It's been an exciting twenty four hours for all football fans, with Hull winning their Premier League playoff against Sheffield Wednesday, and Real Madrid winning their Champions League final against Atlético.
But, forty years ago today, there was only one set of winners - and those were the readers of Marvel UK, who were no doubt being given thrills beyond those that any mere sporting event could ever hope to muster.
But just what were those thrills?
Hold on to your hats, sports fans, because here's where we find out!
It's the big one, as the FF move into a house that's designed to send the whole world blind.
Why such a machine is in the form of a house, I have no idea.
I also have no memory of the Mole Man's staff being cosmic. Was that just something made up for the front cover? Or was that a real thing?
It's good to see Rick Jones throwing in the towel at the first sign of trouble, there. I'm starting to realise why he never worked out as Captain America's partner, or as the Hulk's partner, or as Captain Marvel's partner, or as a Country/Rock singer, or as leader of the Teen Brigade.
Has Rick Jones ever been mentioned in any of the Marvel movies?
If not, that seems a bit harsh, bearing in mind his close links to so many Marvel heroes.
I've always quite fancied being Annihilus. He has a certain something about him.
Adam Warlock's still on his Jesus trip.
I think we're still in Tom Sutton land with this tale but don't quote me on that, as I could be completely wrong.
To be honest, I'm not sure how dramatic, "Ghost Rider shakes hands with Satan," is as a concept.
Despite what it claims on the cover, it certainly doesn't instill a sense of horror beyond belief in me.
Then again, I watch the Horror Channel every night, so I'm probably inured to such things by now. Frankly, once you've survived eight hundred episodes of The Legendary Journeys of Hercules, you can take anything.
I am curious though about the fact that Ghost Rider still has a strip in two Marvel UK mags at once. They really did seem to have a remarkable level of faith in his ability to attract readers.
I believe this was the first time I ever encountered Luke Cage.
Needless to say, he made a big impact on me and I've modelled my dress sense on him ever since.
I also believe this is the story where Peter Parker snaps his pen in half.
Granted, that might not sound all that dramatic but, at the time, it seemed incredibly potent and was a sight that burnt itself into my memory.
Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 8
3 hours ago