Thursday 18 July 2024

July 20th 1974 - Marvel UK, 50 years ago this week.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

I remember that the legendary chat show host Michael Parkinson would often claim that a guest needed no introduction. That's good because there are some posts that require no introduction.

And this is one of them.

Even though I've just introduced it.

The Mighty World of Marvel #94, Iron Man vs Hulk

If that cover's to be believed, it looks like bad news for the Hulk.

Or is it?

After all, the military and Iron Man merely want to reintegrate the brute with Bruce Banner, so that he'll stop trying to hunt down and kill that scientist.

Bearing in mind that killing Banner would kill himself, such preventative action has to be a good thing for both parties.

Meanwhile, long-term readers will be delighted to know Daredevil returns to the pages of the book he's made his home.

And he does so by having an encounter with Spider-Man, while the Masked Marauder blunders around New York, robbing places, left, right and centre, with the awesome power of his telescopic van tube that serves the same purpose as a ladder but, in a stroke of genius, cost millions more.

And, finally, the Fantastic Four are about to enter a startling new era when Madame Medusa reappears - only to be pursued by both Dragon Man and a heavy-footed heel she calls Gorgon!

Spider-Man Comics Weekly #75, the Avengers

And it's a big moment in the life of Spider-Man too. The world's mightiest super-team have concluded that they need another member - and the webbed wonder could be it.

To prove them right, all he has to do is defeat the Hulk and drag him back to the Avengers Mansion - as a helpless prisoner.

I can't help feeling that might be a slightly over-ambitious audition piece.

Anyway, before he can overcome the Hulk, the wall-crawler has to first overcome his urge to beat up the Avengers. And, knowing how hot-headed he is, I can't help feeling that might be asking a bit much.

It's not just Daredevil who's making a comeback, this week. So is Iron Man who's again having trouble with the Black Widow.

To redeem herself in the eyes of her communist overlords, she steals Tony Stark's brand new anti-gravity device and only goes and uses it to attack Fort Knox!

Thor, meanwhile, is told the origin of the High Evolutionary and gets to watch when the demented Darwinian's base takes flight and shoots off into space, in search of a new home among the stars.

The Avengers #44, Shang-Chi

I do believe that, having survived the latest assassination attempts upon him, everyone's favourite martial artist infiltrates Fu Manchu's lair and beats up a bunch of the villain's lackeys before said villain flees in a helicopter.

Hawkeye, meanwhile, is upset about his girlfriend the Black Widow committing yet more espionage. A situation which somehow leads him into the clutches of the Mad Thinker who's allied himself with someone called Hammerhead.

This is, of course, in the pages of The Avengers.

But I'm going to assume he's not the same Hammerhead who will go on to give Spider-Man and Doc Ock numerous headaches over the years. Mostly because he looks nothing like him and just seems to be a man with an anvil strapped to his noggin.

Having said that, I could be wrong about that.

And, finally, Dr Strange also has a serious problem on his hands because Umar is now out to flatten New York.

However, she might yet be stopped by the intervention of someone called Zom.

And I do believe that Stonehenge puts in an appearance!


Fantastic Four follower said...

As stated before this was my favourite year in comics.The US comics were partially non distributed,Marvel had introduced Giant size comics(which I thought would last for years but sadly not one reached #7!!!)DC had 100 page comics in a format that I loved(though never a big fan of all 100 page tiles but loved Batman and Detective with the Final Neal Adams Batman(#255,thanks for asking) with a belter of a werewolf story and the revival of Manhunter..great times.However the bread and butter comics were the Marvel UK reprints that were crucial to completing the jigsaw the was Marvel Comics.Loved all the covers this month and you are correct about Spidey's initiation test to join the Avengers...Capture the Hulk!!!!!Really,I take it someone did not want a spider about the place!I had forgotten that the weeklies could only use the original cover to the US story once and had to produce new covers from New York for the second or third part of the story.Perhaps that is why British Marvels that were regarded as a poor mans substitute for the originals are gaining value in the US.Was Britain the only country that Stan targeted using the bullpen artists or are there original covers in Mexico,Australia, Canada etc by Jim Starlin,Rich Buckler and so year ever for comics!

Anonymous said...

It really is like a frat-house hazing, isn’t it? You’d think they’d at least send someone to observe from a discreet distance, just in case Hulk starts knocking over buildings or something, but nope. I can see them busting out laughing as soon as Spidey is out the door…


HAWKEYE: (Snicker!) I bet that mouthy little creep won’t even be able to FIND the Hulk!

