Tuesday 22 October 2024

Speak Your Brain! Part 90.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

The Steve Does Comics Megaphone
Image by Tumisu
from Pixabay

We're rapidly approaching that time of year when pumpkins roam and witches fly. But there's about to be something else on the roam that might just take flight.

And that's whatever it is we're talking about this week.

But what is that, "whatever?" And whatever can it mean?

There's only one way to find out because, as so often in the past, we see the return of the feature which refuses to die. The one in which the topic for debate is set by whoever comments first in the box below.

Therefore, feel free to type that comment. After all, you never know what may happen.


Anonymous said...

As we are approaching the height of Autumn festivities, how about- are there any comics that either put you in a fall state if mind, or trigger an autumnal memory? And likewise, perhaps a song or album that does the same?

Redartz, posting from work...

Anonymous said...

Charlie goes with the following contenders:

Golden Brown by The Stranglers

The Sun King by the Beatles (Abbey Road)

And anything to do with the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald in November 1975 (?) including Gordon Lightfoot’s song. Charlie has worked the steel mills in Gary (like Nigel in the UK) and rode an ore boat from Gary to the Michigan UP and back to pick up a load of ore. The boat, the song hits the emotional chords.