No, I tell them. It was because I'm half-senile and had totally forgotten the feature ever existed.
Well, that's all changed now because perusing my old posts has brought it back into my consciousness as never before.
And that can only mean one thing.
It's time for me to ramble on about yet another comic I never owned as a kid but always wanted to.
As a child, I only knew of Vampire Tales #10 from monochrome ads in such mags as Savage Sword of Conan and Monsters Unleashed but that was enough to grab me.
Such was the allure of those adverts that, using the most sophisticated image-processing software known to man, I've removed the colour from that cover just to remind myself of it as I know it best.

Let's face it, who could resist a blurb like, "Even Morbius cannot survive the Plague of Blood!"?
And who could resist that cover, which the GCD informs me is by Richard Hescox, an artist of whom I must admit I know nothing.
So, there you have it; a character of whom I knew nothing, painted by an artist of whom I knew nothing, in a magazine of which I knew nothing. If that doesn't prove the power of mystery, then what could?
I don't know - it's a mystery.
I have another issue of Vampire Tales (number 11) with Richard Hescox art, a really striking cover of Morbius on an alter about to be sacrificed - also have a not so good oen of his Savage Sword of Conan covers but have to say I dont recall his work on many covers although it seems he's pretty prolific and very good from examples Ive seen online doing mostly SF posters, book covers etc - McScotty
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