THOR: Forsooth!

CAPTAIN AMERICA: (Chuckle!) And if he does, Hulk’ll just stomp his scrawny ass right into the pavement! (Snort!)

WASP: You guys are so mean!

GIANT MAN: (Heh heh!) Anyone want a beer?

HAWKEYE: Sure — hey, looks like ol’ Shellhead got the new PLAYBOY……


Anonymous said...

This week’s MWOM was particularly strong with Trimpe and Severin Hulk, Romita Daredevil and the start of the epic Kirby Sinnott FF run. 1974 was a good year for Marvel UK, as well soon get two (count them) new titles. No spoilers ;-)

While I wasn’t here at the time, I believe Australia’s equivalent to Marvel UK was Newton Comics, which published local versions of early 60’s Marvel titles in Australian in the mid 70s. Most of the covers can be found online, but are generally (poorly) recoloured versions of the US originals. A quick google suggests some of these have reasonable value (assuming someone pays the asking prices). I believe this was a licensing deal, rather than Newton being a subsidiary of Marvel US.


dangermash said...

ASM Annual #3 being reprinted out or sequence, just before ASM #68 rather than just before ASM #42 (no cheating on my part here). The evidence is there in a panel this week with Peter Parker riding the motorbike that he sold back in (and here I cheated ASM #66). I understand, though, from a rival blog, that the word balloons in the reprint were doctored to say that he'd borrowed the motorbike from a friend while they were away on holiday.

And, yeah, that's a different Hammerhead in the Avengers story.

Anonymous said...

Basically, if you manage to capture the Hulk, the only obvious solution is to send him into outer space. Or, possibly, an alternate dimension.
It works for a while, anyway.
He always comes back!
Say, apropos of nothing, I heard something interesting the other day. A scientist on NPR said sharks have been around for 500 million years. According to Wikipedia, it's more like 400 mya. Apparently that's when they became distinct from other fish. I dunno.
Either way, they are older than trees on this planet or the rings of Saturn.


Colin Jones said...

MP, the rings of Saturn are only a few million years old and the rocks that form the rings are slowly falling into Saturn's atmosphere so the rings will be gone in another few million years. It's sheer chance they existed at the same time as the evolution of Man.

I recall David Attenborough (famous British naturalist and TV presenter) saying that life emerged from the water onto land around 175 million years ago when it actually happened about 375 million years ago. I was a bit shocked at such a blunder from someone so esteemed in his field!

Colin Jones said...

On the subject of David Attenborough - in the '60s he was the controller of BBC2 and he commissioned the famous TV series 'Civilisation' presented by Kenneth Clark which was originally broadcast in 1969 and was the first major BBC TV series made in colour. I was only three at the time so obviously I didn't watch the original broadcast but I saw the series in the '80s on my b/w portable TV and finally in colour (as originally intended) on YouTube a few years ago. Anyway I recently watched the series again on YouTube and it's still terrific a whopping 55 years after its' original broadcast. Apparently Kenneth Clark voted Labour all his life despite being really posh and rich.

Colin Jones said...

Do any UK readers have a preference in the upcoming Tory leadership race? Braverman? Badenoch? Jenrick? Dracula? Apparently Sunak wants to quit soon so Iain Duncan-Smith might return as leader while the Tories decide - yes, the same IDS who was so useless he got replaced as Tory leader without ever fighting a general election!

Colin Jones said...

Steve, I made a third comment but it has disappeared!

Anonymous said...

Is there no football on this weekend? What shall we do?

Steve W. said...

Colin, your missing comment should now be visible.

Anonymous said...

Life emerged on land 175 million years ago, Colin? How wrong was Attenborough, eh?
Sure everyone knows the world was created in 4004 BC!
On Saturday 22nd of October in fact. Around teatime.
I guess god was keen to catch the latest football results...

Actually, on the subject of historical weeks in late October, I believe that is when the next two Marvel UK weeklies to which DW referred were launched (50 years ago, rather than 6000+, obviously).
BUT. Will this feature not come to an end just before that?

Or are you planning to reboot/continue it, Steve, like you did with the 50 year ago US feature when it caught up with the start of the 40 year one?
My vote... er, not that I'm trying to suggest your blog is some sort of bourgeois democracy - obviously it's up to you - but I would be up for carrying on at least through '75. Easy for me to say of course.


Steve W. said...

