In this week of 1975, Queen smashed their way to Number One on the UK singles chart, with Bohemian Rhapsody, forcing You Sexy Thing by Hot Chocolate to settle for second place.
I can forgive Queen for many things but not for keeping Errol Brown off the Number One slot.
There's only one thing for it. I'm going to have to soothe my nightmarish rage by looking at what our favourite comic company was giving us in that very week.
Hooray! The Avengers reappeared in my local newsagents this week, meaning I actually got to read this issue.
How impressed I was by the artwork of John Buscema and Tom Palmer. How struck I was by Arkon's resemblance to Conan. How unlikely his trans-dimensional lighting bolts seemed.
Sadly, I recall nothing of the Dr Strange or Conan stories that accompanied it.
I never had this issue. I'm assuming it features the tale where the Red Skull brainwashes Cap into trying to kill Roosevelt?
Looks like Dracula's about to meet a watery end.
Come to think of it, can vampires drown? I mean, do they actually breathe?
I'm going to guess the Ka-Zar tale is the one where he fights Gemini. I've no reason for thinking that other than a little voice in my head says it is.
The voice in my head also tells me the Black Panther tale is Panther's Rage. I feel I'm on firmer ground with that guess.
Speaking of Ka-Zar, Spidey's still messing about in the Savage Land.
And the Hulk's still messing about at the bottom of the sea, in one of my favourite Hulk tales.
Hold on. Can it be? An Original X-Men story that actually looks interesting?
Admittedly I only think that because they're up against villains you wouldn't normally expect them to come up against.
In fact, that's one of the most random collections of super-villains I've ever seen.
Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 8
4 hours ago