Sunday 11 August 2024

Forty years ago today - August 1984.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

Is our hero about to be greeted by doom?

It's possible. I am, after all, getting the feeling my knowledge of this month's fare is uncomfortably limited.

But I shall plough on and see just what memories those covers can unearth.

Iron Man #185

I'm struggling to recall anything that happens in this one but I do know that, like the rest of Zodiac, Aquarius is out to kill our gang of misfit protagonists - and that he fails.

Also, I happen to know Tony Stark and Rhodey are starting to get jealous of each other, thanks to their rival claims to be Iron Man.

The Amazing Spider-Man #255, the Mad Ghost

From what I recall of this, the Red Ghost has a serious case of agoraphobia and hits upon the genius idea of recruiting soon-to-retire burglar the Black Fox to commit robberies on his behalf. 

There are only two problems.

One is that the Black Fox doesn't want to do it.

And the other is that Spider-Man doesn't want him to do it either.

With the wallcrawler getting in the way of things, it can only end in a punch-up between man and apes.

Conan the Barbarian

Here's an occurrence we never saw coming.

Conan bumps into his old friend Fafnir - who we've not seen since the days of Barry Smith - and it turns out the giant beardy bloke didn't die at the siege of wherever it was when he lost his arm.

In fact, he carried on without it and now has a plan to acquire a brand new one.

Sadly, that plan involves getting a witch to rustle him up a replacement appendage and - to the shock of no one but he and Conan - the demonic limb she gives him turns out to have a mind of its own.

And it's not even a nice mind.

Daredevil #209

It's a weird one when Daredevil finds himself besieged by robot children created by the dead mother of Death-Stalker.

And not only do they insist on going wherever he goes, they also insist on exploding in an irresponsible manner!

The Avengers #246, the Eternals

My memories of this adventure are very very vague indeed but it seems various Avengers find themselves at one of Sersi's legendary parties where the inevitable trouble breaks out.

Captain America #296

Cap and Nomad are still being plagued by the Red Skull's Sisters of Sin and I do believe it turns out that, for several weeks, the brainwashed Nomad's been surreptitiously drugging Cap in a way that's now made him revert to his true age.

Can there be any hope of survival for the geriatric crimefighter?

The Incredible Hulk #298, Nightmare

All I recall of this issue is Hulkie's on the rampage across America, in search of Dr Strange, and that all attempts to reason with him are doomed, thanks to the manipulations of Nightmare.

The Spectacular Spider-Man #93, the Answer

The seemingly infallible Answer is still testing Spider-Man's abilities, on behalf of the Kingpin.

Needless to say, this means threatening to blow up the Black Cat.

The Uncanny X-Men #184

It's an incident-packed issue, as Cyclops' future daughter Rachel Summers finds herself in our timeline and targeted by an ancient and powerful vampiric mutant called Selene.

Meanwhile, infiltrating government agencies leads Mystique to discover that a brand new character called Forge has developed a weapon which can remove super-powers.

Fantastic Four #269, Terminus

It's bad news for Wyatt Wingfoot when a huge great big death ray from the sky starts scything a gigantic trench across his reservation.

And it turns out to be bad news for everybody else, as well, because that death ray then sweeps across the United States before reaching New York.

It appears to be the work of someone called Terminus, the latest threat from outer space.

But what is his/hers/its purpose? And what can be done to stop him/her/it?

Thor #346

Things get action-packed for Thor, with the Dark Elves out to capture the Casket of Ancient Winters from a man called Roger Willis.

However, it's not going well for our heroes, with Malekith capturing Thor's current girlfriend Melodi and threatening to kill her if they don't hand over the object.


Matthew McKinnon said...

There are some duff, dashed off in half a day covers there! That Iron Man one is rubbish!

Even the Thor one looks a bit lacklustre. Very odd choice of background colour.

So I definitely had the DD, and as I mentioned last month I was very surprised and happy to see the story continue and this new guy Mazzucchelli still on the book.

I recognise that FF cover so I must have bought that.

Can anyone tell me why that X-men cover is so familiar? I'm SURE I bailed on the book after Paul Smith left - I lasted just one issue of JR Jr - but a few of these subsequent covers look so familiar I fear I may be mistaken.

Marvel weren't exactly hitting home runs at this point were they?

Sean, that's your cue...

Anonymous said...

Imagine a Hulk story where it is impossible to reason with him! I bet they out number stories re-telling Cap’s origin? Maybe even out number stories wherein it was impossible to reason with Subby or the Torch?

Charlie Horse 47

Anonymous said...

Colin! I was briefly in my local “Trader Joe’s” grocery. They played MOTHER’s LITTLE HELPER and SUNNY AFTERNOON (KINKS). What an odd combo… for the 70+ crowd???

Anonymous said...

I think that HULK is the only one of these I bought back in the Long Ago, and that was strictly for the sweet Kevin Nowlan cover. Matthew was throwing some mild shade at the background color in the Thor cover, but I think the Hulk cover “wins” the Sh**iest Cover Color of the Week without breaking a sweat.


Colin Jones said...

Charlie, I was in Tesco this morning and I didn't recognise ANY of the songs they played this time because they were all too modern probably.

Anonymous said...

What dull covers, Steve. Marvel weren't exactly hitting home runs this month, were they?

Matthew, obviously I can't say why that X-Men cover might seem familiar to you. Maybe its something to do with New Mutants #18 - the first to be drawn by Sienkiewicz - coming out this month, and Rachel Summers appearing in that too?
I think thats why I read it. Or maybe I tried a couple of earlier issues after that Barry Windsor-Smith double-sized one.

Mind you, there's a quite a few X-Men covers that have seemed familiar to me in this feature, even some I know I haven't read. Maybe we're just remembering the general X-hype at the time?


Anonymous said...

*after that Barry Windsor-Smith double-sized one came out.

Steve W. said...

Matthew, Sean, Bt, I have a feeling that some of the covers in this month's Lucky Bag may prove to be a bit more memorable.