Sean, I expect the feature will carry on, with me recycling the older posts. Mostly because that means I won't have to do much work.

Colin, it is a truly abysmal list of potential Tory party leaders.

Anonymous said...

IDS? "Never underestimate the determination of a quiet man." Hee, hee!


Anonymous said...

I'm for Suella, Phillip. She's definitely the craziest one.


Anonymous said...

Sean - They'll be forgotten very soon, I think. Being remembered means a politician created significant change, of some sort. With that lot, in contrast, it was just bigotry - and they were all at it - with none standing out from the others. The Tories must completely reinvent their crap, or Farage's right wing nutters will completely swallow their party up! And reinvention means drawing a line under Suella, Kemi, Mordaunt, and all their generation's other assorted buffoons!


Anonymous said...

If we can’t talk comics let’s talk music. Good music!

This week in 1976 McCartney’s album was #1 (WINGS at Speed of Sound) and BEATLES “GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE” was the #1 single!

Charlie mentions this because it is like the ONLY time he recalls A situation where a song released several years earlier showed up again on the charts… and at #1! Though this is seemingly quite common in the UK, it is rare as hend teeth in the United States?

Of course, I am excluding the Christmas charts. And I am excluding the very recent phenomenon of KATE. BUSH “RUNNING UP THAT HILL”, which was due to the STRANGER THINGS television series.

Anonymous said...

Charlie, I don’t remember ‘Got To Get You into My Life’ being a hit again 1976 — that’s pretty wild. I do remember when ‘Good Vibrations’ and ‘Nights in White Satin’ became retro-Top 40 hits back in the 70s but neither of those went to #1.

If we’re sticking to Steve’s ‘50 years ago’ theme, I can tell you that on this date in 1974, George McCrae was at the top of Billboard’s Hot 100 chart for the second week in a row with ‘Rock Your Baby’ — Phillip’s pals The Hues Corporation were at #6 with ‘Rock The Boat’ — Anne Murray and The Hollies were at #8 and #9 respectively, for the second week in a row with their hits ‘ You Won’t See Me’ and ‘The Air That I Breathe’ — Dutch rockers Golden Earring were at #15 with their FM Rock radio staple ‘Radar Love’ — Rufus and the mighty Chaka Khan hit #25 with their super-funky hit ‘Tell Me Something Good’ — and Andy Kim’s ‘Rock Me Gently’ reached its peak chart position (38).


Anonymous said...

1976? Pay attention, Charlie - we're doing 1974!
Jayzis, can you not wait a couple of years to go on about McCartney...?!?

But seeing as you bought the subject of music up: this month 50 years ago George Clinton had finally resolved legal difficulties around his bands name, and they put out their first lp as Parliament - 'Up For The Down Stroke' - since their 1970 debut. It introduced their more accessible, sparkling new brass-based sound (and Bootsy Collins as full-time member) and actually sold well...
Then, a week later they went back to the bonged-out post-Hendrix sound and put out another album, 'Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On', as Funkadelic!

Also: Neil Young released his best album, the disaffected 'On The Beach' -


dangermash said...

I'll second On The Beach. Harvest and After The Gold Rush get all the plaudits but it's On The Beach for me all day long.

Anonymous said...

When I first started going to record shops regularly in the 80s, 'On The Beach' was always seemed to be on the wall in a protective cover with a hefty price tag, dangermash. If you saw it for sale at all. I never understood that, why it was out of print for ages.

Although like Bowie's 'Low' I think these days its more highly regarded than it used to be, now that critics have rewritten their back pages.


Anonymous said...

*'On The Beach' always seemed to be...
Apologies for the poor edit there.

Colin Jones said...

Steve, thanks for restoring my lost comment :)

Charlie, many years ago I had a book which featured all the #1 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 from 1955 to 1989 but there was no mention of that Beatles song. According to my book the final American #1 for the Beatles was 'The Long And Winding Road' in 1970 but my book only featured #1 hits on Billboard so maybe the chart you mentioned from 1976 wasn't the Billboard Hot 100? Other US charts were produced I believe.

Colin Jones said...

Phillip, my favourite IDS quote is from his speech to the Tory conference in 2003...

"The quiet man is here to stay AND HE'S TURNING UP THE VOLUME"...

...and then the Tories kicked him out a fortnight later.

IDS also claimed that Bush's invasion of Iraq would "end world terrorism".

Colin Jones said...

And to think IDS only held his seat at the election because Starmer purged the Labour candidate who then stood as an independent and split the Labour vote letting IDS cling on.

