Do you know how much of any interest happened in the world in this week of 1979?
Zero much of interest. There wasn't even any change at the top of the UK singles and album charts for us all to get excited about. Therefore, I shall demonstrate my legendary imagination by flinging myself straight into my look at what our favourite UK Marvel mags were up to in this week of that year.
I know little of this comic.
In fact, when I say, "little," I mean nothing.
The Guardians of the Galaxy are probably still having trouble with the Reavers of Arcturus, Deathlok's probably still having trouble with his creators, and the Watcher's probably providing us with another morality tale designed to give us pause about the way in which we conduct our lives.
It also looks like Baron Tagge's having problems with icicles.
After all these issues, the Hulk's still fighting Machine Man.
You can't help feeling a fight between the two really shouldn't be lasting this long. In fact, I wouldn't have expected it to last for more than two panels - and one of those would involve Machine Man's body parts flying in various directions, while partially obscured by the word, "SMASH!!!"
Ant-Man and the Wasp are still trapped at insect size and still having trouble with the Whirlwind.
We're still working our way through the origins of the Black Knight and the Silver Surfer, while the Defenders are about to meet the Red Rajah who so isn't Dr Strange in disguise and no one could possibly ever suspect that he is.
The Iron Legion are still causing trouble for the universe and the Doctor.
We get a text piece about the ancient Doctor Who story The Keys of Marinus.
There's yet more of Marvel's adaptation of War of the Worlds. I can only hope it's being better received than the BBC's adaptation will be, exactly forty years later.
And that Cyberman's still investigating human emotion.
But, thrilling as that all is, it literally pales into insignificance beside the chance to win two portable televisions - even if they do look to be black and white.
But what's this? Someone's misspelt, "Delgado," on the cover? That's the sort of thing that can get you killed by a homicidal inflatable chair.
And, for that matter, for just how long has The Keys of Marinus been all one word?
Spidey's out to thwart the Black Cat who's determined to rescue her ailing dad from prison.
Is the Black Cat's dad the cat burglar who turned up in the strip, way back in Steve Ditko's day, just as the Master Planner storyline was about to break out?
Daredevil's fighting voodoo in Central Park, in the form of a man dressed as a skeleton who does things to chickens.
I think Godzilla's just polished off Red Ronin and has now found his true calling in life - terrorising cowboys.
The FF are in the Andromeda galaxy, trying to help the locals stave off the Skrulls in the Nova crossover we've recently been experiencing in the FF's American mag.
And Iron Man's still fighting the Super-Adaptoid at the Avengers Mansion. Needless to say, the villain they don't call, "Supie," is confident of victory.
Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 8
5 hours ago