In one of those weird twists of fate, on the First of February 1975, January by Pilot hit the Number One slot on the UK singles chart. Truly the gods were mocking us with such a mind-warping time paradox.
But how were the heroes of Marvel UK coping with such trauma in this week of forty years ago?
I believe this is the start of the Schemer storyline, which was one of my favourite tales from this era of the strip.
I suspect the Kingpin didn't enjoy it quite so much.
I remember the cover but not the story.
Jason and Alexander getting a bit vandaltastic there...
You have to hand it to Dracula. He might be evil but he's always very nicely-spoken. I like to think Aunt May would approve of him.
I think this is the conclusion to the tale in which the Leader's trying to replace the American government with humanoid replicas.
More importantly, it looks like this is where we get Dr Doom stealing the Silver Surfer's powers, which has to be one of the greatest stories in the history of all humanity.
Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 8
4 hours ago