That Day-Glo-haired pop princess Toyah Wilcox once declared it to be a mystery. What it was that was a mystery, she never said - but perhaps that was the greatest mystery of them all.
All this can mean just one thing. That it's time to finally bring to a close that feature where I post covers of DC horror mags I once owned, and then try as best I can to recall what was actually in them.
Needless to say, I fall at the first hurdle, as I remember nothing at all about this one. But it does have a rather splendiferous cover by Bernie Wrightson. And that alone must surely justify its existence.
PS. A great big Steve Does Comics No-Prize goes to the first person to name the ex-Mott the Hoople star who features on this cover.
I don't recall anything about this one either but I do know its cover's by Luis Dominguez whose art graced many a DC horror cover.
A great big Steve Does Comics No-Prize goes to the first person to name the Meatloaf track depicted on this cover.
Hooray! At last it's one I do remember.
And I remember it with style.
I got this one in Blackpool, and it featured a story about a serial murderer called the Teddy Bear Killer. I was in some sort of restaurant/cafeteria when I first read it, and recall having found it an oddly engaging tale at the time.
A great big Steve Does Comics No-Prize goes to the first person to name the Jam track depicted on this cover.
Argh! It's 100 page comic! How can I remember nothing about a 100 page comic? Don't I realise that every 100 page DC comic was a epic journey into wonderfulness?
Still, it had a werewolf in it and...
...hold on...
...was the twist at the end of it that the werewolf wasn't the hero but actually his girlfriend?
If so, I DO remember it! I DO!
At least I can bow out with some dignity by remembering that my dad bought this one on a Sunday.
As I've said before, I never encountered a Sunday-bought comic I didn't like. Therefore I will have liked it.
Sadly, the contents don't leap instantly to mind. I think there may have been a story about a woman accused of being a witch, or possibly not. Cats may have been involved. The Black Death was certainly involved.
A great big Steve Does Comics No-Prize goes to the first person to name the Stranglers album depicted on this cover.
Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 8
4 hours ago