Phillip, when Penny Mourdant lost her seat I thought "Ha, Phillip will be happy".

Anonymous said...

FWIW, Wikipedia (which, as we all know, is NEVER wrong) says the 1976 re-issue single of ‘Got To Get You Into My Life’ peaked at #7 on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart. Not #1 but still, not bad at all for a ten-year-old song….


Anonymous said...

You guys raise a good point… “GOT TO GET YOU INTO YOUR LIFE” was for sure #1 in Chicago since I am on on a Facebook page for “Chicago Radio Archives.” I did not check Billboard. Yet, I distinctly remember reading Time Magazine in in July (?) 1976 with McCartney on the cover and the article mentioning how several BEATLES tunes had popped back on the charts with Got to reaching #1.

Anonymous said...

OK, Charlie did a little research. In 1976, The Beatles “rock ‘n’ roll music “album was released (silver cover). “Got to get you into my life” was on that album and it did go to number one in Canada, but only reached number three in the United States. According to Billboard. However, it certainly reached number one in Chicago and presumably many other cities.

Anonymous said...

Interesting: EARTH WIND AND FIRE’s version of GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE reached #1 in the USA 2 years later in 1978 on the SOUL charts and #9 generally in the US.

Anonymous said...


What!?! Are you suggesting Bush Junior didn't end terrorism?!
Didn't you hear Junior say "Mission accomplished"?
These days I don't follow politics much. Too depressing. Just science stuff and history, really. That's why I go on about sharks like an idiot.
You guys might have gotten rid of the Tories for a while, or at least administered to them a severe ass-whipping, but things here seem more dire by the day.


Colin Jones said...

A question for our American friends: should Biden stand down? I wish he'd resign and let Kamala Harris be president as I think a woman president could enthuse Democrat voters just like Obama did and it would make Trump look like the corrupt clapped-out dinosaur he really is. Or am I being naive?

Colin Jones said...

Steve, another comment of mine has disappeared! What's happening??

Anonymous said...

Colin, your comments disappearing might mean nothing or it may indicate mean that you are being absorbed or falling into an alternate dimension. Don't panic.
Well, actually maybe you should panic. A lot. Have you walked down any random dark alleys or gone into strange little shops?
Have you had any dealings with the powers of darkness? Signed any dubious contracts?


Anonymous said...

Colin - In bigotry terms, Mordaunt isn't the worst. But for phoniness, she definitely comes top. Luckily, Penny's 'I'm the only adult in the room' act didn't fool her constituents; nor did her exaggerated 'naval career'. So, yes - to me, PM got her just deserts! That's not to say Starmer's Labour are angels, either! Time will tell.

Charlie's right, though - avoid religion & politics! Thinking about re-releases & number # 1's, Diana Ross's 'Chain Reaction' immediately sprang to mind. Yet, looking it up, it isn't a re-release, at all. The black & white bit, within the video, looking like a 60s flashback, somehow made me remember 'Chain Reaction' as being originally a 60s song. My memory's getting worse. It's high time I got my coat!

Regarding strange little shops, are any of team USA familiar with the UK show, 'Mr.Benn' ?


Steve W. said...

Colin, your comments are disappearing because the site's automatic filters are useless and keep consigning them to its spam folder which blocks them from appearing. It doesn't just happen to you, it happens to most people at some point.

But don't worry. I check the spam folder multiple times a day and, if there's anything in there that isn't spam, I tick the, "Not spam," box and it gets published. As a result, your latest missing post should now be visible to everyone.

Anonymous said...


So you're saying that there's a scientific explanation as to why Colin's comments have been misdirected, as opposed to him stumbling into some Twilight Zone-type situation?

Damn it!


Steve W. said...

MP, I'm not sure I can credit the site's spam filters with working on any kind of basis that resembles either science or logic. They seem to work on a basis of being possessed by demons every few days.

Colin Jones said...

Steve, thanks for restoring my comment (again) and since you check your spam folder regularly I won't bother alerting you to any more lost comments.

MP, the only dark alley I go down is the one behind my house. I've found some interesting things there over the years such as the stool I'm sitting on at this very moment.

Phillip, it's funny you should mention 'Chain Reaction' by Diana Ross because I was thinking about that song only the other day. It was at #1 in the UK in March 1986 when my father was 58 years and 5 months old and I myself have now reached, you guessed it, 58 years and 5 months old.

Anonymous said...

