Like all right-minded people, I shall never get over my discombobulation that Pluto is no longer recognised as an official planet. Does this mean that all my hard work at school, learning the rhyme that helps you remember the order of the planets, was wasted?
Yes it does.
I have a good mind to sue.
Still, the present may be an unhappy time for the only ex-planet to be named after a cartoon character but the past was a far happier place - because, forty years ago this week, not only was Pluto still being treated with the respect it doesn't deserve but it was going considerably up in the universe, as its largest moon Charon was first discovered. Astronomers later went on to discover another four moons.
Hold on a minute. Pluto has five moons? And they still don't count it as a planet? What kind of space madness is this?
There's only one thing for it. I'm going to have to take refuge in a galaxy far far away.
I don't have a clue who Crimson Jack is. Therefore, I shall Google him to find out...
Having Googled him, I now know him to be a space pirate, operating on the Outer Rim.
The outer rim of what? I have no idea but I shall definitely be staying away from it because it would seem that, so dastardly is he, he captures the Millennium Falcon and steals the reward Han Solo was given for rescuing Princess Leia. The man's obviously a bounder of the worst kind.
I don't have a clue who the woman, bottom right, is but she's clearly a member of the French Resistance and is, therefore, patently not a woman to be messed with.
Hooray! Marvel UK's flagship title celebrates 300 years of existence, a truly remarkable feat.
What actually happens in this landmark issue is beyond my recall.
I would claim that I expect it to be filled with extra-special features, appropriate to the occasion but, judging by that cover, I suspect it'll just be the same old stuff as usual.
The presence of the Punisher on this cover suggests to me that Spider-Man's problems with the Hitman are still ongoing.
Isn't this the tale that climaxes with J Jonah Jameson dangling from the Statue of Liberty?
I'm not totally sure why the Punisher's shooting that wall. Is randomly shooting walls a thing he does now?
Stargirl Reviews: Season 3, Episode 8
3 hours ago