As sensationally reported the other day, this was the week when the Marvel UK fightback began.
But even that wouldn't be enough for our eager little minds. What other mind-blowing excitement was the company flinging at us in their three-pronged attack on the British comics market?
As far as I can make out, this issue must have reprinted Fantastic Four #132, which featured Omega, who I seem to remember having something to do with an uprising by the Alpha Primitives in the Inhumans' Hidden Land or Great Refuge or whatever it was they were calling it at the time.
More importantly, the mag was giving away a free model Boeing 747.
This was clearly totally logical. After all, who doesn't associate the FF with Boeing 747s? I know I do.
But what an odd coincidence that forty years to the month after this comic would have given me such a gift had I ever had this comic, Boeing have started work on building a factory in my dear home city. If they don't give me a plastic replica of any of their planes, to celebrate, I shall be very unhappy with them.
At last, it's the dramatic Dave Cockrum cover I've been blathering about for weeks, even if, in the days before I had the internet to inform me, I always assumed it was by Sal Buscema.
Inside, Captain Britain is still having trouble with Doctor Claw, the Avengers are still having problems with Zodiac, and the Fantastic Four are still...
...hold on a moment. The Fantastic Four are in this issue as well as having their own comic?
Not only that but the Grand Comics Database tells me the instalment in question reprints the first eight pages of Fantastic Four #132.
But isn't that the tale that's being reprinted, in its entirety, in The Complete Fantastic Four #1? What is this strange and confusing madness?
The Hulk's still on the rampage.
Please tell me he's not still in a rage over the death of Jarella. This is getting ridiculous.
Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 8
5 hours ago