As we all know, the greatest claim to immortality
Marvel UK's
Planet of the Apes comic possessed was not that it had stories in it about talking apes. After all, once you've seen one ape talk, you've seen them all talk.
It was the fact that the rest of its pages featured tales of sci-fi, mystery and wonder. How we thrilled to the adventures of Don McGregor's
Black Panther, Barry Smith's
Ka-Zar and Thomas and Kane's
But, beyond even this splendour, the real jewels to be found in the comic were the one-off tales that found their way into the mag's pages.
Of those tales, two have always lodged in my memory more than all others.
And that can only mean one thing.
That it's time to take a look at one of them.
He That Hath Wings is an adaptation of a 1934 short story by a curiously uncredited Edmond Hamilton. In it, thanks to a freak electrical accident, a boy (David) is born with the ability to fly.
Fearing for the child's welfare in a world that'll pry incessantly into his life, his doctor takes him to an isolated island to raise him in private.
But, when the doctor dies, David sets off to explore the world and, after being accidentally shot by a groundsman, marries the daughter of the groundsman's employer.
Well, that could all have been a lovely happy little ending.
There's only one problem.
His new wife's a complete and total dolt.
And so, instead of reacting as any sane woman would to being married to a man who can fly, she nags him to have his wings cut off so he can be just like everyone else and get a nine-to-five job.
Now, I don't like to criticise a man's taste in women but could it have been humanly possible for him to have found a more doltish and clod-brained woman if he'd tried?
I mean, what kind of woman wouldn't want a husband who could fly? It's humanity's greatest dream come true. She could have been the envy of all her friends -
and cadged lifts off him when she didn't have the bus fare.
Happily, after a while, his wings start to grow back.
Not so happily, so hen-pecked is he that he decides to have them cut off again.
But then, on the way to the surgery, he decides to have one last flight for old times' sake and, ultimately, his new wings exhausted by the flight, he plunges into the sea and to his death.
Is he downhearted about this?
He's happy because it means he's managed to die free, rather than as a prisoner of convention.

I must confess that, as a child, this finale all seemed rather touching and beautiful to me.
But how does the tale strike me upon re-reading it as an adult?
To be honest, it's all quite annoying. His wife really does seem a complete and total dunderhead. I'll say it again. The power of flight. It's humanity's greatest ever dream! What is up with the woman?
And, obviously, some might spot a certain implied misogyny in a tale about a woman who's so narrow-minded and conformist that she literally clips her husband's wings.
Not only that but our hero's ultimate decision to die flying rather than live Earthbound does make him seem like a total wimp. When all's said and done, there's nothing to stop him from insisting on keeping his new wings and doing with his life whatever he wants.
But the great appeal of the tale was always Gil Kane's art and, while the story itself might not hold the appeal for me it once did, his art looks as splendid as ever. I do always feel his stylised technique was best suited to science-fiction and fantasy rather than super-hero work and this is one of the tales that proves it.
Of course, as a child, it was a strange feeling reading it, as it was impossible not to see parallels with the
X-Men's Warren Worthington and it's tempting to see this as an Alternate Universe exploration of how Worthington's life would have been had he been totally devoid of a backbone.
But what oh what could be that other memorable tale I referred to earlier in the post?
Call me psychic but I have a sneaky feeling we might be finding out in a day or two's time.
But, Reader, can YOU guess which tale it might be?