June 30th, 1976, was a very special day.
Because, according to Wikipedia, on that day, nothing whatsoever happened anywhere in the whole world.
It shows how little they know.
Because, even at that very moment, the heroes of Marvel UK were battling evil, left, right and often centre.
How did they do it?
Here's where we find out.
Neal Adams arrives on the Avengers, even as their comic approaches its twilight days. It seems that even the power of Adams couldn't save them.
It's just struck me that the Vision's far too big on this cover. He appears to be no closer to us than Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch but he absolutely towers over them. Has he been swallowing Hank Pym's growth serum?
That's a very dramatic cover and I remember having liked it so much when I was a youth that I whipped out my pencil and my sketchpad and copied it.
I still have no memory at all of Captain Marvel's second run in the comic. What kind of fool am I? How could I have forgotten about it?
The fake Vulture's still causing trouble and we get Thor's battle with a giant hand in space. How could anyone not love it?
The Hulk's still messing around in Canada.
I do remember virtually praying for the X-Men to disappear from the pages of Mighty World of Marvel.
Tragically, they hung around for a fair while. At the time, I wondered if my misery would never end.
Hooray! The Frightful Four are back and Agatha Harkness makes her debut.
I loved this tale as a kid, with its Gothic crepuscularity and melodramatic haunted housedness.
On top of that, we get the origin of Tiger Shark, a tale I found to be particularly stylishly drawn.
And even more on top of that; for some reason, I had two copies of this issue, which meant I could colour it in with my trusty coloured pencils and still retain a clear conscience.
Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 8
5 hours ago