they all came home, the skulls decided the cotai were the winners. So the kree wandered to thee other side of the planet and liked all the corptai. All explained in Avengers just after the celestial Madonna story. And the city itself first appears in a very early FF story (FF #13ish?) featuring the Red Ghost.