Tuesday 24 September 2024

Speak Your Brain! Part 88.

Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon

The Steve Does Comics Megaphone
Image by Tumisu
from Pixabay

As I type these words, summer feels very much over, with a chill in the air and puddles on the ground.

But there's one thing that is very much not over.

In fact, I begin to wonder if, like the Hydra before it, it can even be killed.

And that's the feature the world has grown to love, fear and anticipate in equal measure.

You guessed. It's the one in which the first person to comment below gets to decide the topic of the day.

I possess no foreknowledge of what that might be. Nor would I wish to possess any. Therefore, feel free to set your topic afloat and discover in which direction the zephyrs of discourse carry it.


Anonymous said...

By no means is this meant to be the only entry in “speak your brain, “but share a brief story of something you have “forgotten. “

As in… On Sunday, I drove 30 minutes to play soccer (the rain head relented] only to find out that I had forgotten my shoes. One cannot play soccer in sandals, lol.

I am hopeful some of you have had more interesting and/or entertaining moments of forgetfulness!

Anonymous said...

Or… what song have you been singing in your head lately? For me it’s the song written by George Clinton for Thomas Dolby “Hot Sauce.”


Matthew McKinnon said...

When I was a couple of years out of University I went to a gig after work with a work friend.

Whilst we were there, we bumped into someone I’d known from Uni: she’d been part of a wider of circle of friends.

I could not remember her name, and as we were further into conversation I knew the point was coming where I’d have to introduce her to my colleague.

I got into such a state of inner panic that at one point not only could I not remember her name, I also couldn’t remember the name of the person I was with. Eventually that cleared, and I remembered and was able to belatedly introduce them.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lordy, I HATE when I forget the name of someone I really ought to know. I’m glad that one instance worked out for you, Matthew. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve had to just bluff my way through, and then walk away thinking “That person was TOTALLY aware that I forgot their name…”

As for Charlie’s second question: “China Grove” by the Doobies.


Anonymous said...

I'm good at remembering names. Its more the everyday stuff that I forget, like where I left my keys.

Earlier this year, I had to get a few things from the supermarket one day on the way home - its about ten, fifteen minutes from where I live, easy walking distance - and had 20 quid on me (I am an old skool cash person) which would have covered everything.

It was when I got home and had to empty my bag and put the shopping away in the kitchen that I noticed I didn't have a bag. Instead, I had a full shopping basket. And wouldn't you know it, still had the money in my pocket...
Duh, I forgot to use the automatic checkout in the supermarket!
True story. I do stuff like that regularly.
I suppose I should add that it wasn't intentional. Although not spending the money was quite helpful.


Anonymous said...

Lately, I have mostly been humming 'Space Is The Place' by Sun Ra to myself. And 'Ain't Nobody' by Chaka Khan.


Anonymous said...

I’ve done that too, walked out of stores without paying — never a whole basket of groceries tho :D

Plenty of times I’ve walked out of Barnes and Noble with a book in my hand —I’ve always turned around and paid (so far). And I’ve set off those anti-theft detectors at clothing stores more than once. It’s always super-embarrassing.


Steve W. said...

Charlie, thanks for the topic.

I can't remember ever having forgotten anything but I can reveal the song currently in my head is Fleetwood Mac's Man of the World. The reason this is in my head is because I've just watched a review of the 1970s Doctor Who story Spearhead from Space which uses that band's track Oh Well as incidental music in a scene filmed in a doll factory. And that made me think of Man of the World. And now that's playing in my head.