This is it, music lovers! Grab your bagpipes and get strolling through those glens, in your wellies, because, forty years ago this week, Wings' unstoppable Mull of Kintyre leapt five places to claim the Number One slot on the UK singles chart.
It was a grip it would refuse to release for week after week after week and, when it finally let go, it had sold over two million copies to become the UK's biggest selling single of all time.
Not only that but it had seized the Number One slot by holding off the mighty challenge of Queen's We Are The Champions and Status Quo's Rocking All Over The World; two songs that would surely have been destined to reach Number One in any normal period.
And it wasn't just a big week for bagpipes. It was also a great week for technology, with the launch of British Airways' London to New York Concorde flights.
While, elsewhere, the TCP/IP test succeeded in connecting three ARPANET nodes in what would eventually become the Internet Protocol. I think we all remember where we were when that breakthrough was announced.
Meanwhile, on the 28th of the month, jazz saxophonist Archie Shepp recorded On Green Dolphin Street, the first digitally recorded album to be commercially released in the USA.
What a strange mixture of the retro and the futuristic that week had turned out to be.
Anyway, with seismic events like that unfolding, Marvel UK were clearly going to have to give us something special to divert our attention away from such history-making drama.
And they did give us something special!
They gave us the first meeting of what they described as, "Marvel's two greatest heroes!"
Granted, one of those heroes might not have quite lived up to his half of that billing - what with him being a thinly disguised retread of the other - but it did at least draw together two of the eight million strips that Sal Buscema was pencilling at the time and gave us a tale of murder and intrigue.
I could be wrong but I think that, inside, Spidey was also still teaming up with Captain Britain.
It was like he couldn't fight foes on his own anymore.
I genuinely don't have a clue what's going on in this one but it would appear the Defenders' foe is so mighty that the combined power of Namor, Dr Strange and Valkyrie isn't enough to stop him, which means the Silver Surfer has to chip in too.
If it takes all that to thwart him, it sounds like he must be the greatest villain in the history of Marvel Comics.
Hooray! Darkoth the death demon makes his hell-spawned debut in a tale I've still never read and know only from it being mentioned in that book of monsters I'm always going on about.
But does that right-hand cover blurb mean the back-up tale reprints the FF's first ever encounter with Doctor Doom?
It's all gone a bit Planet Hulk as our anti-hero gets to fight Mongu II.
Did he refer to himself as, "Mongu II?"
If so, that's a bit weird, bearing in mind that Mongu I never existed and was just a Russian agent pretending to be a space alien.
Meanwhile, speaking of villains who are not the original article, Daredevil and the Black Widow are up against Mr Fear III in a tale I first encountered in an Alan Class comic.
Elsewhere, Captain Marvel battles to free himself from the mind of Rick Jones, otherwise known as Bucky II.
And who can blame him?
Let's face it, who'd want to be stuck in the mind of Rick Jones? All that self-pity would send you mad.
Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 8
6 hours ago