Colin - Your chronological/date memory's far more precise than mine. I'm vague on most dates, taking a rough estimate. 'Chain Reaction' was playing during the latter part of my 'O'-levels, so 85/86, is my mind's stab at it. And my father was born in 1930, making him mid-fifties plus, at that time!


Colin Jones said...

Phillip, I've always had an excellent memory for dates so I can even tell you that Chain Reaction reached #1 on Tuesday, March 4th 1986 and stayed at #1 for three weeks when it was replaced by Living Doll by Cliff Richard & The Young Ones.

I inherited my good memory from my mother but my father had a truly appalling memory and he'd even forget his own birthday (October 12th). Every year I'd wish him a happy birthday and he'd look surprised and say "Is it my birthday?" - the same thing happened EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

But memory can be funny - my mother died in 2009 and I've completely forgotten her phone number but I still remember her National Insurance number off by heart!

Anonymous said...

I did not know the Beatles did an Earth Wind & Fire song.

Seriously though, Charlie - my immediate thought on hearing 'Got To Get You Into My Life' became a hit in the second half of the 70s was that maybe it was something to do with hype around the Sgt Pepper film (you know, the Bee Gees one that seems to have been wiped from the collective cultural memory).
Then I realized the timing was off, as that would have been a couple of years later than '76. But I looked it up anyway, and apparently the film was developed from a mid-70s Pepper musical on Broadway. So maybe that was popular enough for a promoted reissue...?

If you wanted to talk about the Beatles, a better excuse would have been the reissue of John Lennon's 'Mind Games' this very month (now, in 2024). The vinyl box will set you back a mere £1,350.00.
Imagine that...


Anonymous said...

Colin - Some events I remember as 'landmarks', and locate other dates by those. During A-levels, my European history teacher asked if anyone remembered when Louis XVI was executed. Immediately I replied: "January 21st, 1793!" I only recalled that date because my mother's birthday was the day after - January 22nd! That trick made my date memory look better than it is, anyway, rather than the vague jumble it really is!


Anonymous said...

Phillip, backing up to your earlier comment, I think I have to disagree with you about about the last government not making any significant change to the UK. What about destroying public services (especially the NHS), and of course Br*x*t?
Admittedly thats not a particularly positive legacy - although fair play to them for the border in the Irish Sea (; - but it will shape the UK for some time to come.

I wouldn't discount the possibility of the loonies making a comeback at the next election either. I mean, look at '74 - you'd think the tories would have been finished for at least a couple of decades after Ted 'Three Day Week' Heath got the boot. Yet they won the next election in '79, with an even crazier leader.


Anonymous said...

Never forget that 1/2 the UK population is below average. In the USA it’s like 75%…


Anonymous said...

60 years ago this week, Charlie is definitely listening to HARD DAYS NIGHT which is climbing the charts like a Gemini Rocket!

50 years ago it’s RADAR LOVE (like BT)

Forty years ago it’s “BREAKIN’s - THERES NO STOPPIN US!” Hard to believe Ozone passed a few years ago like at 60 years old? Dude had the moves for that time!

Anonymous said...

SEAN- thanks for heads up of the MIND GAMES re-release! Truth is I never probed Lennon’s solo work so much, being content with the compilations. Maybe now’s the time!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if its any good, Charlie - I'm not a Beatles head - but if you've a spare grand or so, I say for go for it.
Actually, I think the regular single lp or the smaller cd box might retail for quite a bit less (;


Anonymous said...

According to Wikipedia (which I will remind you, is NEVER EVER WRONG) ‘Got To Get You Into My Life’ (backed with ‘Helter SKELTER’ on the B side) was released as a single in 1976 to accompany the release of the two-disc Beatles compilation album ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC. That album hit #2 on the Billboard 200 chart, kept out of the top spot by….wait for it!…WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND.


Anonymous said...

I like Lennon’s MIND GAMES album, but I can’t imagine paying over 1,300 pounds for ANY record album. Holy Moley.


Anonymous said...

And it doesn't even have Yoko singing on it, b.t.


Colin Jones said...

Continuing the musical theme - there was a documentary on Radio 4 tonight about the life of Sinead O' Connor.

Going back to David Attenborough - during a BBC interview in 2016 he said "Couldn't somebody just shoot Trump?" which begs the question; was Britain's most esteemed naturalist and beloved national treasure behind last week's assassination attempt??? If so, the world salutes you for your valiant effort, Sir David, but it's probably best to stick to nature documentaries.